
Saturday 29 July 2017

Poppy inspiration

Morning Peeps and welcome to La La land, or maybe that should be Groundhog Day at least that's how it's been feeling these last few weeks as I am back and forth to hospital like a yo yo, this week a kidney infection yet again and yesterday another CT scan which I pray shows some positivity.

I know MS means little or no immune system to fight off infection but it's getting beyond a joke and seriously messing my my crafting time, all I can say is thank goodness that when I am OK I craft for England and have a stock pile to fall back on.

Anyhow as it's Saturday it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts and this week I am your host and have some photo inspiration for you. Our sponsor is Swedish House Crafts. So as it's Poppies and a sun there was bound to be more than one card from me, after all it's the perfect pairing.

The card at the top is one such card from that stock pile and has a Dylusion and mica spray background......I used masking fluid to block out the colour from the sun before spraying, then stamped the focal Penny Black sentiment, Clarity Poppies and some leafy swirls across the top which are a really old Inkadinkado stamp. I bleached the colour from the Poppies and then coloured in with pencils.

For my second card I have used the lovely Poppy Meadow from Crafty Individuals.

I stamped the image with black versafine and heat embossing with detail clear and then colouring in with Spectrum pencils. The sky has been created with Pan Pastels, then simply matted and layered onto a red card base.

Happy weekend all.


  1. Both so beautiful cards and lovely images.
    Hope your day is as sunny as here;-))m

  2. Sorry to hear you are unwell again. Hope the infection clears up soon. Love the two cards, they are beautiful. Hugs Anesha

  3. Gorgeous makes Brenda, xxx

  4. Sorry to hear you haven't been too well, hope you soon improve. Two fabulously pretty cards

  5. Two stunning cards Brenda and just love your backgrounds


  6. I adore Poppies too Brenda so I absolutely love the cards that you've made here. In life, I just love to see a green field with the vibrant burst of red from a Poppy, they're so beautiful. as are your cards. I'm sorry to hear that it's taking some time for you to get well again this time and I send you a gentle crafty hug. Sandra xx

  7. Both cards are beautiful Brenda especially the top one. Sorry you are a little out of sorts at the moment, hope that everything clears up soon.

    Sue xx

  8. Two fabulous cards Brenda, this photo inspiration is my kind of colours and you have used my favourite quote stamp.
    Sorry to hear about your health troubles, your positive attitude is an inspiration to others.
    I hope you are able to get some craft therapy this week.
    Take care

  9. gorgeous cards and stamping Brenda
    gr karin

  10. Love your stunning cards

  11. Such stunning cards Brenda, one of my favourite flowers and sentiment too. Sorry l have not been visiting much had a Couple of health and internet issues. Hope your feel well.
    Hugs Babs x

  12. Two wonderful cards I love poppies I hope they get you sorted very soon and the scan is good Take Care Love and hugs Carole x

  13. Gorgeous poppies in both cards, Brenda - these are very lovely.
    Alison x

  14. My prayers are with you. I'm glad you can still find some time to craft. These are just gorgeous! I love the colors and the poppies! Your fave sentiment is always so perfect! Hugs, Robin

  15. Stunning cards Brenda, such depth of colour in the inking and a gorgeous subject too, one which I can see you enjoyed creating.

  16. I love to fields of poppies . These two cards are gorgeous. Off to find my Poppy stamps forthwith. Hugs Mrs A.

  17. Both your poppy cards are absolutely wonderful! I hope your scan yields good results and things improve for you soon. Take care! Hugs xxx

  18. Both gorgeous cards Brenda love the scenes and all your beautiful stamps-hope things improve for you soon healthwise
    Carol x

  19. Two beautiful cards Brenda, love the poppies.
    Sorry to hear you are back and forth to the hospital. Hope you are stronger soon.
    Sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  20. Two wonderful cards Brenda both with really gorgeous images and super colouring and backgrounds.
    Hope the CT scan has good results.

    Kath x

  21. Absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda, I adore poppies too and these images are beautiful, your background colours are wonderful, just all so beautifully designed.
    Sorry to hear that you are not doing so well, I hope you improve soon and get your strength back, hugs Kate x

  22. These are lovely Brenda, I too love poppies and these are beautifully red and vibrant. You keep that chin up for me and I've got everything crossed for a positive result on the scan, enjoy your weekend, lots of love, xxxxxxxx

  23. Sorry for your health dear Brenda, I wish you may feel well soon!!! Your amazing cards are so vibrant and summery!! I know how much you love poppies and scenes, and them both look fabulous in your cards! Great colouring and details as always!
    BIG hugs

  24. Wonderful cards Brenda - MS certainly is a curse - I do not have it, but have seen enough to find it an horrible disease!
    Prayers and blessings

  25. You rocked the challenge Brenda! The smooth transition from red to green is impeccable... We've had our fair share of health scares and hospital visits recently (my OH) and I only wish I had your fortitude. Big hugs xx

  26. Hi Brenda, so sorry to hear you're having health problems and hope that you get better very quickly and have good results from your scan. Both of your cards are fabulous and the colours are wonderful. Take care xx

  27. Two delightful cards with your fav flowers. Get well soon my lovely, thinking of you all the time.xx [aNNie]

  28. Sigh - - your poppy fields are so vibrant and peaceful and just OH SO LOVELY! They match your blog title perfectly! Your masking and scene-creating abilities always wow me, Brenda. Beautifully done.
    I hate that your kidney is giving you the business. Such a painful, icky thing to endure - it sets the entire body on edge. Keeping you in my heart, Brenda, with Wonder, Gratitude, and lots of Love. xx

  29. So sorry to hear that you have been hit with another infection. Hope you are soon feeling better. These two cards are so "you" and worthy of being framed!! I love this colour selection xx

  30. Stunning poppy creations Brenda, just love all the beautiful bright colours. Hope you are soon over the infection and feeling better.

    Pat xx

  31. Two amazing poppy cards, your work is always so beautiful and detailed, stunning both of them!
    Sorry to hear your kidney is giving you so much grief, sending big healing hugs! xxx

  32. Fabulous cards. Love the colours.
    Valerija xx

  33. Hope you will have a wonderful time at the scrapping event!
    Your cards are beautiful. Sunwarm colours! :D

    Warm hugs,

  34. I hope you feel better soon Brenda!! Sorry to hear about your infection. Your cards are lovely! The poppies are beautiful

  35. These are amazing Brenda, so pretty and creative too. Perfection!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  36. Two stunners, your poppies always look gorgeous. x Susan x

  37. I've never even opened my masking fluid, but I absolutely love the effect you got with it! Both cards are so beautiful, Brenda!

  38. Dear Brenda, so sorry you are going through it all at the moment, I'm sending lots of love and healing energies.

    Both cards are absolutely stunning and I can feel myself being drawn into the scene. Creative Blessings. Tracy x
