
Saturday 7 July 2018

In my Garden and thank you to my teamies

Morning Peeps, this week I am you host at Allsorts and I've chose a real comfort zone theme of  'In my Garden' and there is a lovely Chocolate Baroque stamp to be won.

And before anyone say's a word, yes we have the same theme over at Stamping Sensations, but believe me I only realised when I wrote this post. We plan themes months in advance, this works well as many of the girls like to work ahead and I count myself very fortunate that all the girls are so conscientious and I have never once needed to hunt down work at the last minute. I probably don't say this enough, but thank you all for making organising them a delight.

So of course I had to use a CB stamps and both cards are samples I made for recent Hochanda TV shows. The one at the top features my all time favourite CB sentiment from the Words if Inspiration stamp set along with Floral Harmony which is the same stamp as the prize on offer. 

My second creation is another aperture will soon be fed up seeing these, I stamped Hanging Flowers and coloured in with sparkle pens, added a pale wash of DI's and added a little stencilling using Useful Leaves

I then measured out the size of aperture and stamped Baroque Corners on opposite sides, coloured and cut around one side and then used a die to cut the aperture placing it behind the two cut out sections so they remain part of the frame. Using Kaleidoscope of Butterflies I addd some soft stencilling about the frame before assembling and adding some flowers.

Happy weekend all.
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  1. Two lovely cards Brenda. Very nice colors.

  2. Ooh, so pretty. I bet those pale washes are amazing in real life and the subtle butterfly frame will be a stunner. Love the leaves - definitely useful. I have that word set you used on the top one.

    Beautiful cards, Brenda and we can never have too many reminders of your clever method of die cutting under the corners... I'd certainly never heard of that before and each time I read it it reinforces in my mind. Oh how I wish that meant I would remember but sadly, it doesn't these days... I miss my memory, lol.

    Hope you're still enjoying the weather. It looks as if we're going to have sunny spells for most of this week, instead of clear blue skies, but it will still be hot.

    Have a lovely week and enjoy your ducks!

    Cath x

  3. Two gorgeous flowery cards, both really stunning;-))m

  4. Delightful cards Brenda. So Happy to gave been on your team for so long. Xxx

  5. Lovely cards Brenda, I hope to join in with this one

  6. Two stunning cards using the lovely CB stamps Brenda. I love how you've created those corners.

    Sue xx

  7. Both so beautiful! A slight favorite in the fuchsia one; love those flowers and looks great with the flowers on top in the same colours...
    Here they say we get one colder day and the rest still hot...slowly getting used to it :) Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Stunning cards B, love them both.x

  9. Delightful both the cards, Brenda! You always amaze me with your stamped and stenciled backgrounds! They make pop any stamp, and love these wonderful CB images!
    Here it's hot but always come clouds and seems that we are waiting rain...
    Hugs, have a fabulous weekend!

  10. Both cards are beautiful Brenda :) I hope you are doing well, Shirleyx

  11. Two stunners Brenda, beautifully designed and coloured, I especially love the fuchsia card, Kate x

  12. Two more fabulous cards Brenda, I really love the aperture ones, haven't done one yet but will get round to it one day !
    You gave just reminded me on the wording stamp on the first one, I have that somewhere, must dig it out


  13. Really lovely card. Hope you and your furry babies are keeping cool!

  14. Two fabulous cards and I especially love the first one, gorgeous stamp and great colour combo.

    Kath x

  15. Gorgeous as always B. Missed your posts - I really MUST get me mitts on that lovely poppy stamp in your other post! xx

  16. Such loveliness and beautiful color choices in your amazing backgrounds, Brenda. I hope you are feeling a bit more comfortable these days. Hugs, de

  17. Gorgeous cards Brenda! And as it happens, gardens are also our theme at Country View Challenges and both of them would fit right in... I hope you're keeping cool, here we are sweltering and it's hard to move during the day and sleep at night!

  18. Absolutely stunning cards and what's wrong with having the same theme for both challenges... Like always your cards are full of inspiration, and that's what counts....
    Have a lovely Sunday!

  19. Prachtige kaarten
    De bovenste met een mooie tekst
    Groetjes Gerrie

  20. What beautiful cards Brenda - and like you I love the quite on the top card!

  21. Two gorgeous cards Brenda and that's a lovely sentiment on the first one.
    Love the subtle shades on the second one and the butterfly/floral frame is so pretty. It's a lovely theme and perfect for this time of the year.
    Avril xx

  22. Lovely summer garden cards Brenda. I was given a hardy fuschia, sixteen years ago, by one of our very first liveries and it is still going strong. Sadly Jenny passed away suddenly while walking her beloved dogs a few years ago, so I think of her often at this time of year when it is in bloom. She was a larger than life character, although very tiny and as wide as she was tall. She was a typical Pony Club Instructor and scared the life out of me!! I used to dread hacking out with her and on more than one occasion was told to "sit on your buttocks and not your fork!!". "Wrists upright!!" rings in my ears every time I get on Surprise!! Hope you are enjoying this dry spell xx

  23. Just beautiful, I do love the colours on the first one. The aperture card I thought at first was printed - it's gorgeous.

  24. Two wonderful floral cards Brenda, beautifully designed.
    Thank YOU for all your hard work organizing and running the challenge blogs, which are a joy to be part of!

  25. Awesome work on these two floral beauties, Brenda!! Sheer elegance!!!

  26. Oh Brenda, what shall I say..... WONDERFUL!
    Hugs Carola

  27. Two lovely cards here Brenda, beautiful colour choices on the elegant florals, xxxxx
