
Thursday 29 September 2016

Poppies again and Chocolate Baroque shares

Morning Peeps, hope you are all having a good week. Can I first welcome my new followers and also thank you all for your encouraging comments on my last post, clearly I am not alone in my dislike of repetitive card making.

Today we are sharing more inspirational fifteen minute cards over at the Chocolate Baroque DT blog. Sometimes it's quite refreshing to make less detailed cards and it also allows you to see stamps in a totally different light. As I have quite a few cards to share I won't go into detail as you will find that over at the CB blog, but please do mail me if you have any specific questions.

That's it for today, many thanks for taking a peek.


  1. Goodmorning Brenda. What a lot off beautiful cards. I love them all but nr 1 is my favorit.
    Have a lovely day. Gr, Elly

  2. Such fabulous cards Brenda as always I particularly love the florals in those striking reds. Great inspiration for quick cards - that we all need sometimes - this definitely relates to my todays Christmas card post!! hope you have a good day today hugs Judith x

  3. All are gorgeous Brenda and I do wish I could make something like these in fifteen minutes. I spend too much time faffing about I think, deciding on colours and embellishments and where to place things, it takes me ages.
    Thanks for the inspiration to also do just a little more stamping - something I don't do enough of.

  4. Oh WOW! These cards are just beautiful, Brenda. xx

  5. Wow Brenda! Each one of these is just beautiful, especially your favourite poppies!


    Di xx

  6. Wow Brenda what a beatiful collection of cards but I think your poppy card has to be my favourite and love the design of it..


  7. Hello Brenda, what a stunning array of cards, all beautifully coloured and designed. Couldn't choose a favourite from them. Brilliant inspiration, thanks, Kate x

  8. Wonderful cards Brenda, I knew the first one was yours before I saw your name, Poppies !!!!

  9. I've missed your lovely cards and visiting your blog Brenda, but I've had a lovely crafty fix seeing all these beautiful cards today, Jx

  10. Oh my God! That cards are so pretty! There is not doubt that you are the queen of inks! I love how you paint your stamps. I congratulate you for such beautiful creations.

  11. They are all so lovely Brenda, I will go and check out the other blog

  12. Ooooo what a stunning collection of cards, Luv Sam x

  13. Dear Brenda!
    I just love your cards!
    they are always so pretty!
    have a nice day

  14. Wow you're showing us some fantastic cards again today Brenda. Your backgrounds all look gorgeous and I love the two floral cards and I love the design of your stamped leaf card. Barbxx

  15. You never cease to amaze me with your creativity Brenda, beautiful cards, I love them all , the poppy one is my favourite but I also love the one with the rabbit and all your lovely inky backgrounds.


  16. wow beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda.
    the card on top is perfect, they all have something special.
    Gr Karin

  17. Hello Brenda ! Your cards are fabulous, as always ! So nice colors, so nice designs, love them all !
    Big hugs ! xxx

  18. A lovely set of cards, Brenda. I especially love the second card with the soft layering of yellows and oranges.
    Marianne x

  19. Such gorgeous scenes! You know I love that butterfly! Hugs, Robin

  20. Such beautiful cards!! Love the color combinations you have used!
    Moxie Craftie

  21. Amazing card, great backgrounds and such amazing projects!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  22. Wonderful collection of cards! My favourite is the bunny one... do I see a gridded acrylic block impression? Fantastic! xx

  23. Wow, Brenda, you've been very busy! Love all of them but especially the bunny! You know I love the critters! The fall card (third card) is also a favourite - gorgeous! I think I've only made one card in less than 15 minutes - clearly I fuss with mine way too much!

  24. A fabulous selection of cards Brenda, all gorgeous
    Lorraine x

  25. Oh my....such beautiful inkinesss!

  26. Wow Brenda what a stunning array of cards, all beautifully coloured and designed
    but I think your poppy card has to be my favourite !!!
    CU hellerlittle

  27. Wow Brenda, how many delighs!!! Your "fifteen minute cards" are just stunning!!! I need of fifteen minuts only for stamping something LOL :D Any card of yours is a joy for the eyes and so striking!! Love expecially the autumnal card with vellum and these amazing leaves in warm colours, but also that one with the red poppies on the musical notes in the CAS! All the backgrounds are wonderful, and that one with the bunny looks so unique and creative!
    Sono contenta di vedere tutte queste tue belle card!!
    Abbi un bel fine settimana con le cose che ami!
    Grandi Abbracci!!

  28. Well you are really spoiling us here, what a fabulous collection.

    Kath x

  29. What an utterly gorgeous collection....15 minutes? Never!! They look like they took hours!! xx

  30. stunning cards Brenda - really amazing ... I thought these were going live tomorrow! Oops - nevermind! Hugs rachel x

  31. Wow, what a stunning collection of cards. Love them all, but the first one is my favourite.
    Valerija xx

  32. Super stunning cards B, love them all especially the poppy one at the start. Great design..Thanks so much for commenting on my scheduled cards while I was on vacation...appreciate this so much. Have a lovely weekend.xx

  33. All Fabulous Brenda but I'm picking a fave and it's the oh so cutesy bunny, he's adorable.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  34. Great cards! And the poppies are favorite, after the yellow bunny card; like the backgrond and all of it! Hope you have a good weekend!

  35. A wonderful selection of inkiness - all lovely - especially the poppies ;) Lynn x

  36. Beautiful cards, as always, Brenda, such beautiful colours and some lovely images.

    Pat xx

  37. Wow, you've been a busy lady, lots of lovely inkiness going on here. I love the colour palette on the forth one and the sentiment makes such an impact. I love the butterfly too which looks like it's just settled on your card. All of your cards are beautiful Brenda and an absolute joy to look at. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Crafty hugs, Sandra X

  38. All are absolutely gorgeous Brenda. Nicola x

  39. Beautiful cards, very classy designs. I particularly love,he rabbit one. Tracy x

  40. You are so creative, Beautiful cards!

  41. Brenda, thanks for sharing so many 15 minute cards - I have forgotten many of these techniques and their beauty. My favorite is the watercolor gridded acrylic block that you spritzed before stamping. GENIUS! Great cards! Hugs, de

  42. These are all absolutely beautiful, love all the inking and sponging. I especially love the design on the first one, but they really are equally gorgeous!

  43. Fabulous selection of 15mins cards all beautiful but the first two are my faves-15mins--it takes me that long to clear space on my desk and get stuff sorted lol
    Carol x

  44. I'm so glad I took the time for a catch up, you never fail to disappoint, all of them are beauties and I now feel inspired to run to my craftroon to start creating, so thanks for that too! :o)

  45. Soooo super all the cards. Wonderful!!!
    Hugs Carola

  46. A beautiful collection of cards, Brenda. Your cards are all lovely and once again I am amazed at the apt sentiments.
