
Saturday 28 March 2020

Butterfly Tree and Calm Waters

Well after all my excitement yesterday reserving a Tesco delivery slot it went a bit pear shaped at Boots, after almost three hours in the virtual queue, I was invited into the website, placed my order, paid and then got a message there were unable to process any more orders. I know I'm not alone as we are all experiencing these frustrations, but grief does it test the patience.

Before I move onto Allsorts, I wanted to invite you to be a Social Butterfly and extend the wings of friendship among the crafting community by joining Lesley of Chocolate Baroque in her daily 1.30pm Butterfly Tree Facebook Live chats. Anyone who knows me is aware I don't do Facebook, I do have a Facebook page somewhere but it's just a presence and I'm never active on it. However I felt I needed to add my support and much to my surprise managed to load the above card onto their new page here.

Now moving onto Allsorts where Wendy is this weeks host and she would like to see creations suitable for 'Boys and Men. We have a lovely A4 stamp set from Rare Earth for this weeks lucky winner.  

My card is a Chocolate Baroque share for Hochanda TV, using acetate to create the reflection, DI's and Pan Pastels for the background and really a pretty simple card which I though would work for a man.

Stay safe and well.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Two fabulous cards, loved the second one.
    My week's excitement was a driving to a mail machine.
    Take care;-))m

  2. Stunning cards Brenda - that butterfly tree is a beauty. The scene you have created in the second card is amazing!
    I went for a walk today as it was sunny - did manage a few chats to neighbours 'over the fence' at a good three metres apart...
    Stay safe

  3. it's a very beautiful card and a gorgeous card Brenda love that tree.
    Gr Karin

  4. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. The second one is so serene - love it.
    Hope you are keeping safe
    Lorraine x

  5. A stunning pair of cards Brenda. Exquisite stamping as always.
    Stay safe,

  6. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. such a peaceful feeling with the second one.

    Sue xx

  7. Two stunning cards Brenda just move the reflection one....I think orders are going to be a bit hit and miss...we had a message from our pharmacy saying please order your medication at least 2-3 weeks ahead as they were struggling to keep up even though they are working long hours..bless them..


  8. Lovely cards B.
    Adore the second one - and anyone would love it not just a man!
    Hugz. xx

  9. Way to delicate for a man Brenda, the skill that went it it will be totally lost on them unless they happen to be crafters themselves! But not on us...

    I can't get into Boots website either and I can't fathom why they need the virtual queue, does the nation suddenly double their orders? It's possible to get onto the Superdrug website although they do warn delivery times are longer and I get the impression a lot of products cannot be ordered for home delivery. They also do NHS prescriptions but I have never tried them.
    Enjoy the sunny days! x

  10. I love your butterfly card and what it stands for Brenda. Your second card is really beautiful and such a tranquil scene. I absolutely understand your frustration Brenda re: the pharmacy. I needed to pick up some medication a couple of days ago, so to avoid going out unnecessarily, I phoned the chemist first to ensure that they had my prescription. They said that they had and that it would be ready in about an hour. I gave them two hours and then went to join the queue. When I finally got in, they told me that they didn't have the medication that I needed and could I go back the next day. Of all the places I didn't want to be, that was one of them and the reason that I phoned before going. I understand that they are under a great deal of pressure but dear me! Take care and stay safe x

  11. Sorry to hear about your Boots order. Love your card just beautiful. Stay safe and well. Hugs Anesha

  12. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I especially love the second one, it’s so wonderfully calming I keep going back to take a look at it it’s awesome. Glad you sorted out your Tesco order unlucky with the Boots one, I never realised you could be in a virtual queue!!! Take care.

    Pat xx

  13. Het lijkt of ik niks anders kan zeggen
    Je kaarten zijn schitterend
    Mooi om naar te kijken
    Groetjes Gerrie

  14. Pleased that you evenutually managed to do your virtual orders Brenda. What lovelies these cards are, love the calm peacwful water scene xx

  15. What stunning cards Brenda, beautifully designed and coloured.
    So frustrating for you, but really, this is all the fault of people being told to get shopping and medicine delivered, it should only be those who are vulnerable, or those folks who can't get to the shops easily in one way or another. If your fit to go to the supermarket, then go and leave the slots to those who need them. I believe it's just another expression of people's selfishness, not helped by the thoughtless so called advice from Westminster
    , rant over lol. I hope you get it all sorted out soon,keep safe Kate x

  16. Both beautiful cards Brenda-love the butterfly tree and the reflection card is a brilliant technique
    Carol x

  17. Both are so beautifully done Brenda! How wonderful is that butterfly covered tree and the second card is gorgeous as well with that serene scene!

  18. Fabulous cards Brenda. Your mojo must have been just round the corner waiting for a delivery! xx

  19. Two lovely cards Brenda and although completely different they both seem to have a calming feel to them.
    I have another few days to go before my online shopping arrives, but thankfully a friend shopped for us while doing his own this week, who would have thought online grocery shopping would be a topic of conversation on a craft blog!
    Stay safe, Avril xx.

  20. Gorgeous card. hope you get your boots order sorted soon.

  21. oh Im so sorry they didnt process your order.
    your cards are so beautiful!

  22. Beautiful cards Brenda and sorry to hear about your Boots problem. There was a huge queue right down the street outside our small local branch today as they were only letting in one person at a time.
    Hope you can get somewhere next time.
    Fliss xx

  23. Two really brilliant creations. The colours on the first card are totally stunning , a fabulous image and gorgeous background elements.
    A lovely serine card a really brilliant idea of the reflection design. Classy.

    Kath x

  24. These are two beautiful cards. I like them both very much.
    Greetings Carola

  25. Ciao carissima Brenda,
    faccio un salto veloce in blogland per dare mie notizie alle mie amiche crafter...
    Mi dispiace molto che la tua spesa non possa essere inviata adesso. :( Ma sono sollevata di sapere che almeno hai avuto le tue medicine.
    Anche in Italia è successo questo appena hanno chiuso tutto e ci hanno detto di stare a casa in quarantena, con il virus o meno... : la gente è andata in panico e ha immediatamente svuotato i negozi per fare provviste. E poi tante persone hanno smesso di lavorare, così i pochi rimasti non riescono a fare tutto. Noi ormai ci siamo abituati a questa situazione surreale... Preghiamo che finisca presto. :(
    Io sono completamente assorbita dalla scuola online, ci sono tantissime cose da imparare e da fare! Problemi da risolvere continuamente per cercare di aiutare tutti i bambini e materiale da preparare... le lezioni in videoconferenza non sono facili, la connessione cade spesso e i bambini non si concentrano... ma è l'unico modo che abbiamo.

    Adoro la tua prima card, è spettacolare!!! Così vibrante e luminosa e l'albero di farfalle suona come un simbolo di rinascita e positività!
    La card per Allsorts è perfetta per un uomo e mi piace molto il riflesso dell'albero nell'acqua!
    Ti mando un grande abbraccio, abbi cura di te!!!
    Alice xxx

  26. Two gorgeous cards, Brenda. Your first card is so striking and I love your choice of colours. I love the tranquil scene you've created on your second card - just beautiful. xx

  27. Two beautiful cards Brenda. A wonderful effect with the reflection on the second one. hugs, Marlies

  28. Wow, your firstcard is amazing Brenda, lovely, both of them, xxx

  29. Love the bright colours on the first one and the second one is just such a serene and tranquil scene.

  30. Such beautiful cards Brenda - especially the beautiful reflection scene.
    I don't have any truck with facebook any more either but wish Lesley well with the Live Chats.
    I can understand your frustration with these overwhelmed services Brenda. You are not alone. Sending hugs, Vicky x

  31. Two gorgeous designs Brenda, especially the second one, it's so very tranquil

    Stay safe


  32. Glad to hear you got a food order in but sorry about the Boots one! So frustrating and quite scary. I just heard yesterday they are having problems getting enough asthma inhalers in!! I love your gorgeous and beautifully bright creations today. Take care xx

  33. Love, love the butterfly card. Feel I have done nothing but sit in front of my pc for the past month trying to get a shopping delivery slot to no avail. Stay safe and well . Hugs Mrs A.

  34. A beautiful calming creation, love the reflection technique. Your CB creation is fabulous too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  35. Two stunning cards. I love the colours and fabulous butterfly tree on the first, and beautiful tranquil scene you created on the second. Take care xx

  36. I finally have that butterflytree stamp and planned to use it this week... Got inspired by your beautiful card... But the scene is my favorite; so serene and it! Hugs, Gerrina

  37. That tree silhouette and reflection is a very special card, absolutely stunning, I love it. i really like the butterfly tree too but in a different sort of way xx

  38. What a bummer! Lovely cards, Brenda--especially the second one!
