
Saturday 19 October 2019

Better late than never, or so they say!

Morning all and I need to start with an explanation to my teamies at Allsorts where Ellie is our host this week as well as those at Penny Black and More, Stamping Sensations and Chocolate Baroque

I had scheduled the mid way posts at PB&M and SS as well as my CB one for yesterday, but alas I didn't get as far as my own blog as I've been back and forth to doctors and hospital all week and the promise of more of the same next week. So this post is something of a cobble up of everything and I will keep the blurb shorty and sweet.

The tag at the top is one of my Chocolate Baroque pieces as is the orange and teal one at the bottom on the post.

This is my Allsorts creation for Ellie's 'Add a touch of gold or silver' theme where the prize is an A4 stamp sheet from Rare Earth. This was a Stamp Addicts sample for a recent Hochanda show.

More Autumnal leaves and colours at Stamping Sensations using all Penny Black stamps.

Have a good weekend everyone and I might even get time in mine to get some blog visiting done!
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Oh Brenda, sorry to hear that once again you need to visit the NHS, and make the most of the taxes you have paid over the years. Do hope your body settles down and behaves soon.
    Loving your cards. As ever they are gorgeous!! I do admire that you get so much done with all the 'other stuff' going on for you.
    Blessings and prayers

  2. Hope that things are going well with you. Love these creations, the one with the leaves are stunning. Sending hugs. Anesha

  3. As usual you have a beautiful set of makes for us Brenda! Sounds like you are having another tough time and I hope things will get better. Don't sweat the blogging, you have other fish to fry and your readers understand. xx

  4. A beautiful collection of cards Brenda. Hope all goes well with your many visits over these couple of weeks.

    Sue xx

  5. Hope things settle down for you Brenda.
    Beautiful makes as always x

  6. Do hope this twoing and throwing to the hospital is going to sort your problems out for you. Amazed at how many wonderful cards and tag that you have still managed to produce. Hugs Mrs A.

  7. Gorgeous cards as always.
    Hope you are feeling better;-))m

  8. Such beautiful creations Brenda I just love the butterfly card that is ever so pretty the butterflies are coloured so perfectly, hope you start to feel better soon..
    Babs x

  9. Lovely makes, Brenda. I particularly like your inky tag. I obviously have a lot of catching up to do on your blog. Anyway, I hope things will settle down for you soon. DH's recent CT scan and blood test results were all excellent and he doesn't need another check-up until January.
    Have a good weekend!
    Marianne x

  10. Your cards are all so beautiful, wonderful stamping and inking as always! I'm sorry to hear you need to go back to hospital again next week, hope you get well soon!

  11. More wonderful cards Brenda, your designs and colours are gorgeous.
    Looks like you have a busy week with hospital appointments coming up, good luck with it all, Kate x

  12. A wonderful selection of cards Brenda.

    Hope things aren't too bad for you, xxx

  13. Wonderful cards as ever B.
    Hope the hosp visits are not too bad... big hug matey.x
    (oh and perhaps 3 tomorrow might alleviate some of the unpleasantness????)xx

  14. Sorry to hear youve not been too good again still managed to produce such gorgeous cards...I think for many of us crafting is a relief from pain as we go into our own little world...hope you feel better soon


  15. Lovely cards again Brenda, I am particularly fond of the autumnal leaves and "cherish yesterday" sentiment. I hope your visits go well this week and that the outcome is a good one xx

  16. Beautiful as ever Brenda and I love the tag as the butterflies really pop. xx

  17. Beautiful selection Brenda. Loving the colours in that tag, so soft and pretty.

  18. A beautiful selection of Cards Brenda. I love them all, but the leaves are probably my favourite (I know I am predictable, lol) Hope your hospital visits prove helpful. I will be thinking of you and if there is anything I can help with please let me know xxx

  19. Another fabulous collection of cards, great images, colours and backgrounds. MY favourite is the last one.

    Kath x

  20. Each one is simply amazing, Brenda. Please take care of yourself. You will be in my prayers. Hugs, my friend.

  21. Sorry to hear about all your medical visits. Fab collection of cards as usual

  22. All beautiful creations Brenda but I especially like the butterfly tag. The background is fabulous and co-ordinates beautifully with butterflies. They look ready to fly off x

  23. Lovely creatiions Brenda and your PB pink one is really pretty. Hope that all is going well with your hospital and doctors appointments. I managed to take a tumble in Cornwall and ended up at the Bodmin minor injuries unit! I don't bounce like I used to! They think that I may have cracked a rib (really painful) - it just needs time and rest to heal. xxxx

  24. gorgeous tag and beautiful cards Brenda and feel better wishes.

    Gr Karin

  25. 4 wonderful cards, hope all your appointments go well xx

  26. Ciao Brenda, mi dispiace molto che tu sia stata tutta la settimana impegnata con visite dai dottori e all'ospedale, e mi rattrista ancora di più sapere che anche la prossima settimana sarà così!! Spero che alla fine delle visite tutto sia chiaro e ci siano buone notizie per la tua salute!!
    Ho ammirato i tuoi lavori per CB sul loro blog, che meraviglie hai creato! Tutte così creative e mi piace tantissimo soprattutto la decorazione da appendere in bianco e oro, che non hai messo qui, mi ricorda i patterns di Klimt ed è perfetta per l'albero di Natale! Bellissima anche la tag con le farfalle, così dolce nei toni rosa-aracione!
    La tua card in bianco e oro per Allsort è molto elegante e che bella poinsettia, così solare!! Bellissime anche le foglie della penultima card, mi pare ce tu abbia usato la tecnica dell'acqua spruzzata sul timbro inchiostrato... è una delle tecniche che voglio provare di nuovo.
    Qui piove e c'è allerta per il meteo: è prevista molta pioggia tutta assieme. Domani scuole chiuse. Speriamo non ci siano danni.
    Un abbraccio, a presto

  27. Oh so sorry to hear that you are again feeling poorly and having trips to the hospital etc, sending healing wishes your way.
    I had no problem visiting your blog this week, the gremlins must have up sticks and left :)
    A fabulous collection of cards and the tag is so pretty too.

  28. Hope things start to improve , just love all your creations x

  29. Such a variety of beautiful creations, brenda, hope you’re feeling better.

  30. Beautiful projects, Brenda! The butterfly tag is neat, but I really adore the gold poinsettia card!

  31. Well, with all in one post it is a feast for the eyes! Love the tag; feels beautiful vintage and stil modern; great combination!
    And the fine background on your last one gives it so much depth; looks great! Hope you will get a bit better from all the trips to the hospital! Sending positive energy for you... Hugs, Gerrina

  32. So sorry to hear you are suffering again Brenda. These cards dont look cobbled together at all and are of your usual high standard . I just love the shades and depth of colour on the tag . Take care
    love J

  33. very beautiful projects.
    Im so sorry for you.
    hope will be better soon.

  34. Fabulous tag Brenda with gorgeous colours. Beautiful designs on your other cards. Sorry to hear you are having problems but hope all goes well this week with your appointments.

    Pat xx

  35. Wonderful all your Artworks Brenda !! Love this awesome tag, and the cards are Amazing, Love the fantastic designs you always create. Really Gorgeous.
    I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugs,

  36. Gorgeous selection Brenda and love the Autumn leaves-hope you are okay
    Carol x

  37. Hi dear B,
    Am feeling for you with to-ing and fro-ing to the hospital appointments etc is fruitful and blessed of Lord in every way. Can be very tedious and amazed at your use of various things as scroll down, I can see why you love number 1 in this post... it has lovely shades in it, that’s for sure.
    My top picks are no 3 and Thank you Card in lovely pinks and the leaves one, I’m not big on autumn cards but enjoy yours.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  38. Hi, Brenda - I know you don't feel like a strong hero, but always, you inspire me to greater heights through your example. I hate that you're having to "visit" the hospital so frequently, and having lots of work done there. But I am grateful you have competent medical practitioners helping you, and that you have strength to persevere. My thoughts and best wishes are being sent your way. In the meantime, your cards are all lovely with so many techniques and styles! But my favorite is your butterfly tag. Something about the pink in the middle of the butterfly and under it in the tag base that speaks to my heart. I will be casing your technique. It's lovely! Please know I am thinking of you fondly. hugs, de

  39. These are gorgeous Brenda, that pink butterfly tag is so pretty, I love it!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  40. Hi dearie,
    Sounds like you're having a crazy time with hospital and doctor visits. Hope you're okay and managing. Thinking of you. So many beautiful cards once again. My favourite is the leafy background card with the cherish verse-simply superb. Take care Hun. Hugs and love xxxx
