
Tuesday 21 April 2020

Three yellows in the blossom

Lily left and Daisy middle are sisters, Holly right is the baby

Hello all, hope everyone is OK. Still no craft at this end, but making the most of the beautiful weather out in the garden and paddocks and taken a few more photos as things are bursting into life on a daily basis and of course there are plenty of four legged friends to keep me company. You could say labs rule the roost as there are more of them than us!

This is George, our youngest son's 'boy' who is now 11, he's so special he had a bed in three rooms!!
A peek up the Fen road to see the Rape in the distance, strange how you take things for granted because it was only when I sat thinking about it at the weekend I realised how I missed seeing the Rape and new born lambs, both things I would see on a daily basis without lockdown
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  1. gorgeous photo's and great back yard.
    Gr Karin

  2. Morning Brenda, your lilacs, magnolias and hydrangeas are beautiful , just love your furby friends most adorable, enjoy your gorgeous garden and this lovely weather we’re having, it dose help with this terrible times.
    Babs x

  3. Prachtige foto's
    Prachtige bloemen heb je in je tuin
    Mooie honden
    Ik zelf heb een hondje en een poes
    Groetjes Gerrie

  4. Gorgeous photos of your garden and the field Brenda.

    Sue xx

  5. Beautiful photos Brenda - I love the colour of your buddleia in that first photo.
    Stay safe

  6. Gorgeous blossoms but the doggies steal the show.xx

  7. Lovely pics B - the world looks so much better when there are blue skies. We have wonderful bright blue here but it is very windy so likely the cherry blossom tree in the farm opposite may not have blossom on it for very long if this wind persists... which will make me very sad! x

  8. Fabulous photos Brenda.
    Kath x

  9. Morning Brenda ...thank you for sharing your beautiful photographs with us such stunning Spring colours and your dogs are adorable


  10. Gorgeous photos Brenda. Your lilacs look fabulous, mine haven't flowered yet but the tree is absolutely covered in buds! It must be a bit colder up north!
    Hope you are looking after yourself
    Lorraine x

  11. Hi Brenda, what beauties your labs are, and don't they pose well, and George is adorable too.
    Gorgeous garden and your blooms are so beautiful, thanks for sharing your photos of your little part of the world, keep safe and keep smiling, hugs Kate x

  12. Those are some beautiful yello flowers. lol Your garden is looking beautiful. Enjoy the lovely weather and keep safe. Hugs Anesha

  13. Gorgeous photos Brenda, everything looks so beautiful. I’ve been out in the garden all morning, cutting grass and the hedges. Needless to say, I won’t be able to move tomorrow but it’s all looking lovely now. Take care and carry on enjoying your beautiful surroundings. Crafty hugs, Sandra xx

  14. Beautiful photos Brenda, the garden looks gorgeous and I love the Labs x

  15. Lovely photos Brenda. Your flowers look a lot further on than mine, my irises aren't out yet.. Your girlies are obviously used to posing :) and they certainly have plenty of room to run around in x

  16. Gorgeous flower photos we have some beautiful white iris but no-where near flowering yet.Love all the posers lol
    Carol x

  17. Lovely pics Brenda, nice to see the buds coming to life, xxx

  18. Beautiful photos of the scenery and the gorgeous dogs x

  19. Gorgeous photos. The blooms are beautiful.

    We bought a teensy lot house about 5 years ago. We were worn out with keeping up the place at the lake (4 hours away) and the gardens at the old house.

    This house is within a few doors of each of my girls. We all bought in the same neighbourhood. It is a combo of large and small lot homes and we all have varying sizes.
    Mine is so teensy that we had to really plan the garden to get the most out of it. I have containers with trees and flowers and a slightly raised garden for my perennials.

    I miss paddocks and fields and my old garden which had thundreds of plants. But I do enjoy working in the garden and finishing in 20 minutes!

    Yours looks so beautiful and when you post the paddocks and gardens it always remonds me of growing up on a farm in my younger days!

    Take care Brenda. I do visit but do not always comment as hjaving troubles with my hands once again. Have had to make a lot of cards with precoloured images in the past year.

  20. these photos are beautiful!
    gorgeous flowers!

  21. Awww just look at those gorgeous hairy kids!! I wonder though how they stay in formation!! I can get our boys in position but just as I point the camera Bumble buggers off...every time!! I love seeing your garden and grounds so thank you for sharing more. Hope you are doing ok xx

  22. Fabulous photos Brenda, love the dogs all behaving themselves and all the beautiful flowers. Glad you are enjoying the sunshine, it’s lovely and sunny here though we have had quite strong winds for the past few days. Take care.

    Pat xx

  23. Of course you should enjoy the sunny days in your lovely garden, there will be time for crafts when the rain returns... by then your mojo might have resurfaced! x

  24. Gorgeous photos Brenda. It's so nice to be able to get out and enjoy the nature around us at this uncertain time. Take care xx

  25. Nature is beautiful this time of year, isn't it? Each time I go out I "have to" take some photos. And yes, sometimes we take the simplest thins for granted and only now see we should not. Have a lovely day! xx

  26. Aww your fur babies are gorgeous and certainly made me smile. Your flowers and grounds are stunning. Certainly a time to enjoy the little things in life. I've been spending more time in the garden too Hun. Hope you're staying safe and takeing care of each other. Hugs and love dear friend xxx

  27. Oh my goodness Brenda, what beautiful photos! The flowers and views are wonderful but I am smitten by Lily, Daisy, Holly and George - they are all adorable. And why shouldn't George have a bed in every room in the house may I ask?!! Vicky x

  28. You live in a beautiful place, Brenda! Love seeing all the flowers--especially the lilacs! But if I'm honest--the puppy dogs steal the show!

  29. Something nice on the eye, looking at your lovely pics brings some sunshine and colour indoors.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  30. Your photographs are Wonderful Brenda, love the pretty flowers, but love more more more your so tender dogs. Funny that your little one has a bet in three bedrooms haha.
    I wish you a very nice afternoon, stay safe dear friend, and
    Big hugss,Caty
