
Wednesday 18 November 2020

Cinderella, you shall go to the ball

Morning Peeps, I seem to say this on most of my mid month posts for  We Love Chocolate Baroque and Stamping Sensations, but it really is a quick one as life is throwing rather a lot our way at the moment. Prizes at both challenge this month are from Chocolate Baroque.

Poppy is now home from hospital and seems to be doing OK, huge hole in her neck size of a .50p piece from the tracheotomy as they don't like to stitch or cover apparently, so hourly cleaning of that and they can't do more until it closes. Daisy is struggling with her back legs and clearly in pain so at the vets with her this morning........after taking Alex to Cambridge Nuffield Lea hospital at 7am for his knee surgery.

The top card is for our Christmas Flowers, Wreaths and Garlands theme at Stamping Sensations and the one below for the Christmas theme at We Love Chocolate Baroque.

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  1. Two wonderful cards. Really hope that the furry babies will get better soon. Hope Alex's op went well. Sending lots of hugs. Anesha x

  2. Lovely Christmas makes Brenda, sounds like you have got your hands full at the moment - we've still got builders here and decorators are through the house this week so it's not much better here - I'm so fed up of living in a mess!!!! xxxx

  3. Oh bah, still having troubles with Blogger and just didn't think of your blog that wasn't showing in there while I could have known that you made a lot and showed that into some posts... So...I scrolled a lot and took my time to enjoy so many beautiful makes! (My cup of tea was full when I started and is empty now...) In each post I find something that inspires me or ehat I really like or want to try once myself... Thanks for all the inspiration!
    From these the wreath is so beautifully done; that is my favorite here, but both are beautiful! Big hug, Gerrina

  4. Two fabulous cards Brenda. Thinking of you all today and hoping that all goes well.

    Sue xx

  5. Hope Daisy gets some treatment to help her.
    Two beautiful cards that show Christmas so brilliantly.

  6. Two fabulous creations Brenda, I love Cinderella's carriage ad the wreath is gorgeous. Fab Choc Baroque card, really bright and cheerful.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  7. A fabulous wreath card and I love the little Cinderella carriage and the CB is such a bright and cheery image, very festive.
    Off for a catch up as I've been an absent blogger!
    Avril xx

  8. Both so fabulous and beautiful cards;-))m

  9. Both gorgeous cards love the stamped wreath around the coach and gorgeous red bow.Hope Poppy and Daisy are okay and hope all goes well with Alexs op
    Carol x

  10. Fabulous cards once again Brenda, gorgeous stamping and the colours are lovely.
    I hope everything is going well with all your patients, both human and fur babies :)

  11. Gorgeous cards Brenda.
    So much happening for you this week, hope all works out for you all. Xxx

  12. Love the top card, beautifully stamped

  13. Lovely cards Brenda. The wintry foliage makes for a gorgeous frame on the first and the pyramage on the second is brilliant. Sending good wishes to your two and four legged family members for speedy recoveries xx

  14. Both are so nicely done! I can't believe I've not used my Lavinia carriage stamp yet even though I've had it for probably a year now!! I love how you stamped it inside the wreath!

    It's good to hear that Poppy got to come home and hope she makes a full recovery very soon!
    Good wishes to Alex and Daisy as well. I'm sorry you have so much going on at the moment!

  15. Oh Brenda, che orribile periodo!!! Mi dispiace tanto per Poppy e Daisy! Spero che il buco di Poppy guarisca presto, credo che metta ansia soltanto vederlo! Ma per fortuna l'hanno salvata! Povera Daisy, spero che i veterinari le facciano passare il dolore e la curino bene. A entrambe una rapida guarigione!
    Dita incrociate per Alex per la sua operazione al ginocchio!
    Sembra davvero che tu non abbia pace in questo momento!
    La card di Cenerentola e così allegra e festiva! Bellissima ghirlanda, perfetta per far risaltare la carrozza!!
    La card per CB è così dolce e quel grande fiocco rosso aggiunge un bel feeling d'amore!!
    Un forte abbraccio e abbi cura anche di te!!

  16. It's good to hear that Poppy is doing well, but sad to hear that Daisy is struggling, I hope she can find ease with her pain.
    Beautiful cards Brenda, lovely designs and colours.
    Good luck to Alex for his knee operation, you take care too, Kate x

  17. Gosh, you're having a busy time of it. I hope everything went well today for Alex, and that Poppy and Daisy are good too.
    I love your cards, beautifully designed as always.
    Sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  18. Two really brilliant makes Brenda, super images, colours and designs and what a bow.

    Kath x

  19. Oh what a time you are having with your poor fur babies Brenda!! Do hope all is well very soon!
    Loving your cards, they are a delight, as ever
    Stay safe

  20. 2 great and very beautiful cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  21. Two really wonderful cards Brenda and amazing stamping (as always). Glad to hear Poppy is improving and I hope Daisy's trip to the vets went okay.
    Also hoping that Alex's surgery went well.... You really do have a lot of things going on at the moment xx

  22. Fabulous cards, Brenda! They are really beautiful!
    And: there is a birthday candy on my blog. Kisses!

  23. Goodness you really have it full on right now. Hope Poppy and Daisy improve over the coming days and that Alex got his knee surgery done.
    I am surprised yoU hav3emanaged any cards at all. These two are lovely. . Hugs Mrs A.

  24. You are in the thick of it at the moment, I hope the knee surgery went OK. these are two really lovely and very Christmassy Christmas cards. I love how you have created stamped layers on the second one. What a good way to add interest and dimension xx

  25. So much to deal with & the pandemic on top of everything! Sending hugs to you. Beautiful cards, Brenda!
