
Saturday 11 May 2019

Party time

Morning Peeps, Saturday again so time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week it's all about 'Transport' with Wendy and a super prize of a set of Hunkadory vehicle stamps from Clever Cut.

It's going to be a busy day here in the Fens, we are hosting one of our family days which we have every now and then, it's always nice to get everyone under one roof along with a good number of dogs who love the freedom of the gardens, probably ten in a variety of breeds. I wasn't confident I could cope with all the catering as I'm still not 100% so Waitrose are doing the honours, when I used them before for a party it was great having everything delivered all laid out and bowled up ready for the table.

So onto my DT makes and confess I was totally stumped for a stamp to use for this theme, I had a vague recollection of the Visible Image stamp but was unable to find it anywhere so I started with a tractor but hubby though was a tad tenuous to the theme, then this week I came across the elusive stamp. An oxide ink background, Chocolate Baroque cog wheels stamped in Versafine toffee, the vintage car stamped in the same ink, cut out and mounted on foam tape, some string and chipboard cogs.

And rather like buses this Penny Black image must have been miss-filed as it popped out of the 'people' drawer......were else would it be...........when I was having a re-organisation of my PB's. I have several drawers of wood mounted ones but my stash of brushstroke and unmounted sets have grown in the last year or two so two more draws have been dedicated to them and it's scary just how many PB's I actually have, some going right back to the early ones of the late 1990's. I simply stamped it and added a little colour, a Penny Black sentiment, some twine, matted and layered and finito.

Happy weekend all.
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  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a tractor as transport!! Back in our early "courting days" I worked at the local branch of Barclays. We had an unexpected heavy snowstorm so those of us that lived out of town were sent home. I didn't have my own car then so rang Martin who came to collect me in his Tractor!! This was the early 80's power dressing era...high heels and shoulder pads and I remember my colleagues looking out of the banking hall window watching me get in!! Happy days!! Anyyway, so glad you found the missing stamp Brenda and the cogs make for a fabulous background. Your PB bicycle is very pretty, love the fresh green. Hope you have a lovely get together, the weather looks like it might play nicely xx

  2. Brilliant makes, Brenda and great choice of challenge because it is a real challenge, lol. Not something I use often!
    Hope your Family Day goes wonderfully and everyone looks after you - I'm sure they will. What a lovely idea.
    Cath x

  3. Buon giorno Brenda, sono molto contenta che tu abbia la famiglia riunita per un giorno di festa, il caldo affeto della famiglia è fondamentale nella vita! :)
    Stupende creazioni per il tema "viaggio" di Allsorts! Gli ingranaggi e quei caldi colori sono perfetti per un uomo e la CAS con la ragazza in bicicletta è adorabile!
    Sto avendo alcuni problemi a causa della salute di mia mamma e non trovo il tempo per stare un po' nella mia craftroom.
    Un abbraccio, buon fine settimana

  4. I would have thought a tractor is a mode of transport...well for a farmer anyway.
    Your cards a fabulous, the first one is a wonderful vintage design and I love the wheels and cogs. Beautiful image on your second card, lovely fresh and crisp design.
    Have a fabulous day with all of your family, it sounds brilliant, especially for the dogs, Kate x

  5. Two great cards Brenda hope you feeling better


  6. Both super cards Brenda and I think a tractor would have done too, xxx

  7. Hi, B! Two beautifully detailed creations using citrusy lime as your common denominator. I especially love that background script stamp the first card features! hugs, de

  8. Two beautiful and perfect cards for the theme, I think a tractor card would have been fantastic as well! How wonderful that you have PB stamps from the 90's, such a treasure!

    The family get-together sounds like a wonderful day and how nice that you can have someone else do the work for you! Hope it's a fabulous day with plenty of sunshine!

  9. Both card are wonderful, Brenda. I love the steampunk design on the first card and the cute image on your second CAS card. Kisses, my dear friend.

  10. Two perfect modes of transport for your cards and I love your colour choice. It is hubbies Birthday today and we are having a family get together tomorrow with all the family coming from different counties in the UK. No dogs but lots of grandchildren and cats. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. Two lovely transport cards Brenda. A difficult theme to find suitable stamps. Both are a great idea. Enjoy your family get together. Marlies x

  12. Two beautiful "transport" cards Brenda, love the distressed look of the first and the love CAS look of the second. Hope you have wonderful family day, there is nothing quite like having everyone together in the sunshine is there? Enjoy.

    Pat xx

  13. Two beautiful cards Brenda, the bottom card has a very french feel to it.

    Sue xx

  14. Your cards are Gorgeous Brenda !! Love them both, the tractor is wonderful, as the colours and every detail. Love also your second one, this is a nice bicycle, Great !
    I wish you a very nice weekend,
    Big hugs, Caty

  15. Two gorgeous card and I love them both! Great inky project and the other so feminine and pretty.

  16. Two super card Brenda, especially love the girl on the bike a really super CAS card, when you have stickeroos you do wonder what the actual stamp is like.

    Hope the Family get-to-gether went well and the weather was kind to you.

    Kath x

  17. two great transport makes Brenda and I hope your family day went well too xxxxx

  18. Wonderful cards as always which I have missed seeing as I've been a bad blogger recently. I hope you have a great family day it sounds fabulous You did the right thing getting caterers let someone else look after you Love and hugs Carole x

  19. Two exquisite 'transport' cards Brenda!! Love the vintage one in particular.
    Good on you for outsourcing the catering - way to go.

  20. beautiful cards you have made Brenda

    gr karin

  21. Two fabulous cards and both great modes of transport, although I'd much rather grab a lift in a tractor nowadays than try and balance on two wheels! Hope you all had a super family day xx

  22. Both cards are really lovely Brenda . I love the way the car is concealed amongst the cog wheels and watches . I hope you had a lovely family day yesterday and are not too tired after it . Jx

  23. Lovely cards Brenda, hope you enjoy the get together x

  24. I see a trend in using things that you have had for a longer time...seen so many more do that and think it is great to grab an older stamp and work with it differently as you would do when you bought it...stamps are so versatile and...patient :)
    Your first is so good for a guy and your 2nd is beautiful CAS and my favorite!Hope it was a good weekend that gave you energy! Hugs, Gerrina

  25. I've been taken to town 8 miles away for my shopping many years ago one wild winter, not the rolls royce of transport but needs must sometimes.Thank fully 4x4s came into our lives and milder winters Both lovely cards. Hope you had a lovely family day, bet the dogs had a great time too. Carol xx

  26. these are so very nice projects!

  27. Two fab makes for the theme. I see you have the stamp that I had the stickeroo for too.
    I've got inktense pencils - in fact I have quite a few sets of different ones for different moods lol!

  28. Fabulous background and stamps on your transport card and love the girly image on the CAS birthday one.Hope the family day went well
    carol x

  29. How lovely to see masculine and feminine cards for the transport theme, two great makes.
    Hope you had a lovely day with your family. Avril xx

  30. Must have been fun! I would love to have seen all the puppydogs enjoying the party! Wonderful cards & perfect use of the PB stamp! I have 2 containers of wood mounted, plus dies, plus clings, plus clear--haha!
