
Monday 13 May 2019

Spring photos from the Fen

It's been a beautiful day here in the Fens so I spent an hour going round the paddocks and gardens to take some photos to share which makes this a rather picture heavy post.

At the top a close up of blossoms on the May (Whitethorn) bush below which is in the hedgerow of the top paddock. My Dad plated the entire hedge with Whitethorn whips about 35 years ago.

We have a lovely patch of Cowslips which were transplanted from one of Dad's pasture fields
One of several Horse Chestnuts, we plated 50 forest trees 35 years ago. And if the old saying "The Oak before the Ask and we shall have a splash, the Ash before the Oak and we shall have a soak" is right then it should be another good Summer as the Oaks are all in full leaf and the Ash way behind
Apple blossom
Not sure what this one is in the courtyard encroaching through the Red Robin but it smells lovely
One of the standard Ceanothus 
A Viburnum.......and nosey Lab
Another Ceanothus........and two more nosey Labs
One of several Choisya and really aromatic especially in the evening
I know it's only Ivy but something I love, it was transplanted from a Mothering Sunday basket probably 20 years ago and now covers two walls of the secret garden
And I though I would share a couple of photos of our 'road', when I tell people it's remote where we live they never quite understand what I mean. It's a single track road, the top one goes nowhere other than a neighbouring farm, the bottom one takes you two miles to village civilisation. 

We've an abundance of birds nesting and as soon I get sight of them taking their fledglings out and about I will try and get some photos, I'm especially hoping to catch the Bullfinches with their young as they usually bring them quite close to the house.
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  1. Love your pics Brenda, I do miss the Spring colours but we did catch some when we were there.

  2. Thank you for sharing these photos Brenda, you are truly blessed to live in such a beautiful place. We went out for a long walk this morning, then we spent the afternoon gardening. Needless to say, I ache in places that I didn’t know I had! Let’s hope this lovely weather continues x

  3. Wow, wonderful spring photos. Thanks for sharing.
    Valerija xx

  4. thats gorgeous Brenda, fabulous trees and a very big garden love it.

    gr karin

  5. What beautiful photos Brenda, you certainly live in a wonderful place. Such a lovely garden,bet it takes a lot of work though, but worth it to get it looking like this. Loving your gorgeous Labs, thanks for sharing your photos, Kate x x

  6. You are so much further on than us Brenda,although I have a couple of shrubs further on than usual. We are a bit exposed up here, definitely out in the stick here! Lovely selection of shrubs. Carol xx

  7. Gorgeous photos Brenda.
    I hope the saying is right, another nice summer would be nice x

  8. Lovely, lovely, lovely spring photos, Brenda. I llllllove the apple blossoms!!!!!! Hugs, my friend.

  9. what a beautiful post, you have fabulous surroundings, you are so lucky (although I am not sure I'd enjoy being so isolated) Love the ceanothus particularly. I am always surprised they don't seem to have any at Kew. If I had space and a proper garden (apart from a patch of grass and two flowerbeds in front of my maisonette) I would love one.

  10. Beautiful photos - I do love this time of the year in gardens.
    Kath x

  11. Wonderful pictures Brenda thank you for sharing your little bit of paradise
    lorraine x

  12. What lovely photos of your beautiful plants and trees. The dogs look happy in the sun too.

  13. Wow you live in the most beautiful place Brenda. The photos are exceptionally good and so beautiful to look at.

  14. so very beautiful photos Brenda!
    thank you for shraing with us!

  15. Gorgeous photo's Brenda, I would love to live in a place like that.

    Kath x

  16. Beautiful photo'of where you live Brenda. The flowers and trees look amazing and I love your dogs :) Marlies x

  17. Thank you for sharing that Brenda - that's beautiful!!

  18. Wow what a beautiful setting you live in Brenda, I know now where your inspiration comes from. Thank you for sharing these photos with us.

    Sue xx

  19. Such glorious sunshine and beautiful pictures Brenda, you are surrounded by the nature and it's beauty, no wonder you create such lovely projects.

  20. Ok Brenda I am coming to live looks idyllic surrounded by all the nature. Beautiful photos...thank you for the tour. After this post i think there will be a bus load of us arriving!! xx

  21. Oh wow...that is all so beautiful and soooo inspiring! What a beautiful nature you are living in! Enjoy more of spring as it is such a great season! And thanks for charing the beauty of it! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. Playing catchup after my hols. What lovely pics, I love gardens and you have some beautiful shrubs and trees there

  23. Brilliant photos Brenda you have some fabulous trees and shrubs and such a beautiful property to live --love the little cowslip
    Carol x

  24. Oh, sigh... Brenda, how endearing your post is, with the comments of your father having planted many of the trees and bushes 35 years ago. How delighted he would be to see the lush beauty he created for those who come after him. He certainly chose majestic plants to landscape with! It must thrill you to look out and take in the love you feel from a childhood history, and the beauty of scented breaths as you enjoy each splash of color and magnificence! thank you for sharing! hugs, de

  25. Wwooww What a so magnifique post Brenda !! Your photographs are so beautiful, thank you very much for sharing them with us. Love this awesome place where you are living, in the nature ! It´s incredible to see the entire hedge your Dad planted many years ago, just Amazing !!
    I looooooove your sweet dogs ! they are adorable. We have one little podenco too ♥
    I wish you a very nice afternoon,
    Big hugs, Caty

  26. I always look forward to a stroll around your wonderful garden at this time of year. Yet again you haven't disappointed!! xx

  27. Flowers, spring, dogs and sunshine. Love them all. I posted a similar blog today. Love this one Brenda.

    Hugs June x

  28. What beautiful photos Brenda! The plants are just gorgeous and definitely bring a smile to my face. You certainly live in a lovely place even if it is a bit remote!

    Carol x

  29. Wonderful photos Brenda, your garden shrubs and trees are looking beautiful. The weather looks glorious - hope it lasts.
    Avril xx

  30. Your garden is amazing. Sorry I have not been commenting but as you can imagine like is a bit crazy with two new cats and a puppy. :)
    Love your furry babies and looks like they are loving the garden. Hugs Anesha

  31. Fabulous photos Brenda, it’s so lovely at this time of the year when everything looks so clean and fresh with plenty of green. Hope the sun stays shining for you, it has gone a bit cloudy here today after a really lovely week.

    Pat xx

  32. Lovely photos. I see you have a red hot poker out in bloom too. Mine hasn't done a thing so far but my crematis has about 5 large flowers on it and my giant poppy is about to burst into flower too. Hugs Mrs A.

  33. These are stunning photos! Really beautiful flowers, and I love the nosey labs. We are in Suffolk, so know the Fens well, I do love it here, especially the big skies but I must admit I am a hills and moutains girl at heart.

    Have a lovely weekend end.

    Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  34. Gorgeous photos of your beautiful environment, Brenda! People go on vacation to see what you have every day!

  35. Oooohhhh.... Che posto magico, Brenda!!! Stupendo!!! Le tue foto sono meravigliose. Hai un grande privilegio abitando in questo posto pieno zeppo di bellissime piante, rigogliose e antiche, tramandate da generazioni!!! Pace e aria pulita sono cose rare al giorno d'oggi!! Le fioriture sono bellissime e ho visto anche la scuderia, mi pare. Davvero un paradiso! E anche i tuoi cani sono felici di vivere lì :)
    Aspetto di vedere gli uccelli, i nidi e tutte le altre meraviglie :)
    Scusa se commento così tardi, sono stata troppo occupata la settimana scorsa e ora passo a commentare tutti i post delle amiche che ho perso
    Grandi abbracci

  36. What a stunning garden Brenda and everything is far in advance of here, we are in that gap between the spring flowers and summer ones.

    Joan x
