
Saturday 30 January 2021

Jab or no jab, that's the question

Morning Peeps, another roller coaster week with my MS but then the promise of a COVID vaccine really lightened my spirits, or did it? 

Hubby was invited last week which surprised us as it seemed ahead of the vulnerable grouping where I sit, he had the Pfizer one. My invite arrived four days later, excitedly I arrived and told they had moved to the Astra Zeneca one which is not suited to immune compromised patients. Seems the NHS generate numbers not patients and without knowledge of specific medical issues until you arrive. So I was dispatched without the jab and horrified to learn it's recorded as a 'decline' and their system has no facility to put people back into it.

Spend hours on the phone going round in circles, GP surgery unable to help as it's all done via NHS direct. So decided to put my thoughts in a mail to my GP, nothing to lose really. The result, a swift call from him followed by one from a doctor at the vaccine centre who said a delivery of the Pfizer one was going to my local vaccine hub this week, would 8.30am OK? Yes absolutely fine thank you, persistence pays off and I'm counting the hours till I go.

So now for our new Allsorts challenge where Mervi is our host with the theme of 'Four Legged Friends'. This weeks winner will receive two Woodware stamps from Craft Stash.

If you live in the Country as we do, then it's not usual to see rabbits and hares in the garden and paddocks so to me they are all classed as 'friends', even if the dogs are not so keen some days and try to give chase........fortunately they are much quicker than the dogs!

An Oxide background, all tamps are Lavinia, Versfaine onyx black stamping and that's about it, my garden friends with a bit of fantasy thrown in for good measure.
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  1. Beautiful card Brenda . i particularly like the sentiments . Sorry to hear you have had probs with vaccine although as you say persistance counts in the end . Mine is this week Ph hopefully as it is at a hub . Love the look of Lavinia stamps must try again with them Jx

  2. Stunning and beautiful card, love the sentiment too.
    Hope the vaccine helps soon, I think I'll get mine on the summer;-))m

  3. Oh Brenda, what a frustrating merry-go-round to get the vaccine!! Good on you for persisting!
    Loving your card, and that quote is delightful
    Stay safe

  4. Good to hear you have your jab sorted, hubby goes on Friday but I am in the next group so patiently waiting. Your card is lovely, great sentiment

  5. Beautiful card Brenda, I love the colours on the fabulous scene you have created and all the wonderful images. Glad you have got your jab sorted. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  6. Wow stunning card Brenda, love it xx

  7. Pleased you are nearly there with the jab. Such a pretty scene you've created with lovely colours. I like how you put the sentiment across the card too.

  8. So pleased that you are almost there regarding the jab, but what an eye opener too. You would think that they would have a not suitable section on their form. I love your gorgeous card and the lovely spring like colours you've used too.

    Sue xx

  9. What a nightmare for you with the vaccine jab, l think we will all be heaving a sigh of relief and having a celebration when it is all over. Computer systems are great but when something is out of sync the problems that follow are horrendous. Hopefully you are ‘jabbed’ very soon.
    Gorgeous card and love those stamps, have been looking at all the Lavinia stamps and feel a big spend coming on. Take care, xSusan x

  10. I love this one Brenda, wonderful colours and background (as always). Well done for persevering re your vaccine. it seems to me that IT systems often struggle with individual needs, but it is good that it has been sorted out, but a shame that you had to push to achieve it. Good luck xx

  11. Well done you on perservering. Really odd, though, that they don't do a better job matching vaccines and patients. On the other hand, the UK is not the only country where things aren't going the way they should. From what I've seen on the news, the Dutch vaccination program is a mess. Greece appears to be doing ok. I expect hubby will be able to get his jab in February.
    Love your sweet card, including the fab sentiment.
    Have a good weekend!
    Marianne x

  12. stunning creation as always Brenda.....We had our jabs this week AstraZeneca would have preferred the Pfizer one but although I am in the very vulnerable category I was happy to to be done. . most of our friends have had the same as us..... Hope all goes well with your jab Brenda x


  13. Well done you for persevering Brenda, and so pleased you will receive the correct vaccine. Sometimes you just couldn't make it up.
    Alistair is awaiting his letter, he thought it would be with him in the week, perhaps next week. I doubt I will get my vaccination until March, and then I've no confidence that I will actually get it with all the trouble with the EU, so I'll just wait and see.
    I love your gorgeous card, and the quote is beautiful, lovely colours too, take care, Kate x

  14. Gorgeous card, Brenda and well done about the jab. Hoping for 3 more points tomorrow of course, now we are back on winning ways!!

  15. Una card meravigliosa, Brenda! Sai che le tue scene fantastiche sono le mie preferite e amo queste tonalità fresche con i verdi e i gialli e tutti i timbri Lavinia che hai usato! I fiori in alto sono davvero stupendi!! Non so perchè, a me le timbrate delle silhouettes non rimangono mai bene, anche se timbro tante volte restano sempre zone più chiare.
    Mi fa piacere che tu alla fine abbia ottenuto quello che volevi. Io invece non farò il vaccino, non voglio fare da cavia, perchè non si sa che effetti collaterali può dare nel breve e lungo termine... le case farmaceutiche non si assumono responsabilità in caso di danni, la protezione del vaccino dura solo pochi mesi e inoltre tra la prima e la seconda dose il rischio di prendere il covid (e di contagiare gli altri) è ancora più alto. Ci sono molte cure efficaci, adesso, non è come l'anno scorso quando non si conosceva il virus. I vaccini per me sono solo un grande business alimentato dai media e dalla paura. Scusa se non mi unisco al coro degli entusiasti, ma ognuno ha le sue idee.
    Un abbraccio

  16. A beautiful scene with these wonderful stamps and pretty colors! Love seeing rabbits in my backyard too, my cats love to chase after them but luckily they aren't very good at hunting and have never caught one.

    I'm sorry you had such a runaround to get the correct vaccine, you'd think they would be sure to vaccinate those immunocompromised first! But glad you got it all sorted and will receive it soon!

  17. A really stunning background, great colours and lovely images, brilliant card.

    Kath x

  18. Your card is stunning, Brenda. I love the fabulous scene you've created.
    Glad you managed to sort out your vaccination for this week. We're still waiting to hear about ours, but they seem to be rolling them out quite quickly now so hopefully we won't have to wait too long. xx

  19. Lovely card Brenda and I love that sentiment. My mum who is 100yrs still hasn't had her vaccine!...hope you get yours soon. xx

  20. A beautiful card Branda. A lovely country scene and with a lovely sentiment!
    Good for you to have kept persistant and you can get the right jab. They are so behind with vaccinating here in The Netherlands. I wonder when we will be getting ours. Take care. Marlies x

  21. Well I'm just glad you managed to get a slot for your jab Brenda. My mother will have to wait several weeks as they have run out in Europe!
    Back to the craft, your Lavinia Landscape is gorgeous!
    Do let us know how it all went (the vaccination) next week! x

  22. So glad you persevered and got your slot for the Jab, sometimes you just have to put yourself out to be heard above the system.
    Another gorgeous inky background, love the choice of stamps and your fabulous sentiment too.

  23. Such a pretty country scene Brenda!
    Glad your GP was able to sort you out with the one you wanted :)
    Vicky x

  24. Beautiful sceinic and inky card.
    So glad to sent the letter to your doctor and good on the doctor!

  25. what a gorgeous card Brenda

    gr karin

  26. Super card Brenda.
    What a phaff but at least youre getting it, I can't wait for ours but will be a while yes. X

  27. So pleased that you are getting your vaccine soon Brenda, despite your earlier disappointment. We have been so lucky to be part of a local Primary Care Network so are taking care of our own patients rather than NHs England. Saying that, we have very little preparation time with only a Weeks' notice of the next delivery, how many and which make. We are extremely lucky that the "Hall" can stay set up between Clinics. We are spending a lot of time on the phone though!! This is such a lovely card, the sentiment is perfect for these stay at home days. Our rabbits have gone to ground at the moment although we do have one cheeky devil that sits on the lawn right in front of our patio doors most evenings!! xx

  28. That’s wonderful news regarding your jab but as you say patience pays off and good for you....your card is adorable x

  29. A gorgeous card Brenda. I love the scene you've created and the fabulous sentiment.
    Glad to hear that you're getting your vaccine soon. Take care
    Lorraine x

  30. Absolutely beautiful card Brenda, and well done for your perseverance, what a nightmare this all is xxx

  31. Gorgeous card love the scene you created -great stamps and sentiment.Glad you got sortedwith the vaccine jabs-we had ours just over a week ago and we had the Pfizer one
    Carol x

  32. Really beautiful card Brenda. Loving this scene.. Fab words too. Hope you're keeping as well as you possibly can. So pleased you can get your vaccine at last. What a performance for you hun. Take care now. Hugs xx

  33. Beautiful card B, lovely sentiment.
    The jab or no jab question? I am taking my docs advice when I see her as been told some are not effective here for those over 60?? What a life change for us all. Take care and yes, robot thingy has attacked me all day, tired of picking out the pics too. xx

  34. Shocking on first reading but when you consider the scale of the vaccine roll out, the different conditions the different vaccines have to be stored at. The population of the UK is in excess of 66 million the system will deal with statistics not individuals. The important thing is that while it might have been a fuss it has been sorted out for you.

    Turing to your card and the sentiment which is very moving. You know I adore Green and with all the tones and shading your card is very special x

  35. Absolutely fabulous, l love everything about it Brenda, a perfect scene.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  36. So pleased to hear your getting your Jab, hubby goes next Thursday. . Love your beautiful card Brenda I adore it roll on spring ..
    Babs x

  37. Well done re persistent chase of vaccine and yes it tricky re which sort for which person. I’m still trying to get my head around that as it is not here yet awhile and as no Covid here since April last year where I live it’s not urgent really thought will probably be needed ultimately.
    Lovely collection dear B as are those above an below. Some beautiful inky work indeed.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  38. Love your cute scene, Brenda! What a nightmare, but thank goodness you were persistent! We're about to get our vaccines--hurrah!
