
Saturday 18 December 2021

Icy cool together

Morning Peeps, this weeks Allsorts challenge with run for two weeks to take us over the Christmas holiday period, Lorraine is our host with the theme of 'Anything Winter'. Ruth Hamilton Design is offering one winner three images from her store and there is also a rather pretty Tonic wreath builder die set.

Today is also mid month inspiration day at We Love Stamping and Stamping Sensations as well as some shares for this weeks Craft Store TV shows for Oakwood Archer so it's a bit of a photo heavy post. I would normally day grab a coffee, but as it's almost Christmas maybe something a bit stronger 🍾

My top card is for eldest Grandson and partner, he's loved Penguin's since he was little so when I saw this new release from AALL and Create it was a must have. All the Penguins were stamped and cut out, a little colouring to bring them to life then arranged onto a background with liberal helpings of snow glitter.

Moving onto my Stamping Sensations share which uses several Fairy Hugs stamps, for those of you new to the company they are available from Julia here in the UK and in the States here. An Oxide background, Olivia sitting on a toadstool keeping an eye on her Fairy House......maybe she is expecting visitors? And I love the Fairy sentiment, after all, don't we all have Fairies at the end of the garden, I know I do!

Also a couple of my shares for the Oakwood Archer two day special on Hochanda/The Craft Store on Sunday 19th and Monday 20th, there's also a further 'Saver' show on 21st. It's fair to say I've been kept pretty busy the last week or so as packages land on the doorstep with increasing regularity and always contain a wonderful collection of goodies.

Another for Allsorts using Ruth's Snowdrops which I coated with masking fluid after printing to enable me to add the wash of green watercolour around it. The snowdrops left uncoloured apart from the leaves and some crystal glitter added to the flowers. Some subtle background stamping and stencilling, washi tape and a little birdie a la Tracy Evans.

Last but by no means least my WLS share which is semi CAS I think, using an old wood mounted Penny Black Poppy stamp masked out to add ink and then the blooms left uncoloured.

Have a lovely weekend and wonderful Christmas, my thanks for your support during 2021 which has been a difficult year Worldwide and most importantly stay safe.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Gorgeous set of cards, each one totally different to the one before. I love the penguin one as ive just got those penguins and love how you've used them. Emmax

  2. super cute card, and very beautiful cards Brenda

    Gr Karin

  3. A beautiful selection of cards,something to suit everyone

  4. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. The penguins are so cute and your floral makes are really pretty.
    Lorraine x

  5. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda and love all the stamps-my daughter loves Penguins too
    Carol x

  6. A beautiful selection of cards today, a lovely variety of stamps and styles- love those cool penguins in the first one.

  7. A lovely selection of cards Brenda, love the penguins, so cool! Love the sentiment with the fairy card and the butterfly card is so pretty, I think my favourite is the last one - stunning.
    Avril xx

  8. Stunning set of cards Brenda … I adore the snowdrops and hadn’t thought of using masking fluid for a digi image … perhaps I’ll get some. Yout colouring in the Oakwood Archers flowers is gorgeous, and the CAS Penny Black card for WLS is fab … never seen that stamp before xx

  9. Marvellous set of cards Brenda, you tackle different styles with ease! The penguin card is very cool indeed! x

  10. Beautiful collection of cards Brenda as usual different techniques and beautiful colours


  11. A gorgeous display of cards. I do rather like those snowdrops and the way you have used them. Also the last card is splendid and CAS.

  12. Oh goodness me you have been kept busy! Each card so different from the last and all wonderful. Not seen the AALL & create penguin stamps before and think they are fab. One of my favourite flowers is the Snowdrop and that stamp is gorgeous, guess I'll be shopping over the week-end hahaha. I love how you treated the image the green and white colour scheme is magical. As always more great inspiration loved reading this post. xx

  13. GORGEOUS collection of cards from you Brenda.

    REALLY LOVE those A&C penguins - that is one very cool and trendy card.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  14. Each one is so beautifully done, lots of great stamps/products you used. My favorite one this time is the first one with those fabulous penguins with the icy cool background.
    But your other cards are really fabulous too, have to mention I absolutely love how you incorporated the bird with the pretty snow drops and the details on the background.

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

  15. A stunning collection of cards, Brenda. My favourite is the snowdrop card, I just love the design and the colours. xx

  16. What gorgeous cards Brenda, I love them all, but I especially love the beautiful snowdrops. Such wonderful designs and colours, Kate x

  17. They are all unique in their own way. Love them all as I love your style of stamping, xxx

  18. On wow again such a treat to come here! They are all so different and all beautiful and inspiring! You really have been busy! Hope you have a fun weekend planned...enjoy t! Hugs, Gerrina

  19. Gorgeous cards all of them, my daughter loved penguins too, so the first card is my favourite too 🤶m

  20. Wonderful set of cards Brenda. I have 2 favourites, number 3 gorgeous and number 6 be yourself. both are right up my street xx

  21. What a lovely selection of cards Brenda. The quirky penguins are fantastic xx

  22. Hi Brenda, came over to tell you how gorgeous the fairy card is and have been tingling with inspiration at the rest of your batch! Then went backwards a bit...I shall have to subscribe to your blog now. Every work of art is a treasure! xoxo

  23. Such a beautiful selection of cards Brenda, you are such a busy lady!

  24. Fabulous cards Brenda, great images and lovely colours on the Fairy Hugs one.

    Pat xx

  25. Each one is so beautiful, Brenda! Love the penguins!


  26. Those penguins are fab and I love the fairy, great sentiment

  27. This post is packed full of gorgeous cards Brenda, you are so busy creating lovely things all the time. Sorry to be so late commenting, this weekend was manic attending two craft fairs, hopefully the week ahead will be more relaxed.
    Take care and have a lovely Christmas.

  28. You are nothing short of Magic Brenda I am gob smacked at all these stunning creations, the images and colours are truly stupendous, all so different all full of so much beauty, excellent cards, I do hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas
    lolo x

  29. Such a gorgeous selection of cards x

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. Ciao Brenda, sono molto in ritardo con i commenti, ma per peggiorare la situazione già abbastanza complicata della mia vita attuale ora sono pure in Dad e il carico di lavoro per la scuola è aumentato.
    Sei stata molto occupata con queste adorabili card!! Quella per Zachary e Faith è davvero divertente, che simpatici e originali pinguini! Il background è perfetto per dare l'idea del loro ambiente! E il tocco di glitter sembra davvero ghiaccio.
    Stupenda e magica la card con i timbri di Lavinia e i colori delicati!
    Deliziose le card floreali, io ho già nostalgia della primavera...! Amo soprattutto quella con l'arco e le stupende farfalle svolazzanti!! Ma anche i bucaneve con l'uccellino e quel verde così luminoso!!
    Un abbraccio
    Alice XX

  32. Oh what an amazing post of eye candy Brenda - Loving those blue flowers, and also the snowdrops the most, but they are all beautiful
    Stay safe

  33. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I'm especially drawn to the first & last cards!

  34. WOW,a Stunning set of cards.You are so talented.xx

  35. Wow!! What a fantastic array of gorgeous creations Brenda. I adore every one of them. All very different but gorgeous in their own right.

  36. Wonderful cards, Brenda. I love the one with the penguins ...

    Wishing you a lovely christmas.


  37. A delightful selection of beautiful creations. I especially like your treatment of the snowdrops and poppies. Vee xx
