
Saturday 26 October 2019

Touch of Vintage and another Craftalong

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday and time for a new challenge at Allsorts where our host is Lynn with the perfect theme to get inky, 'Make your Own Background'. Our lucky winner will receive four stencils from Crafty Devils.

I also have news of the next Craftalong show on Hochanda on 17th November when Lesley of Chocolate Baroque will be creating a Journal, the kits went on sale a couple of day's ago here so you can order yours now so you are all ready to craftalong with her. I was chuffed to bits to be asked to make the samples using the kit for the Hochanda promotional video so will share a couple today and some more next week.

The focus is very much Vintage, a lovely set of stamps which work well together or with your other stamps so very versatile, the journal is also included in the kit as well as a Gelli Plate, various cardstock, a brayer and other bits and pieces, you can see everything here

Back to my Allsorts shares and the one at the top of this post was made during the Summer for a Stamp Addicts Hochanda show which featured inchies and twinchies along with the lovely Muse image which is part of a set as were the music ones which included Mozart which I shared a couple of weeks ago.

I used a Tim Holtz die to cut out the corners, then stamped randomly with the script stamp that was also in the show and grunged it up a bit with DI's. I inked the twinchies with Oxides then stamped a variety of the stamps onto them, inked with Versamak and added UTEE, I did this process three times to give a nice smooth glazed finish then mounted them onto the base.

This was another Hochanda sample, this time for one of Pete's Artisan Design shows. An Oxide background, a large circle and small dots stencils, also from Pete and finally I stamped the large Rose  from Kelley's Garden collection and coloured in with pencils. The sentiment if from the leaf set which is in the same collection.

Hope you all have a relaxing weekend and find some crafty time.
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  1. Brenda, how things are going well with you. Just adore your creations they are wonderful!!! Have a great day.hugs Anesha

  2. What fabulous work Brenda - love all the techniques you use and the fabulous results you get with the multi-layered stamping and stencilling.
    I trust you are feeling better

  3. Hope you are feeling a bit better Brenda.
    Gorgeous cards and I love the blue and brown stamped one, lovely colours, xxx

  4. Beautiful card Brenda and I love the the colours..hope you are feeling better


  5. Hi, Brenda! These are lovely! I especially like the one with the tiny squares - the use of color and stencils is magnificently rich. I hope your new medical protocol is helping - by the way, your new blog header and side bar look fabulous! hugs, de

  6. Just popping in to say how much I LOVE your AS cards, but especially that first one, Brenda. Gorgeous...I haven't used my da Vinci stamps for years but this puts them firmly in the forefront of my mind, so who knows? I love all your samples. Vintage can be so rewarding at the right time and you've made some fab samples...wonderful artwork :-)
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    Cath x

  7. Love the Vintage makes, Brenda, I had to check out the stamp set and now I am tempted... Hope you are well and have a lovely weekend, whatever the British weather is throwing at you (it's pretty miserable here..). xx

  8. Wow, what fantastic works again. I like them all very much.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs Carola

  9. How GORGEOUS vintage creations, Brenda. You are soooooo talented, my dear friend. Kisses!!!!!!

  10. Such beautiful creations Brenda. Love all the inking and stamping. The Tim Holtz die cut set has been on my wish list for a of these days I'll have to get them!
    The new kit looks amazing and how wonderful that in includes a gelli plate. I need to get out mine again soon!! It's been waaaayyy too long, I've forgotten how to use it!

  11. Beautiful makes Brenda...such a lot of time and effort in all of these. xx

  12. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the vintage ones and love the gorgeous colours on the last one. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  13. Some really great background and a super fine set of cards using some lovely images and great colour choices.
    We have a saying 'up North' that red and green should never be seen, except upon a fool. Slightly different to your Grans.

    Kath x

  14. Another aray of gorgeous makes which I really do not know how you manage to fit into your life of hospital trips. Do hope you are felling a lot better then you were. Hugs Mrs A.

  15. Ciao Brenda, intanto grazie per il tuo commento sul mio blog nonostante tutte le cose che hai avuto da fare. Entrambi i tuoi capolavori per lo show di CB sono davvero stupendi, che belle composizioni! La vita è incredibile davvero come dice il bel sentiment...!
    Mi piacciono moltissimo gli splendidi colori che hai usato per le prime due card vintage!!! Amo molto marrone e blu chiaro, anche se io non lo uso mai: lo trovo elegante, femminile e delicato!
    Anche l'ultima card è delicata e femminile con quelle rose sfumate in blu e viola. E il sentiment è davvero toccante...Meravigliosa!
    La tempesta è finalmente passata, qui: oggi sole caldo e uccellini dappertutto! :D Spero che anche nel tuo paradiso verde ci sia il sole

  16. All beautiful cards as allways Brenda. I love the vintage look. You have created beautiful backgrounds on all of them. Fantastic stamping. Marlies x

  17. Such beautiful pieces of art Brenda and the TH die works beautifully on the first one. They are all superb by the concertina card is a triumph, I love it x

  18. wow Brenda what gorgeous cards and projects. fab colours and designs
    Gr Karin

  19. Wauw wat een super kaarten heb je weer gemaakt.
    Groetjes Gerrie

  20. Lovely samples Brenda, the screen tag book is absolutely gorgeous, love the timepiece elements and the Hessian is a lovely touch. Hope you are doing ok xx

  21. My goodness what a wonderful selection of cards Brenda and the album is amazing, Love them all, Kate x

  22. Wow Brenda, well done on your beautiful samples. Beautiful vintage and inspiring creations. Your last sample is very pretty too. Hope you're okay. Hugs xxx

  23. Beautiful projects Brenda, you have such a creative mind.

  24. Fabulous creations Brenda, I do love vintage themed images and you've combined them beautifully in the twinchies and the masculine makes with the clocks.
    Gorgeous colours and design on the floral card, love the background.
    Hope you're feeling better.
    Avril xx

  25. lovely vintage makes - I particularly like the first one - a lovely colour combo.

  26. Stunning Cards.
    I don't have laptop with me for few days, I'll be back on Wed evening-))m

  27. Beautiful cards! Favorites are the two vintage cards; they have such a warm feel; looks great! Hugs, Gerrina

  28. Fabulous work Brenda: awesome!
    xxx Deezy (from Deezy's handmade cards)

  29. I love your backgrounds for Allsorts, and your samples with the Hochanda stamps are great, the craftalong looks really good. Will have to try to remember to watch that for some tips and inspiration.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  30. Hi Brenda, well I'm finally home and playing catch up with all your amazing creations. I do hope all is well with you after reading your last post about hospital and doctors visits xx

  31. Lots of lovely inkiness Brenda, right up my street x

  32. Fabulous samples Brenda really love the first one and the journal
    Carol x

  33. What a beautiful collection of cards, Brenda and I love the vintage look and variety of styles.
    Have a great weekend.
    Carol x

  34. Beautiful cards Brenda. Loving the inchy style centrepiece!
