
Friday 27 March 2020

The blue lorry..........

Tesco shoppers left disappointed while booking Christmas delivery ...

Whoever thought my morning would start with such excitement, I have a Tesco delivery slot for next Friday 😃😃😃

Yet another migraine woke me at 5am, so got up checked my mails and there was one from Tesco saying they were restricting the number of items in a shop to 80, so that prompted me to go look to see if there were any slots, whoo hoo there were on 3rd and 4th April, nabbed one, sent a text to daughter and she got one as well. Five minutes later all gone. Now I'm at Boots, apparently no 43,516 in the queue and should be into the system in an estimated two hours. Even if I felt like crafting which I'm afraid I just don't as my mojo is far away, I wouldn't have time with all this internet activity.

And yesterday an Angel delivered my prescriptions, surgery unable to help, chemist the same then someone told me our village timebank team had become NHS volunteers, within two hours they were on my doorstep and popped into our contactless delivery box which hubby sorted last week............have to say these delivery drivers are doing a sterling job in such difficult circumstances.

How things change, a month ago a Tesco deliver slot would have been the last thing to excite me let alone lead me to do a blog post. Have a good day everyone, hard frost here but looks like the sun will shine again.
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  1. Have abandoned looking for delivery slots and Boots... I had the same troubles yesterday and in the end I went to Savers and my local pharmacy did the prescription. At the supermarket the queue went round the block, my hubby estimated 2 hours before getting in so abandoned that too. As a consequence, we are trying out new brands/new types of food everyday! Can't complain, we are not starving yet... Take care, enjoy the sunshine, and your mojo will be back. xx

  2. I feel for you Brenda. I am lucky to have a couple of local shops who are doing their best. Do reach out if you are struggling. Have you joined "next"?, a great source of local information and support. Some local businesses are stepping up with deliveries, or collections for essential supplies, so it's worth searching these out. There are also other pharmacies online, whilst there will still be delays, you may have more luck. It is good to take your mind off things if you can, but I know this can be difficult. I had a new die set, so just got it out and cut a few bits, and it soon lead to more. My local church website also list local suppliers and helpers. Take care and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it xxx

  3. Oh Brenda I hear your excitement, and pain - we are experiencing queues as what shops are open are all working on a maximum number of customers at any one time - one out/one in style of shopping! (Only essential services, eg, post, groceries/supermarkets, chemists are open as we are in full lock down.)
    As I live in a small town, shopping on line means deliveries are not an issue, thankfully
    Stay safe

  4. Morning Brenda..we are having trouble getting slots for delivery but last night we did manage to get a click & collect slot for Asda but lots of items out of stock....we live in a small village no shop but we do have a farm shop on the edge of our village who will deliver but very limited stock of food...still I do need to loose some weight!

    Have a good weekend..


  5. Glad you managed to get your delivery slot. Sending lots of hugs.x

  6. I understand your excitement - we got one for Gra's Mum for this coming Sunday - after sitting for 2 days just continuously checking the slots one became available and we were just lucky. Nearly had a G and T to celebrate! At least it means we don't have to add another journey with an hour there and an hour back on to the current shop journey for ourselves and our neighbours.
    Glad the script got sorted.
    In the overall scheme of things number 19 does not top the list of priorities but am still hopeful the ribbons will be red at some point later in the year and not cancelled altogether. Que Sera Sera.

  7. Hello Brenda, so pleased to hear that you got your delivery slot. We are still able to go shopping albeit limiting the amount of times we/I do so. I did a big shop before we locked down and only need bread and milk occasionally. My pharmacy is in our Tesco, bu they don't deliver, so I would have to go out to collect my medication when ordered.
    I'ts just all having to get your head round it all and trying to think ahead. Keep well and I hope the migraine goes, Kate x

  8. You lucky I had a wait in line to enter Morrisons but it was very civilized and managed to get what I needed x

  9. well done on your delivery slot! I eventually got onto Morrisons site and put some stuff in a trolley but no slots.. I've given up now and will have to go and stand in line to get in... at least they are a bit more organised with it now. Are you not able to qualify as vulnerable and get priority slots? I am really missing the footie (fearing what might happen at next week's meeting!) and of course my trips to Kew... ah well, must keep positive. Hugs xx

  10. Brilliant post Brenda, as the old Bob Dillan song goes "The times, they are a changing"

    Kath x

  11. So glad to hear that you managed to get an online delivery slot Brenda as they're like gold dust at the moment!
    Hope you managed to get there with Boots too.
    My weekly shop yesterday was an absolute nightmare but I have no option but to do it so it's a case of grin and bear it.
    Hoping for an end to all this soon.
    Fliss xx

  12. I'm glad that you managed to get a deliveery slot. Hubby and I will be braving it early next week to go get not only our own but my mothers shopping as well. Not looking forward to it but needs must. Funny how now it's silly things that please us now.

    Sue xx

  13. im happy you get delivery!

  14. Hi Brenda
    Glad to hear that you got the grocery slot and deliveries are coming in various ways.
    We are lucky enough to have one daughter 12 doors away and the other 6 doors away. Even though one is single and therefor one would think she would have a bit more time, she is a nursing instructor and we do not want to expose ourselves to any risk so our married daughter often orders for us too and leaves it all on the porch.

    Luckily, we keep our freezer full. We have always been like that...a throwback from our farming days. But it is the fresh veg and fruit that we miss in between deliveries.

    Take care, Brenda.

    I watched a fabulous video put out by a doctor on how to set up a sterile/nonsterile method to unload and wipe dow/wash your groceries before putting them away. It was so imformative. He even washes the oranges with soap and water!
    Have been following his method.

  15. How strange & scary the world has become! I had never considered doing on-line grocery shopping. Thought it was just a great convenience for people with little kids & those who work. Now I'm getting to be a pro--haha! We've done 3 pick-ups & all went smoothly with easily more than 6 feet apart from everyone. Stay safe, my friend.
