
Saturday 23 December 2017

Happy Christmas and a thank you

Good morning Peeps, before I move on to my challenge post I want to add a few contemplative or maybe philosophical words.

I have received so many beautiful Christmas cards from fellow crafters and would like to say an open thank you to each and every one of you. Looking at them all hanging in my hallway I realised the handmade ones almost outnumber the shop bought ones and confirm what an incredibly talented bunch you are, they range from CAS to cute to traditional and I am drawing immense pleasure looking at each and every one of them and appreciating your different crafting boring things would be if we all shared the same styles of crafting!

Looking forward to 2018, as many of you know I have not enjoyed the best of health in 2017 and I am not out of the woods yet and have more surgical procedures to come in the New Year. I don't do social media but have tried so hard to keep up with all of your blogs, but with all the will in the world I seem to have failed miserably and some weeks not got beyond DT commenting commitments.

Running three challenges does take a fair amount of time and commitment but is well rewarded by the high volume of entrants we continue to see and the wonderful sponsor who support us. Also I find craft is a good stress and pain buster and I love my DT work for the various companies I create for, so as far as blogging goes I will approach 2018 in slow steps and see how things go and hope you understand if I don't visit as often as I might wish or have done previously.

OK, got that out of my system and moving onto our new challenge at Allsorts which will run for two weeks over the Christmas holiday period. Mervi is our host and has chosen the theme of 'Seasonal Flowers'. Our sponsor is Stamp Addicts plus we have an extra prize as well, hop over the the challenge blog to take a look.

Also, Lesley from Chocolate Baroque is back on Hochanda today with a 'Best of Show' programme which will incorporate stamps that have been featured during the year, below are a few samples using some of the stamps that will feature. Also, I posted over at the Chocolate Baroque DT blog on Thursday and totally forgot to do the same on my own blog, so here rather belatedly is an edited version of that post which means this is a mega long post and you may need a cuppa or even a glass of something to get you to the end.

First my Allsorts creation at the top inspired by a lady demoing at Crafting Live last month using serviettes, so had to give it a try as I was so impressed by the results she was achieving. She was using Imagination Crafts texture paste which looked really thick compared by so many on the market and having used it have to say it's certainly one of the best I have tried over the years.

So I started with an 8 x 8 canvas which was pre-primed so I went straight in with the texture paste stippling it at the corners and around the edge. Next a Christmas serviette, cutting out the section I wanted and then carefully separate the three layers as it's the top one you use. Apply a generous coat of decoupage glue (I used Imaginations Craft's) roughly where you want to place the cut out image and carefully lay into's pretty fragile so you only get one shot at this part, then gently pat over the surface using a piece of kitchen towel...........the glue I used dries very quickly, you can also softly brush the edges of the serviette with any glue remaining on the brush.

I then stamped a sentiment and stenciled some holly before going around the edges with acrylic paint  using an almost dry brush and then gilding polish. Finally added some liquid pearls and glitter to the centres of the Poinsettias. It was fun and I made several of these to give to the children as an alternative to Christmas cards.

And here are my Chocolate Baroque shares......................

 Distress Inks and stenciling and stamped from Tangled Garden and Words of Inspiration.

Acrylic paints and crackle glaze and stamps from Lily Fuchsia and Hyacinth multibuy 

More oxide inks, flowers from Lily Fuchsia and Hyacinth multibuy, sentiment from Birthday Words 

Regular Distress Inks , stenciling and stamps from Breath of Spring and Birthday Words

Using Rose Steam Script onto a Dylusion's background

Using Katya onto a Brusho background, she was a real favourite with both the DT and viewes

Using leaves from the Take it or Leaf it set inked with Distress Markers

Using the large Baroque Corners onto a background of Distress Oxide's

Using Chequered Flowers onto a masked Distress Oxide background, I absolutely love this stamp

Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.


  1. We all totally get that you can't always visit blogs or comment - your health is so much more important than that - and it is always lovely to see you pop up when you can. I don't know how you run 3 challenges anyway, never mind with everything else that you have going on - so good on you!!
    Hope you have a very happy Christmas and New Year - hoping that 2018 is kinder to you and sees some resolution to your health issues in some way at least!!

    Also hoping that perhaps after throwing away those 2 points yesterday, the rest of the fixtures are kinder to us as well!! Lots of love, Helen xx

  2. Love your beautiful cards. And thank you so much for all you do.
    Merry Christmas. Xxx

  3. Always beautiful cards Brenda, love them all. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year

  4. I know how difficult it is for you to keep all these plates in the air with your health concerns, but as a blogger with so many followers it is too much of a job to keep up with everyone all the time, for anyone. I certainly don't expect it and you shouldn't feel guilty when you can't!
    Keep on crafting Brenda, so we can enjoy your beautiful makes and have a restful and Happy Christmas! xx

  5. Fabulous creations, really stunning cards.
    Thank you for all and enjoy the Holidays with the family;-))m

  6. I'snt nice when you recive hand made card?!
    I also get your card ! thank you very much ! Love it!
    Love your gorgeous cards!
    Merry Christmas !🎄🎅⛄

    hugs , Fiki

  7. Peaceful it was NOT last night my friend... got no nails left.
    I too echo your sentiments about the lovely talent we know - my 'hand made corner' is laden with beautiful cards this year!
    Let's hope 2018 bring us both better medical matters and that Mr K gives us a top four present!
    have a lovely Christmas - sending you all big hugs. xxx

  8. Your handmade card has pride of place in my house - love it. Love all your makes, especially the serviette art - I do love doing this and there are so many pretty napkins around. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthier 2018. L x

  9. Hi Brenda, what wonderful cards again.
    I wish you a Merry Christmas. Have a nice and peaceful time.
    Hugs Carola

  10. Such beautiful work Brenda. I really hope that your health picks up in 2018, you have endured so much this year. Thanks for your blogging friendship and wishing you and yours a very special and merry Christmas. Take care xx

  11. Hello Brenda, as ever your cards are amazingly gorgeous, I love each and everyone.
    I think you do an amazing job with your challenges and DT commitments considering your health problems, I hope 2018 will be a kinder year to you, and have a wonderful Christmas, oh and enjoyed your samples on Hochanda today, Kate x

  12. Such a lot of beautiful and pretty creations, absolutely love that first Christmas one Brenda using the serviette method - are you trying to make my wish list longer with all these beautiful samples??!!!!!! Have yourself a wonderful Christmas Brenda, you have been such a great support this year and it has been a complete pleasure supporting you with Penny Black and More - have fun! xxxx

  13. Hi Brenda, your Christmas canvas is stunning, love all the details you added.
    A wonderful collection of cards and all so inspiring.
    I hope you have a lovely Christmas and my Best Wishes for 2018, I hope it is kinder to you.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  14. Sending Christmas Wishes from 'downunder'
    It is extremely hot at the moment, so taking things quietly, and resting with my foot up after a small surgery.
    I have enjoyed your cards throughout the year, and hope that 2018 will be a better year for you healthwise

  15. My dear Brenda I do hope 2018 is a much better year for you healthwise and of course you must take it easy. To run all your challenges as well as create all your amazing samples takes so much time and we totally understand that you can't spend so much time visiting. I'm only just starting back to do a round of Blogland (which I hope will kick start my creativity.) Take care and have a wonderful christmas xx

  16. Oh wow Brenda, so many amazing creations. I love them all. The colours are amazing and all the images are terrific. I think we all have reasons for not getting around to blogs like we would like to - mine is work but I often wonder what you are creating and inspiring everyone with. Thanks for getting around to my little blog and leaving comments, I really do appreciate them. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas.

  17. Fantastic creations Brenda!
    I wish you a wonderful Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year.

  18. A wonderful collection of cards Brenda. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and that 2018 brings better health for you. I love when you come to visit my blog and leave a comment but of course quite understand that it is not always possible or that we don't always feel up to leaving comments when we are under the weather too. The most important thing is your health and well being, keep warm and look after yourself.

    Hugs Sue xx

  19. Wow a treat for the eyes before I close my eyes and get some new energy for a new day tomorrow!
    Great technique and result with the servettes! And all the CB-cards; iy is great to see so many in one post! TFS and inspiring! Enjoy the weekend and Christmasdays! Hugs, Gerrina

  20. Beautiful cards Brenda, you are such an inspiration to us. Just want to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and hope that next year brings better health for you.

    Joan x

  21. So many beautiful card, Brenda, but I'm entralled with the canvas! Many years ago I decoupaged napkins onto candles, but have never done the technique on canvas. Love the look of yours & now I really want to try it--still have a drawer with the rest of the napkins from doing candles. Wishing you & your family a lovely Christmas & hoping your health improves in 2018!

  22. Beautiful cards Brenda - and may 2018 bring you better health!!
    Christmas blessings to you and yours

  23. wow beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda
    I want to wish you and your Family a Merry christmas
    Gr Karin

  24. Ooh your canvas with the serviette is gorgeous! Such a lovely idea. I love all the Chocolate Baroque cards too - especially Katya - what a beautiful stamp! I truly hope 2018 brings better health for you - it's cool how much creativity helps you - me too! Never worry about not commenting, everyone understands - I don't manage to comment as much as I would like either! Take good care of yourself, thank you for all your wonderful inspiration and support and have a really wonderful Christmas! xxx

  25. So many stunning cards Brenda. You’re such a talented lady and you are also one of the kindest and most hard working people in blogland. It’s a pleasure to work with you and I really appreciate all of your hard work in making your Challenges the success that they are. I wish you and your lovely family a very peaceful and happy Christmas and all of the very best in 2018. Crafty hugs, Sandra x x

  26. Such a beautiful array of amazing creations Brenda and so lovely to see them all.
    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and hope you have a lovely time.
    Fliss xx

  27. Again Brenda you are sharing an amazing selection of beautiful cards using lots of great techniques. It is so sad to hear about the health issues you have been suffering through the year and I do hope that the procedure you are now facing will help to make things easier for you. I wish you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas and look forward to visiting again in the new year to enjoy your inspirational work. Hugs, Barbxx

  28. Stunning creations. Wishing you all the best for 2018. Merry Christmas.

  29. Always looking forward to see your stunning creations. Wish you lot of health and creative moment in 2018. Happy holiday!

  30. These are all beautiful creations. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that you're new year will bring you better health.

  31. It's always a pleasure to visit here Brenda and see what yo have been creating. Gorgeous array of cards once again. Sorry I didn't get here before Christmas but like you, time isn't always on my side :)
    I hope you had a lovely Christmas and best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  32. You are so strong Brenda, I don't know how you can blogging, writing posts for four different blogs and also commenting on some thousand blogs! I know that commenting and writing post is very fatiguing and time consuming! It's always a pleasure reading your comments, but we all want you are feeling good, dear friend!
    So don't worry for all us and think to your health and family, and comment only when you have nothing to do :)
    I'm always stunned by all your cards, they are amazing! You are the most talented and productive crafter I know in blogland! Thanks for the explanation on the serviette technique, your poinsettia canvas is a delight! I'm just speechless with your four birthday cards, all different but all so inspiring!! I pinned all them :D
    I wish you a peaceful and magical Christmas, my friend, and all the best you wish in the New Year, especially health!
    Hugs and love

  33. Sorry I am a bit late at commenting, but better late than never. Your cards are absolutely amazing Brenda, each one different and such wonderful stamps and products you used! It is always such a joy to look at your blog!
    As I am so late visiting this post, I hope you are still reading this comment, as I wanted to thank you for your friendship over the years. It has been a joy to be part of two of your design teams and you do such an amazing job organizing everything. Also thank you for the beautiful card you sent. I am hoping on doing better next year and maybe I can manage to send out cards again. Sadly this year even my family overseas only received a phone call, and I do feel bad about it. As you said, it is so special to see the wonderful card received in the mail displayed.

    Wishing you all the best for 2018 Brenda, and wishes for good health!

  34. I hope you were able to enjoy a splendid Christmas Brenda! I'm happy you received so much beautiful mail. I adore your latest creations. The poinsettia/stenciled panel is jaw dropping and your Chocolate Baroque cards are divine! I wish I could get their stamps in the States, but can't seem to find them. Wishing you every blessing in 2018. Hugs, Autumn

  35. Wow so many different techniques and the colours are amazing Brenda. Love your cards! I hope the new year brings you some success and peace with all your operations. Thinking about you, Pinky

  36. Beautiful work! Hope all goes well for the new year. Keep crafting and keep strong

  37. What a fabulous technique with the napkin, it's a very festive and gorgeous canvas.
    Your Chocolate Baroque makes are stunning, such a fabulous collection.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  38. Stunning creations Brenda, so many techniques such talent!

  39. Brenda, happy new year to you! I understand your situation, health always comes first. I hope 2018 will be better for you in everything. Such beautiful cards, as always!

  40. Stunning makes Brenda but l have to say my favourite is the canvas you have decorated with a serviette. All the challenge run so well as you do an amazing job and it is a privilege to be on your teams x Susan x
