
Sunday 6 December 2020

The Fairies are waiting and my fist Youtube video

It's the first Sunday of the month so time for our new challenges at We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations. Our themes for December are 'Anything Goes' and 'Anything with Wings'. Prizes come from Chocolate Baroque and Craft Stash

I thought I would also share my very first Youtube video, far from perfect and I need to polish my act a bit, but as people often suggest that I should do more tutorials I thought why not. Actually I quite enjoyed making it as it takes me back to normal pre COVID times when it was possible to do live demos and classes which I have done for years and always enjoy, so here it is..................

Back to my DT shares for today and of course my wings had to be Lavinia Fairies and on the card at the top a background of Oxides and also some Dylusions paint to bring out the yellow. The super tree which I think is so magical with the strooms growing around the door, the the little magical scene built up around it.

This is one of my samples from yesterdays Chocolate Baroque Hochanda TV shows, it uses a mixture of stamps which I have listed over on the challenge blog. Again Oxides, a paper pieced flower head and the sentiment stamped onto a piece of Aida.

Thos one is from a show a couple of months ago using the new Canary Bird Rose, simply stamped onto a stencilled background which I created with various sprays......I really liked this one and was going to prepare a couple more for future products but can I find the stencil, of course I can't. I will admit to having a rather large drawful of them and have turfed it out several times and gone through them one by one and it's just not there so can only conclude it went into the bin by mistake. The flower is paper pieced from an offcut coloured with the same spray inks.

My triptych card above uses three waste pieces from the Timmy cabinet card die, one I've had for years and use so much, they are easily hinged together with a scrap of scored card and can incorporate as many section as you wish. Oxides again in the background and basically just an hour or so of fun stamping with lots of Lavinia stamps.
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  1. Great video Brenda, Daisy and all!! Shall look out for more in the future. That poppy card is just stunning.

  2. Morning Brenda.....really enjoyed your video lots of hints and tips and lovely to hear your voice....your cards are always amazing and you are the ‘queen of scene ’.....looking forward to seeing more videos..please!


  3. Beautiful cards Brenda, and thank you for the video I really enjoyed it xx

  4. gorgeous beautiful beautiful and gorgeous card Brenda

    You did not put my GDT card at the challenge from stamping sensations

    Gr Karin

  5. Gorgeous cards.
    Enjoyed your video, nice to hear your voice, after all these years;-))m

  6. Wow we are spoilt with beautiful artwork here! Have to watch your video later (have to go in a few minutes). Can't point a favorite; enjoyed them all!! I miss giving classes too; it has been so long... Enjoy the weekend!

  7. Beautiful cards, Brenda. Really BEAUTIFUL!
    I LOVED your video!!! Thank you so much for sharing, my friend.

  8. so very beautiful cards!
    watched your video and love it!

  9. Oh Brenda, quante belle cose in questo post! Che spettacolo la tua card per SS!!! Così luminosa ed eterea, una vera gioia per gli occhi!!!! I colori splendidi dell'alba e la scena che hai costruito con le fate e l'albero è così vibrante!!! Per non parlare di tutte le piante e i funghi davanti alla porta! Un'altra meraviglia da guardare a lungo, è la mia preferita, sai che adoro queste cards!!
    Anche la card per WLCB è molto vibrante, quell'azzurro fa davvero emergere il bel fiore!
    La card con Canary Rose è molto creativa e molto professionale, i delicati colori cangianti che hai scelto per il fiore emergono in modo incredibile dal pattern a righe ma senza contrasto. Io non sarei mai stata in grado di renderlo così.
    E che dire del tuo trittico, sembra di spiare un mondo fantastico guardando attraverso un buco... Come ritornare bambina :)
    Devo comprare quella fustella di TH, ogni volta che tu ci fai qualcosa me lo ripeto :)
    E per ultimo, ma non ultimo per importanza, devo dire che sono davvero felice che tu abbia deciso di fare il tuo primo video tutorial! Vado subito a vederlo!!!! Ho molto da imparare!!!
    Un abbraccio

  10. Love the fairly creations, you always do such fabulous scenes.
    Love the CB flowers and the blue bloom is stunning.
    Looking forward to watching the video.
    Avril xx

  11. Well done on your first YouTube video. I think you did a wonderful job! :) Can't wait to see more.
    All of the cards you shared on here are amazing, but for me the most eye-catching is the one with the big blue flower in the middle. I just love the colours and that flower is very beautiful!
    hugs! xx

  12. I loved your video Brenda, and learned so much from it. Thank you so much

  13. Hello Brenda, what a wonderful selection of cards, all so different and beautifully designed. Your tutorial is super, very informative well done, Kate x

  14. Wow, I love this first card,it's perfect. Well done on your first video, I don't have the courage to do that. Have a wonderful week. hugs Anesha

  15. So gorgeous what a lot of fabulous designs, colour and full of cuteness. xx
    Off to view the video and congrats on your first but not your last...

  16. What beautiful cards, I could not choose a favourite. Well done on making the video, something i'd love to do but fear stops me in my tracks. Many thanks for all the talent & beauty shared today. Happy Monday, take care Tracey xx

  17. .. back again, the video looks perfect to me, learning something new keeps our creative passion alive!! A huge pat on the back for giving it ago and sharing with us, especially displaying it on your blog. Blogger is a precious thing it needs all the love it can get right now. Stay safe Tracey x

  18. Beautiful cards Brenda and how lovely to watch you and hear you! xxxx

  19. Fabulous cards and a great tutorial, I enjoyed watching the process.

  20. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. Your video is brilliant - it's lovely to see how you create your masterpieces
    Hope you are keeping well
    Lorraine x.

  21. All beautiful cards Brenda. Thanks for your video tutorial, very well done. Marlies x

  22. Beautiful selection of cards Brenda and a fab video, look forward to some more!

  23. Lovely to see you demoing - poor Daisy - she just wanted to say her piece lol! It's a lovely card and I like how you used the washi tape, must remember that.
    Love the vivid blue on your card and also the Canary Bird Rose looks so good in both cards you used it on. I will be trying that out soon.
    L x

  24. Gorgeous collection of cards, Brenda! My g=favourite is the triptych with its contrasting colours.
    My observations on your video: first, you're a natural, I wouldn't have known this was your first, I guess the practice with real life demo pays off! Secondly make no apologies for your pets shenanigans, you can't help it and actually I believe most people enjoy seeing them pop up in video footage. I know Daisy made me smile...
    If you enjoy doing them, please make some more, it's lovely (and instructive) to see you work!!!x

  25. Well done on your first of many videos!! I so enjoyed hearing your voice for the first time Brenda! Loving your gorgeous creations!!

  26. Where on earth do I start Brenda, such a lot of gorgeousness in this post. From seeing your Youtube videos, which are very good by the way, and recent makes I need to try my Dylusion paints, I've not even opened them.
    So I love everything, magical fairy creations and wonderful flower creations too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  27. Such beautiful cards Brenda and even a video! Lovely to put a voice to the name! Vicky x

  28. Beautiful cards Brenda, love all your fairies, especially on the last card it’s gorgeous.

    Pat xx

  29. I can't believe that I missed this one last week, I have been on-line a lot less than normal this week because I have been trying to get all my Christmas stuff finished wrapped and posted. I have nearly done now so am catching up. How wonderful to have a video from you, I really enjoyed watching you at work, thank you for sharing it. I shall look forward to more. What a great set of cards too. I particularly like the one with the stripey background and I love how you use aida on your cards. I must try that sometime xx

  30. Artistic & beautiful as always, Brenda! Fun to hear your voice on the video!
