
Monday 18 December 2017

A host of golden Daffodils

Morning Peeps, today I have a couple of shares for our mid month posts at Penny Black and More and Stamping Sensations, at the latter the DT are taking it in turns to share a new technique and needles to say mine is a messy one.

I'm not a big fan of Winter so decided for my Penny Black creation to look ahead to Spring with a pair of PB stamps that were made for each other. I created a soft background with Distress Inks, the used Distress Markers to ink the Daffodils, spritzed with water and repeat stamped, then added with sentiment using Versafine black.

I have just lifted my post from Stamping Sensations:

I have no idea if or what the name might be for this technique and I am sure it's not a new one, but I actually came across it by accident one day when I inadvertently let a piece of printed paper land on a sticky background that was still wet. When I tried to lift off the paper I noticed that some of the print had adhered itself to the background so I had a play and rather liked the look so this is how I find it works best.

Start by creating an inky background, in this case I used Bristol cardstock and oxide inks, but it works equally well with with Brusho, Dylusions and other background mediums.

Next take a couple of pages form an old make sure they are 'appropriate'...........I did one a few weeks back, sent it off as a TV sample only to discover later that the printed content was not really 'viewer friendly'...........the TV presenter and crew had a laugh but it's made me more aware since!!

Tear the pages into small pieces and arrange on the background randomly and have a bone folder or ruler to hand along with a dries clear glue such as Indigo Blue Slap it On...............I experimented as the regular Slap it On didn't work as well as the Super Thick version which gave a much better adhesion and transfer. You need to work quite quickly here so best work on the pieces of paper one by one, giving a good brushing of glue to the base card and over each piece, then burnish with the bone folder or ruler edge several times and peel away the paper to reveal the print.

It doesn't matter if some of the paper remains as it all adds to the randomness of the piece and of course some of the print picked up will be the reverse but as it's a background it all adds to the interest.

Now you have your finished piece ready for stamping and on this occasion I used it with Chocolate Baroque stamps. I know it looks a messy process but that's all part of the fun and once stamped up to a finished piece gives an interesting and different look

Exactly the same process, just with different coloured inks. When I have spare time I like to make up a batch of backgrounds ready for stamping up at a later date........helps no end with rush TV deadlines!

Many thanks for taking a peek and hope you will give it a try.


  1. Two gorgeous cards Brenda and an interesting technique, I must give this a try sometime it looks great. Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Sue xx

  2. OH that background sounds like fun... thanks for sharing, and your cards are gorgeous.
    May you know blessings of love this Christmas

  3. That is a fun technique! The background looks beautiful and soft like this and it ads so much depth...always fun to do messy techniques! The card is a beautiful one and my favo of the two, although I like the technique used on the first and those flowers in those colours aswel... Hugs, Gerrina

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda. Love the backgrounds.

  5. I don't know if the technique has a name either but it does make good backgrounds!Beautiful cards, Brenda!

  6. It's a very interesting technique Brenda, I surely have to try it ! It seems also so fun to do! :) Thanks for sharing! Your backgrounds looks amazing and such lovely blue tones on the card you made with it!!

  7. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    wow bei dir in ja schön Frühling und so zauberhafte Karten hast du gestaltet,Danke auch für die Anleitung,
    LG Ulrike

  8. You are so good at all that inky sruff, love the effect of the paper on the inky background

  9. Wonderful cards Brenda and great backgrounds!
    X Daniela

  10. Gorgeous cards Brenda, those backgrounds are amazing. I always mean to try new things and never get round to it....I think there might be a New Years resolution in there somewhere!!
    Lorraine x

  11. Such wonderful backgrounds for these cards, they are both gorgeous!!

  12. Two gorgeous cards, Brenda. I especially love the background on the second one, thanks for the tutorial. xx

  13. Your cards are absolutely beautiful! What a fun technique you discovered, I must try this sometimes!

  14. Beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
    Gorgeous card.
    Super background and your new idea looks fabulous, great images and design too.

    Kath x

  15. Strange how of all the poems we had to learn at school that one always springs to mind. You have captured the wording perfectly. Hugs Mrs A.

  16. Two beautiful cards Brenda. Thanks for the tutorial on the new technique. It looks great and I must try it someday. Marlies x

  17. Two fab cards and so lovely to see daffs in December. Great to see your technique too.

  18. Beautiful backgrounds and lovely spring card, totally gorgeous both.
    Thank you for the post that arrived today;-))m

  19. Absolutely beautiful cards Brenda, such gorgeous colours and backgrounds,,wonderful backgrounds, Kate x

  20. Love both cards Brenda. The daffodil one for Penny Black is really nice and I love the sentiment too xxxxx

  21. both cards are so very nice!
    Happy holidays!🎄🎅⛄

  22. Hi B, lovely cards my friend. Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.I will be back commenting after Jan 10th, no internet for me in this period of time...hugs.xx

  23. Pretty daffodil creation, and your new technique creation is fab, really inspirational.
    Happy Christmas
    Tracy x

  24. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I'm sorry to have been missing so much this year. I hope that you are as well as can be. Wishing you and yours Brenda a very peaceful and happy Christmas and a wonderful 2018. Nicola x

  25. Very artistic look with your accidental technique, Brenda--love it! The daffodil card is wonderfully designed--beautiful work!

  26. Ah, lovely and bright daffodils and your technique looks fabulous!

  27. Gorgeous cards and great designs.
