
Saturday 18 April 2020

Flowers and Showers

Morning Peeps, I hope you are all as well as can be during these dreadful times. The Fathers of two of our Daughters in Law have Coronavirus so a worrying time for both of them as indeed it is for thousands of families worldwide. We can only pray that everyone sees the need to observe the stay home and social distancing rules as it seems that is going to be the only way we will ever see some light at the end of this very long tunnel.

So as it's Saturday it's time for a new challenge at Allsorts where our host this week is Ellie and her theme is 'Flowers and Showers'. This weeks winner will receive a Studio Light floral layering stamp set.

It's also mid month time at Penny Black and More and Stamping Sensations challenges so I have those shares as well.

For my Allsorts piece at the top of the post I used a Tattered Lace set to create the base and lattice, I inked a piece of card for the inner sections and stamped flowers which are Heartfelt Creations, and the little image which I stamped and cut out is Inkylicious as is the sentiment.

And one more for Stamping Sensations using Chocolate Baroque stamps, Versafine Clair inks and a CB sentiment which I thought fitted the theme perfectly.
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  1. Brenda, I am so sorry to hear this. Do hope that they will both recover soon. Love your cards they are beautiful. Stay safe and strong. Hugs Anesha

  2. Brenda these are sad times indeed ,hope both the fathers recover soon, our eldest granddaughter, her grandad on her fathers side has the Coronavirus too .
    Your cards are beautiful with pretty florals, my favourite one is the one with the lattice and the gorgeous stamped flower heads and the lovely soft colour.
    Stay safe
    Babs x

  3. these are fab and gorgeous cards Brenda all so different

    gr karin

  4. I love all three of these fantastic cards Brenda, especially your rainbow flowers at the bottom. So sorry to hear about your daughters-in-law fathers, hope that you will have better news with your next post.

    Take care and stay safe
    Sue xx

  5. Beautiful cards Brenda. the lattice one is stunning, but the one that really wow's me is the rainbow of plants at the end.
    So sorry to hear that Covid-19 has attacked your (extended) family - a difficult time indeed for everyone.
    Stay safe

  6. So sorry to hear that you have members of your extended family suffering from this dreadful virus, I hope that they have a speedy recovery.
    A great sentiment on the first card for today's weather, but a much needed spell of rain for our gardens and farmers. Another lovely set of cards again today Brenda, hope you are staying well and positive at this time x

  7. what lovely designs you have made here, absolutely love this.x

  8. Lovely makes B despite the understandable lack of enthusiasm for crafting.
    Here's hoping your extended family members make a swift and full recovery. xx

  9. Just shows how infectious this virus is, it keeps on travelling whatever measures we take.
    3 brilliant cards, Brenda, lovely colours and very stylish! Keep safe x

  10. Beautiful cards Brenda..hope the extended members of your family get well soon..its too close to home when we actually know people...keep safe


  11. I'm sorry to hear your extended family is having to deal with this virus! Hoping for a quick recovery! Our schools in Illinois are done for the school year now, while we don't have many cases yet in our small town (we now have 4), it's best to keep it that way so the school closings are a good thing, although hard to believe both my kids are sad about it.

    These are such pretty cards, I love the lattice die you used and currently waiting on the lovely lilacs stamp I ordered recently.

  12. Gorgeous Brenda, hope you are keepong well and safe x

  13. You have made beautiful elegant flower cards Brenda. A lovely shape, design, colours and beautiful flower stamps on the first one. A very elegant design on the second and the third is so bright and cheerful.
    I hope the fathers of your daughter in laws will recover.
    Stay safe Marlies x

  14. Three amazing floral creations, I love them all. Those flowers on your Allsorts card are beautiful, worth the fussy cutting.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  15. I particularly like the last card. lovely graduation through the colours xx

  16. Hello Brenda, I'm really sorry to hear that your extended family has contracted the virus, what a worrying time for everyone, I hope they will recover soon.
    A delightful array of cards, I especially love the the design of the first card, wonderful colours and stamping, Kate x x

  17. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the 1st one as anything Trellis for me but love the last one too in the rainbow stamping, xxx
    I do wish I could stamp like you, xxx

  18. Stunning cards, the first one is so beautiful.
    Sad times, Yesterday got bad news too;-))m

  19. Very pretty makes Brenda, I hope that those two fathers recover well. Stay safe and well yourself xxxxx

  20. Stunning cards as always Brenda. I love the stamps and colours you've used on each of them. I do hope both of the fathers make a good recovery, Take care xx

  21. Oh Brenda...craft in the face of adversity should be your motto...I do hope the fathers in law of your daughters recover quickly and fully. Your cards as always are so pretty. Love the colours on all three of them. The flowers are stunning on the first one, love the lilac? on the second and your rainbow of flowers on the last one. Keep smiling. Hugs xx

  22. I'm so sorry to read this - I hope they have a speedy recovery.
    Such pretty cards, I do love the rainbow effect one at the end.

  23. Beautiful card designs Brenda. I am hoping for a speedy recovery of your relatives.

    Hugs Diane

  24. Absolutely adorable stamps love colours and whole design...hope you are doing well. Sorry to read that the virus has entered the family a tough time..xx

  25. Oh no--so sorry the 2 men have Covid 19 & pray they recover without ill effects. So very scary. I keep saying if the idiots protesting the stay home orders had the virus themselves or their loved ones, they'd think differently! Your cards are gorgeous, Brenda--love all the pink!

  26. Lovely cards Brenda, especially the rainbow coloured floral one at the bottom.
    I do hope your DILs Fathers make a speedy recovery, it must be a very stressful time for them.
    Take care, Avril xx

  27. Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your daughter in laws' fathers. I do hope you'll be able to report some good news about them soon. It was awful to hear from your comment on my blog that you're struggling with no glasses because of the situation too and I really hope you'll be able to get them soon too.

    Your cards are lovely despite your difficulties. The lattice with the gorgeous flowers is so pretty but it's the gorgeous wildflower cards at the bottom which have blown me away. I particularly like the graduated rainbow effect on the last card and the way you echoed it with your embellishments.

    Keep your chin up! Sending hugs,

    Vicky x

  28. So sorry to hear about your DIL fathers and hope they recover well.Gorgeous cards and love all the beautiful stamps and the shape of the first card
    carol x

  29. Such pretty makes, Brenda. Sorry to hear about your SIL's fathers. Hope they are pulling through. We're in a relatively safe place here in Crete, with very few confirmed cases, but no recent ones.
    Stay safe!
    Marianne x

  30. Beautiful cards! Love the multi coloured one most...but all beauties! Hugs, Gerrina
