
Saturday 5 December 2020

A bit of shrinky

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts, our host this week is Tracy and her theme is 'Anything but a card with an A/G option'. This weeks winner will receive a stamp from Chocolate Baroque who will be on Hochanda today at 11am and 3pm, do tune in for lots of inspiration from Lesley.

So a couple of floral wreaths for my non card creation, the above a recent Chocolate Baroque Hochanda make, lots of flowers from the show stamped onto shrink plastic cut out, coloured on the back and shrunk down to arrange around a heart shaped rattan frame.

This was also a Hochanda make but this time for Stamp Addicts, the Judikins Sunflowers stamped onto card, cut out and coloured with Oxides, arranged around a circle rattan frame, die cut wheat, a sentiment across the centre and a little Bee stamped onto acetate.
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  1. Wonderful ideas for DIY decor! I haven't played with shrink plastic for ages and must pull it out... I hope the run up to Christmas is going well. x

  2. What a lovely idea Brenda, especially like the sunflower one with the wheat diecuts xxxx

  3. Two lovely ideas Brenda and such a great idea ..thanks fir sharing


  4. what a lovely idea and beautiful made Brenda
    Gr Karin

  5. They are both so beautiful! They look fresh and sunny and airy... Both so good to brighten your day... Hope you have a good weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  6. Such beautiful wreaths Brenda, I love the shrink plastic flowers such gorgeous colours and the bright and cheerful second wreath. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  7. Really beautiful Brenda and so creative! I have some shrink plastic somewhere in my stash as well, might have to dig it out and make something! Yes, Hochanda worked on my Roku and I'm so excited. I may learn a few new techniques I always admire!

  8. Two beautiful creations Brenda. Love the bright colours in the first one. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

  9. Beautiful! I hope you and your family are well and preparing for Christmas in a stressless way :)

  10. Both beautiful wreaths Brenda love the sunflowers and shrink plastic
    Carol x

  11. Oh my word, I had completely forgotten that shrink plastic existed!! What a lovely idea to put shrinkies and stamped flowers on wreath, they look fantastic xx

  12. My goodness it's been years since I've seen anything made with shrink plastic, this is absolutely gorgeous, Kate x

  13. How lovely to see you make something other than a card. These are both great, love the colours. I have never used shrink plastic, I love how it makes the flowers look luminous xx

  14. Two super creations with great colours and images, what a great change and idea to use sunflowers.

    Kath x

  15. Wow!! I tuoi fiori di plastica sono spettacolari, Brenda! Io ho qualche foglio per la shrink plastic, l'anno scorso ho provato, ma il mio tentativo non è stato un granchè. Entrambe le ghirlande sono molto belle! La seconda è così solare!
    Un abbraccio, spero che tutto sia ok!

  16. Love your wreaths, Brenda! The second one especially appeals to me--beautiful crafting! I need to pull out my old JudiKins stamps which I haven't thought about in ages!

  17. What a great idea, both fabulous but I love the translucent effect you get with the shrink plastic - something I haven't used for a while, thanks for the inspiration.
    Avril xx

  18. The wreaths look super Brenda.
    Loved the video, 1st time I have heard your voice!!!!

  19. two beautiful wreaths, haven't used shrink plastic in ages!

  20. Wonderful wreaths Brenda, will make lovely gifts, clever idea using shrink plastic, I haven't used that for years.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
