
Saturday 21 November 2020

Santa's on his way

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts, our host this week is Mervi who would love to see 'Santa, Elves, Angels or just Christmas cards. Our sponsor this week is WOWVOW offering a £15 store voucher.

Believe it or not this little Santa is the only one in my stash, much the same with Elves so I went ahead with the Winter scene. Then one of my teamies posted her DT cards yesterday using the Chocolate Baroque Tomte Gomes, which if course I do have.......maybe they are one and the same, Google seems unclear, what do you think?

So the Winter scene using lots of stamp and further down some Tomte Gnomes. It looks pretty chilly and blowy in my scene judging by the tree and her skirt and I'm really not sure if she is wrapped up warmly enough and probably should have a hat on as well!  

Also a couple of shares from my post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog here.

Here are my Gnomes out in the snow.

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  1. gorgeous and beautiful cards Brenda
    gr karin

  2. Wow, all cards are so beautiful.
    Crafty hugs xx

  3. All great cards Brenda. Really love how you create your lovely scenes. Hugs Anesha

  4. Fabulous cards, love the last knomes card, gorgeous colours;-))m

  5. All fabulous cards Brenda, you have been busy x

  6. Fabulous cards Brenda...Santa looks like he's being blown along...great little scenic card...


  7. Lovely scenes, clever to get your Santa on the card like that.

  8. That little girl is definitely not dressed for the weather, bet she sneaked out without anyone seeing her. Love those stamped seed heads on your third card and the colours on sparkle on the gnome card. Hope the week ahead is calmer for you xx

  9. Gorgeous cards Brenda really love the Wintry scene and she is definitely not dressed for the weather mind you don't think kids feel the cold like we do lol
    Carol x

  10. Such beautiful cards, Brenda. I so love those Chocolate Baroque gnomes and think they are perfect for Mervi's theme. Such great non-traditional colors on that card too! Super scene on the windy card as well and such pretty floral creations!

  11. I thought the very same about that little lass out in the snow... but I expect she is wearing up to the minute thermals and waterproof, windproof and breathable gear!! Gorgeous cards Brenda, loving the little Tomte, such pretty colours and the sentiment is really sweet xx

  12. More beautiful cards Brenda, the wintry scene certainly feels cold and frosty and I'm loving the pastel gnomes.

  13. Lovely cards Brenda, the little scene does look very chilly!
    Great CB cards and I do like those little gnomes.
    Avril xx

  14. Tomte gnomes are just Scandinavian elder elves....... xxxx

  15. A fabulous collection of lovely creations with great images, scenes and colours.

    Kath x

  16. Great collection of cards, Brenda. I love all of them! Hugs, my friend.

  17. They all look wonderful Brenda,xxx

  18. All beautiful cards Brenda and so well designed. The little girl does look she is getting blown away but that adds to the wintery feeling of the card. You made a lovely snowy scene for the little gnomes. Take care, marlies x

  19. Really gorgeous cards Brenda. I especially love the scene but the little gnomes are just too cute to miss!

  20. See, you DO have santa stamps - the Swedish word tomte means both gnome and the actual santa :)

  21. A truly wonderful selection of cards Brenda I love them all but I must admit that first one has something about it that I love excellent creations
    lorraine x

  22. Ciao Brenda, un bell'array di cards tutte molto diverse, come sempre mi stupisce quanto tu sei eclettica! La card con gli gnomi di CB è una vera delizia, è la mia preferita con quelle tinte soft e la neve scintillante! La prima card rende davvero l'idea del freddo e la bambina con la slitta deve stare attenta a non prendere il raffreddore, non è il periodo per ammalarsi!
    Molto artistica la seconda, hai trovato soluzioni molto interessanti con materiali non comuni e la Canary Rose nel cerchio risalta tantissimo!
    La terza è stupenda, la tua tecnica di timbratura dà molta profondità!
    Spero che piano piano le cose stiano migliorando per Poppy e che l'operazione di Alex sia andata benissimo.
    Un abbraccio

  23. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love your beautiful windy scene and the lovely flower on the second.

    Pat xx

  24. These are lovely cards Brenda. Love the magical glittery scene where santa is busy delivering (a little early in the evening perhaps, but how else is it all going to get done?!!) I agree that the tomte gnomes are elves by another name! My stash is quite sparsely populated with Santas too but I definitely have one! Vicky x

  25. Amazing collection of cards Brenda. The two winter scenes are fabulous and (as you may guess) I love the floral ones xx

  26. Beautiful as always Brenda, I agree she needs a hat!

  27. so very beautiful cards Brenda!

  28. Your winter scene is fabulous, and the Tomte's are cute too. Love your CB creations.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  29. Exquisite cards B, love the gnome one. xx

  30. Love your cards, Brenda--especially the first one with the sweet scene!

  31. Beautiful cards, Brenda. I love the first one, the scene is so lovely, fantastic art.

