
Saturday 16 March 2019

Dance Sing Love and Stampendous P107

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Kath is our host and would like us to use a favourite stamp or die on our creations, our winner will receive two stamp sets. Further down you will also find some Chocolate Baroque shares, those from my post here a couple of days ago  and also my 15 minute cards which are on today's post here.

No surprises here as half of my crafty friends and those who have ever attended one of my workshops could have predicted, yep it's good old Stampendous P107 Agapanthus Cluster along with Penny Black 2695J Dance, Sing, Love which are without doubt the most used stamp from the hundreds, maybe thousands.......I dare not count, that I own.

I started with a background of Burushos which I quickly blotted as I wanted to maintain the blue and green colours without too much bleed, some stencilling using a brilliance inkpad, then simply stamped my two main images with black versafine. Simples as the Meerkat's would say.

Now my Sewing Room Chocolate Baroque Hochanda TV shares.................

And my quick and easy 15 minute shares...............

Happy weekend all and please do pop over to the challenge blogs and see the inspiration from my team mates and of course I hope you will join in our Allsorts challenge this week.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. I really love your first card, and like you, love the agapanthus cluster, not sure if that is one I have (similar ones though), and "dance" is a favourite too, not that it's seen the light of day for a while! (Not counting mine either, but it is definitely in the thousands) Have a great weekend. 3 points, hopefuly tomorrow!

  2. All so gorgeous Brenda, I wish I could stamp like you, it just doesn't come easy to me. Xxxx

  3. All beautiful cards Brenda but I adore the first one. It's so full of inky loveliness and that verse is a favourite of mine. Enjoy your weekend x

  4. I love everything about your favourite image card, Brenda - the colours, the stamps you used and the design - it's fab. Sometimes, simples are the best. All your other pieces are wonderful, but especially the butterfly and flowers stamp - that's a lovely image. You amaze me every time I visit your blog and see your versatility. The Sewing room cards are wonderful, too.
    Cath x

  5. Fabulous cards, my fave is the first;-))m

  6. What is it about that agapanthus stamp that we all love?! I removed mine from its wood block a long time ago (no space) and it is still going strong!
    Lovely makes to cheer me up on a wet and very windy Saturday here - hoping for a good weekend! x

  7. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Loving your first one, love these colours together and love the stamp. Stunning Always thinking I need to get my PB stamps out, have quite a few lying unloved in a drawer. Think Ill need to visit your blog for inspiration one day and get inking! Too much goes on uptop and not enough doing lol!!! Carol xx

  8. You have been busy with these lovely cards. The first one has to be my favourite - a lovely image and one of my favourite sentiments too.
    Kath x

  9. Such lovely backgrounds for your beautiful images, Brenda! I had not considered using my Brilliance inks with a stencil - thanks for the tip! Not sure why I hadn't considered some of my hybrid or pigment ink pads for that technique, but I thank you for putting it before me, so I could see how fabulous it is! Your sewing theme creations are fantastic! hugs, de

  10. beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda

    gr karin

  11. Wowww, your cards are just Amazing Brenda !! Love them all, the design, papers, and colours are gorgeous. Don´t have just one fav.
    I wish you a very nice day,
    Big hugs, Caty

  12. I like that stamp too - not used it for a while. Love the inky colours you used for the background. So many other lovely cards too.

  13. I would have bet good money on what you would choose for your favourite stamps(s)Brenda ! Beautiful card you have made with it too. Lovely set of cards

    Joan x

  14. Lovely cards Brenda, and I love the Agapanthus card, love this image and mine hasn't been used for a while, so thanks for the inspiration.
    Avril xx

  15. And I can understand why they are your favourite stamps, it's a beautiful card with lovely colours and fabulous stamping. Your other cards are lovely too, especially the blue and red one. Enjoy the rest of the weekend xx

  16. I'm so glad to see a lot of beautiful cards by you! The Agapanthus one is just amazing, LOVE your favourite sentiment and the blue&green tones are so bright and sweet! The stencilling adds a lot of movement and remember me the wind!
    Your CB cards are all stunning, such creative ways to use those sewing themed stamps and love very much the floral one with the blue and red brushos, it's so vibrant!
    I wish you a lovely weekend!

  17. I can see why those are your favourite stamps - they would be mine too if I had them!

  18. Another showcase of fabulous cards Brenda...and of course the lovely agapanthus...I am sure I have this lurking...must dig it out for an airing. Everything you do is amazing..such talent...and great inspiration xx

  19. Just coming by on my weekly visit, - fabulous cards all of them, but the top one is my absolute favourite!!! You call it simples, but to me it looks amazing!! The brusho's background looks stunning and I love the stenciling, so soft and subtle. Lovely stamps too of course....
    Happy Sunday and have a good week!

  20. Wouw wat zijn het schitterende kaarten de kleuren die gebruikt en prachtige stempels.
    Fijne zondag
    Groetjes Gerrie

  21. An amazing selection of cards Brenda


  22. You talented lady!! A post full of amazing inspiration!!!

  23. Another stunning selection of cards Brenda! x

  24. Gorgeous Allsorts card love that senriment. Samples are fab my fave is the blue absolute stunner

  25. What a fabulous collection of cards Brenda. If I had to only pick one, it would have to be the first one - I can see why these stamps are your favourite and the blue and green colours are so pretty.
    Carol x

  26. Wow Brenda, what beautiful creations. You've been very busy lately.
    Big hugs Carola

  27. I recognised your card straight away before I even looked at the name---weird that lol fabulous card and stamp love all your other creations too
    Carol x

  28. Gorgeous card for Allsorts, Brenda! Clearly those stamps were made for you! I also really love the 2nd & last cards of the group--stunning!

  29. A lovely post Brenda with so many lovely makes for Chocolate Baroque. I can fully understand why that Agapanthus is your go to stamp and Penny Black do have some beautiful sentiments don't they. Hope you had a great weekend xxxx

  30. So many wonderful cards Brenda. Love the amazing background you created for the first card using your favorite stamps. I wish it was as easy for me to pick a favorite stamp, but you know how I feel about Penny Black stamps, dare I say if I could I'd own them all!
    Your Chocolate Baroque creations are really amazing too, such creative designs!

  31. All beautiful cards however the first one is absolutely stunning.

  32. |Wow a lot of beautiful cards! Your agapanthuscard is a stunning one (and my favorite...) and although I mostly don't have anythomg with sewing cards, I do think that first one is beautiful! Looks like you have been so bussy! Hope you have the energy this week to do what you want! Hugs, Gerrina

  33. Indeed, not surprised with your choice of favourite Brenda! Quite like the Agapanthus myself! All gorgeous makes, including the quick ones which would take me a lot longer due to extreme dithering... x

  34. these all are stunning cards!
    love them all!

  35. Lot of cards. Beautiful to see.
