
Wednesday 22 December 2021

Christmas Wishes

As we draw close to Christmas I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for your friendship and support during 2021. It's been another difficult year for the whole World but I like to think our crafting community helps provide a bond of normality amid all the uncertainty.

Here in the Fens we had a very hard hoar frost overnight and everywhere looks beautiful so rather than share a card with you I went out early and took some photos, many of the shrubs and flowers are nearing the end of their current growing cycle, but Spring will offer renewed growth thanks to the wonders of Nature.

Finally I thought I would share a photo of the Christmas wreath I made a few weeks ago for the front door, using a collection of plants and shrubs gleaned from the garden, some  of which I had dried in the Autumn in readiness. It did turn out rather larger than I planned but I am pretty happy with the result.

Sending Christmas Blessings and the hope that 2022 brings a brighter future for everyone right across the World.
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  1. Merry Christmas and a Healtly and Creative 2022 to you and your Family Brenda

    Gr Karin

  2. Gorgeous wintry photos Brenda. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and let’s hope 2022 will be better for everyone xx

  3. Wow your garden must look just as ours here; a bit white until late in the day.... But I don't have such beautiful colours and things to photographe! These photo's are stunning! Hugs, Gerrina

  4. Love your gorgeous wreath and beautiful pics of the frost covered plants-we haven't had any frost yet just cold wet fog but a very watery sun just appearing this morning.Best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and your family and hopefully a better New Year
    Carol x

  5. Your post is amazing as is your handmade wreath it’s definitely not too big its beautiful Merry Christmas x

  6. A beautiful wreath Brenda,love the pics of your frosted plants.Best wishes to you and yours for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  7. Oh Brenda,what a Beautiful post felt quite emotional reading it.And oh those amazing photos,so very Beautiful,that's why I love nature and it's the way it can heal our hearts when they are fragile at times in our lives.Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas and pray The New Year will bring Hope Health and Happiness to us all.xx

  8. What beautiful frosty photos Brenda, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours. I agree, lets hope that 2022 is a far better year.

    Sue xx

  9. Beautiful photos and a stunning wreath. Merry Christmas

  10. Your photos are beautiful Brenda, I'm not a fan of cold and frost but I do love how it transforms everything and looks so magical. Your wreath is stunning and looks the perfect size for your door.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful happy Christmas and a better year to come.

  11. Beautiful photographs Brenda...wishing you and your Family a very happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year


  12. Isn't nature wonderful!! Your photos are beautiful brenda and your wreath is stunning! i wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a better 2022. Thank you for your friendship and support this last year. xx

  13. Your wreath and photos are beautiful. All we usually get is frost here on the Texas gulf coast, so I'm a big fan of it! lol I read your About Me and just in case, I'll tell you that my maiden name is Rowlett and my emigrating ancestor came to the Virginia colonies around 1640, from Northamptonshire. My dad's grandmother was a Hatcher and her emigrating ancestor came over around same time from Bourne, Lincolnshire. That's kinda close to you, right? So if you know any Hatchers or Rowlett's, we're probably related somehow! Happy Christmas and New Year to you, Brenda! XOX

  14. Gorgeous winter photos Brenda!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    ♥ Conny ♥

  15. Lovely photos Brenda and a fabulous wreath, it's amazing. Happy Christmas to you and your family xx

  16. Wonderful photos and I love your wreath ... so beautiful.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS and all the best for 2022 !!!


  17. The pics are gorgeous Brenda, this is what I miss when living in Spain, a nice crispy frosty Morning.
    Merry Christmas to you too. Xxx

  18. Your photos are wondaerful Brenda, We live at a beach so seldom get a frost like this.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, and here's hoping 2022 will be a better year for all

  19. Isn't Nature wonderful Brenda, your photos are stunning and your wreath is amazing, beyond beautiful.
    Wishing you and your family a Peaceful and Joyous Christmas, and a Healthy and Happy 2022, hugs Kate x

  20. Fantastic photos. For me, nature always wins. Happy and healthy 2022 to you and all your loved one.

  21. How lovely looking at the winter flora and fauna.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Have a great week ahead!

  22. Stunning pictures, and wishing you a peaceful Christmas xxx

  23. wonderful photo's Brenda and a gorgeous wreath. Happy Christmas to you and yours and all the best for 2022

  24. What wonderful frosty images, your garden looks so special. Your wreath is amazing too, it reminds me of my childhood when my mother used to make a wreath for the door. Sadly I didn't take up that particular tradition. Wishing you a very happy Christmas xx

  25. Amazing photos and a fabulous wreath, Brenda. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. xx

  26. Beautiful photo’s B. Love that pretty wreath welcoming all who enter - you are clever.

    Wishing you everything you wish for yourself and hoping the world will be a better place next year too.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  27. beautiful photos!
    Merry Christmas! 🎅🎄

  28. Gorgeous garden photos Brenda and your wreath looks beautiful.
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy Christmas
    Lorraine x

  29. Mother Nature is always the best artist, and you captured her beauty so well, Brenda!!
    Ooops... Per abitudine stavo scrivendo in inglese :D
    Madre Natura è sempre l'artista migliore e tu hai catturato la sua bellezza così bene, Brenda!! Che foto stupende!! La brina aggiunge un glitter speciale ad ogni foglia, fiore e bacca....!!! Riconosco la salvia, le altre piante non le conosco, ma sono tutte così belle!! Hai davvero un paradiso a tua disposizione e la tua ghirlanda appesa sulla porta è un tripudio di colori e di specie vegetali, ricchissima e davvero meravigliosa!! Hai davvero le mani d'oro!!
    Scusa per gli auguri in ritardo, ma sono stata davvero impegnata. Ora sono finalmente a casa!
    I miei migliori auguri a te e famiglia per un Natale e un Nuovo Anno pieni d'amore e delle cose che contano davvero!!
    Grandi abbracci!!

  30. Beautiful photo’s and a gorgeous wreath Brenda, hope you are having a good Christmas.

    Pat xx

  31. Gorgeous pictures Brenda! And the wreath is fantastic too!
    I hope you had a fantastic Christmas. x

  32. What an impressive looking wreath, well done making this beauty!

  33. Many thanks for your Card. Beautiful snaps of your garden and Wow that Wreath is something special. Love the colours. Here's hoping 2022 will be a better time for all of us. Hugs Mrs A.

  34. Thank you for sharing these gorgeous photographs. Vee xx

  35. ps your wreath is stunning. Vee xx

  36. Stunning photos - thank you for sharing - we rarely get hoar frost here! Loving the wreath too, that is stunning. Trust you had a wonderful Chriustmas, and that 2022 is kind to you
    Stay safe

  37. Those frozen flowers and plants are wonderful dear Brenda !!
    I wish you are having lovely Christmas days, and I also wish you all the best for the New Year 2022.
    Sending big hugs,

  38. Hope you had a lovely Christmas, in spite of all the issues. Thoroughly enjoyed seeing your beautiful frosty pictures, Brenda! That wreath is absolutely stunning!

  39. Beautiful photos and a magnificent wreath. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
