
Sunday 1 July 2018

Dace, Sing Love and afternoon tea at The Dorchester

It's time for our  new challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'In my Garden' and 'Things with Wings'. As always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both. I am also popping over to the Snippets Playground with the one below, the sentiment and Dragonflies are stamped onto a offcuts of Fabriano.

So it's Poppies for my first PB&M share, stamped onto a piece of Fabriano then carefully cutting round some of the Poppies I placed a die behind the cut sections so that I could cut the aperture with the blooms popping in front. Coloured in with sparkle pens and my all time favourite sentiment Dance, Sing Love stamped in black, foam pads added to the back of the front section and mounted over the sentiment. PB Polka Wings stamped twice, cut out, coloured and added to the finished card.

Yes, I do like an aperture and this one has been made in the same way as the top card, but this time using Crafty Individual's stamps who are our Stamping Sensation sponsor this month. I coloured in with a mixture of DI's and sparkle pens and added a few Dragonflies.

I have to confess that I am not overly fond of this card, it's one of the new PB stamps I bought from the Spring releases which I loved on the picture but once it was stamped out the appeal's not often I say that about a PB stamp. I used a watery DI mix to colour the background, stamped the image and coloured in with DI's, stamped the sentiment, it all looked a bit bland so I added some stenciled leaves.

Now on to afternoon tea at The Dorchester, the famous London hotel, no I didn't get to go 😦😢, but Anysia (left) and Azaria (right) above did! Alex and Zoe took them for a rather splendid treat for their Birthdays which are on the same date as each other.

Naturally, in true family tradition there had to be bubbles along with a Birthday cake complete with candle for each of them. It's rather scary to think that Azaria who is 21 starts her teaching career in September when she will be teaching English to 11 - 18 year old's and tiny as she is doesn't seem in the least phased by the prospect.

And Anysia has just taken a big leap with her boyfriend, they moved into their very first house a couple of weeks ago, along with a hefty mortgage which seems par for the course nowadays if they are to jump onto the property ladder.

And as for Alex and Zoe, well at the end of this month they are off to Europe along with their two dogs for a year or so. They have a fabulous new purpose built motor home and will be following their dream partaking in races across the continent. Normally they fly out to venues specifically for races, but now they will be driving following the race calendar, Alex runs 10K's and marathons and Zoe does ultra marathons which they got into when they were at Uni, which is where they met. We will so miss them and it's going to seem very quiet at times but if you have a dream you have to follow it otherwise you may always regret it as you get older.

Back to our new challenges and I hope you will pop over to the challenge blogs and see all the inspiration on offer from my team mates.

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  1. Beautiful cards Brenda. I like the design with the frame look, a lovely effect. The PB card with the bird stamp look very elegant too. A nice idea with the added cord.
    Lovely photos of your family! Have a nice day Marlies x

  2. Fab cards Brenda! Looks a lovely family celebration and exciting times ahead for them all.

  3. What a lovely family and such beautiful names, Brenda - you are really going to miss them. I hope Azaria really enjoys her new career!

    Lovely work, with so much interest and so much fussy cutting. Love the scenes - you've done an amazing job with them - they look like picture postcards. I especially like the poppies but I love poppies :-)

    I'm afraid I've had that experience with a couple of PB stamps lately - I've seen a sample I loved, but found it so difficult to get images I'm happy with. If I'm honest, it's putting me off buying their stamps because they're also very restrictive - not the type of versatile image I like to use a lot. Such a shame. You've done a great job of it, though and I love the colour you chose for the leaves - it really brightens the whole card and pulls things together beautifully.

    Enjoy your day!

    Cath x

  4. Fabulous card Brenda, love them all but especially the poppies

  5. Gorgeous cards Brenda ...tea at the Dorchester what a lovely way to spend an afternoon


  6. Beautiful cards Brenda,especially the poppies.Lovely family pictures too.

  7. Three stunning cards Brenda and gorgeous photographs. What a lovely experience for them all and something like for then to look back on whilst they are on their adventures and travels. I’m sure you will miss them but what an opportunity. I wish them a safe journey and much happiness. Your cards are amazing. I love the card made with the CI stamps and the Poppy one is a real stunner. You certainly rock your Poppues! Take care and I wish you a happy and colourful week. Crafty hugs, Sandra x x

  8. The partial die-cutting with the fussy cut flowers create a beautiful frame effect on your first 2 cards. The last one is lovely too, not my favourite PB stamp either but you know it might grow on you...
    Lovely pics of the family, exciting times ahead for them! Enjoy the sunshine, Brenda! xx

  9. I'm glad you fave a good explanation of how you made your aperture cards Brenda as I was puzzling over the CI one ! They are all beautiful in different ways. I had the bird PB stamp on my wish list but may think again although I think your card really is lovely.

    Joan x

  10. Oh, wow!! Your frames with the flowers popping out are fabulous, love especially the first one with the poppies, such sweet and elegant card!! Pinned
    Love so much how you coloured the bird in the last card, I enlarged the pic because I didn't understand why you aren't happy of this stamp (and I can't understand also now LOL... his wing seem true and the branch with the sweet flower is so beautiful!)
    So nice seeing Anysia and Azaria Birthday, Alex and Zoe have surely done a sweet surprise to them! It's stunning that Azaria will teach to 11-18 years old, they are so near at her by age, but I'm sure she will go very well! My mum was a teacher and she have had a similar experience when she started her career, so don't worry :)
    Big hugs, have a lovely Sunday!!

  11. Lovely designed cards as always B, love the stamps you always use.x

  12. Great cards Brenda, Love the poppy one.
    The family look really happy, I hope they enjoy the trip.
    My fav stamp for PB is Frosty but I don't own him because I really hope they bring it out in a clear

  13. That looked like a yummy scrummy tea!! Such wonderful photos of your family, they have much to celebrate apart from Birthdays!! I can't see poppies without thinking of you Brenda!! I love your first share and the perspective of the second is spot on and so pretty. I think the last is lovely, but know what you mean about a stamp losing its appeal once out of the packet!! xx

  14. Splendid samples for us here Brenda, lots of wings and loving the apertures. I WISH I WAS THERE at the Dorchester - looks yummy - not been to the Dorchester but have stayed and also had afternoon tea at The Savoy - jealous jealous jealous!!!!!! Looks like they had a lovely time. Lots of love xxxxx

  15. gorgeous and beautiful cards Brenda.

    what a gorgeous photo's
    Gr Karin

  16. Your cards are just beautiful Brenda. Each so different and each so eye-catching! Wow you are having some exciting goings on with the family. It's hard when things begin to change and Grandkids grow up and follow a new path but would be have it any other way?

  17. Stunning cards Brenda one and all - the aperture cards are lovely and I love the little birdie too - I can't see what there is to not like about it! Big hugs rachel x

  18. What a fabulous collection of cards Brenda and I would find it hard to pick a favourite! If pushed I would have to pick the first one because I just love that fabulous sentiment. So true and it sounds as if your lovely family are living it out!
    Carol x

  19. Fabulous family photos Brenda, thank you for sharing them, pity you couldn't be there.
    All your cards are gorgeous, especially love the poppies and the lovely sentiment, Kate x

  20. Stunning cards Brenda, of course like you I love poppies and a brilliant design of the second card. The addition of the leaves is perfect with the super image.
    Love the photo's, lovely people and hope Alex and Zoe have a fabulous time following their dream.

    Kath x

  21. Fabulous cards all 3 of them! The aperture ones are so cleverly designed, but I do really like the final one too with that sweet and beautifully coloured bird. The stencilled leaves to look very love in the background also.

    Wonderful photos too and happy travels to Alex and Zoe. I am amazed they can take their dog...

  22. Beautiful makes and I like the new PB stamp. The tea looks fabulous

  23. lovely cards brenda! the aperture adds such an interesting touch and dimension. lovely photos too; sound like everyone's off to start exciting journeys.

  24. Gorgeous cards Brenda and you have some beautiful stamps and know how to use them brilliantly -love the Dragonflies and snakes head frittileria flowers but the poppies and sentiment are absolutely beautiful -shame you couldn't be at the after-noon tea

    Carol x

  25. So beautiful cards.
    Lovely photos.

  26. What a fabulous pair of aperture cards Brenda - I love how you have let the flowers 'intrude' into the frame and form a gorgeous foreground.
    What a pity the PB stamp has disappointed :-(.
    Your family looks beautiful, and what challenges they are all taking on!!

  27. Gorgeous cards Brenda, th.e Poppies are absolutely stunning. Beautiful family photo’s, looks like they had a good time, and those cakes look scrumptious.

    Pat xx

  28. Three gorgeous cards Brenda and that tea at the Dorchester looks fabulous. How nice to be spoiled on your birthday.

    Sue xx

  29. Lovely makes. I do love the one with the CI cottage and I have that stamp inspired by Sandra using it.So - maybe I should break it out lol!
    Great afternoon tea pics.

  30. Beautiful cards Brenda and I so loved reading about your family and their fabulous day out too, what a great post.

  31. So good to see poppies again! They look great and cheerfull as always...
    Love the apparture and Crafty Individual stamps!!
    I've seen this stamp and liked it straight away, but then looked how the bird was sitting and didn't buy it... Think you used a beautiful colourpalette! Hugs, Gerrina

  32. I adore all these cards B - even the PB stamp you say you aren't too keen on. Folk will love to get a card with that image on I'm sure. Love your snippets card of course - just like a real picture.

    And the news and family photos are so nice - good of you to share as we're such a nosy lot.

    It's always hard when family are away from you - we just came back from Southern Germany wishing so much they didn't live so far away. But, as you rightly say, follow your dreams while you can!


    Di xx

  33. Love your Poppy design, it's an excellent way to showcase your beautiful poppies, same with your Crafty Individuals creation too.
    It's all happening at your end Brenda, Afternoon tea at the Dorchester looked lovely, and like you say we have to let our children follow their dreams so they have no regrets.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  34. Superb set of cards, Brenda. I like the aperture ones especially. You certainly have some patience! Lovely family photos too. x

  35. Wow, Brenda, what nice cards. I especially like the first card... just fantastic!
    I'm very sorry I didn't make a DG card for you. I've only just completed my other design projects.
    Hugs Carola

  36. Beautiful cards Brenda - so many of my favourite flowers ….poppies, snakeshead fritillary, dicentra spectabilis love them all, but that's me just love flowers.
    Wonderful family photo's and goods times ahead for them all, l am sure you shared bubbles for the celebrations xx

  37. Love the family photos--beautiful kids! Your cards are just gorgeous, Brenda! Love your use of the aperture element!

  38. Another superb clutch of cards. My favourite is the poppies and butterflies of course. Hugs Mrs A.

  39. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I love them all, but especially the Crafty Individuals one! Gorgeous photos too. Afternoon tea at the Dorchester sounds nice, but I bet it wasn't as good as afternoon tea in the fens xxx Good Luck to Azaria in her teaching career, I am sure she will be amazing, and what she lacks in stature she will make up for in personality and possibly 'teacher voice' too!

  40. Beautiful creations, Brenda.
