
Monday 26 September 2016

A Snippet and Rudolph Days

Morning Peeps, just popping in with this months Rudolph Days challenge share and also one for this weeks Snippets Playground.

My Rudolph share at the top is one of a batch of 50 cards made for a local accountant, all done and dusted some weeks back when crafting was less painful. I have to confess that although I do the odd wedding and Christmas order I don't do't go looking for them as I find it so repetitive and bore very quickly. The main image is an old Hero Arts stamp and the sentiment Penny Black.

My Playground share, a pretty simple make with minimal stamping as that remains problematic one armed, an oddment of pink DP, a die cut TL Butterfly, flowers, seam binding and a snippet for the tag which is a Penny Black stamp.

Many thanks for popping in today.


  1. They are both gorgeous makes Brenda. I'm with you repetitive crafting is a bore but sometimes a must lol.

  2. Beautiful floral card and love the soft muted colours
    Your Christmas scenic cards are stunning Brenda


  3. Such beautiful colors on your first card it
    Dr Sonia

  4. Both are gorgeous.
    The first one is warm and girly and the other cool and classy. I could NEVER create so many of the same card - it would drive me nuts. Hats off to you and congrats on your commission.

    Hope crafting is less painful for you VERY SOON.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  5. Beautiful cards - a great batch of Christmas cards too!
    Kath x

  6. Hi Brenda, what wonderful cards. The first is so beautiful with the lovely delicate colours and fabulous sentiment and your batch make of christmas cards has a perfect winter scene... a;though you must have had a lot of patience to make 50 of them. Thanks so much for joining in the challenge over at Rudolph Days. Take care and I hope the pain eases soon xx

  7. Wow what a gorgeous set of Christmas cards Brenda but I agree with you making multiples does get boring doesn't it! Love your floral card too. Take it easy on your hands. Hugs xx

  8. elegant and beautiful christmas cards, gorgeous flower card Brenda
    Gr Karin

  9. Ohhh what a wonderful cards!!! The first card is gorgeous, I love it!
    Congratulacions for your creativity, is amazing.

  10. You were very busy...:-), great cards!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  11. Lovely cards Brenda, I don't really like doing multiples either!

  12. Beautiful cards, love the Birthday one, beautiful soft coloures it is for a princess <3
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  13. Beautiful cards Brenda!! Lovely winter card!
    Moxie Craftie

  14. Meravigliose CAS con questo timbro Hero Arts!!! Davvero stupende e piene di pace! ...Capisco però che fare tante card uguali sia molto noioso! Si perde tutto il piacere del craft! :)
    La card per il Playground challenge è dolcissima, mi piacciono molto i colori e il romantico design! Bella farfalla e fiori stupendi! Sei davvero bravissima a fare queste splendide card con un braccio solo!! Hat off!

  15. Love your Rudolph card, such a clean design! But 50 of them? Wow! Your snippets card is really pretty too. Hope your MS settles down soon so crafting is easier again.

  16. Gorgeous set of cards you've made for a batch order. Stunning. Loving the second card too. Take care Hun. Hugs X X X

  17. stunning work as always Brenda - and that scene is fabulous - so clever to produce so many too! Big hugs Rachel x

  18. Beautiful Brenda, so talented even with one hand!

  19. So who struggles with CAS then, eh? Wonderful Christmas cards, love the image and design, fab CAS card.
    Gorgeous snippets card and love the delicate background and the flower display.

    Kath x

  20. Lovely snowy Christmas cards Brenda and I love the butterfly card. It really is a beauty. Barbxx

  21. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the Christmas card and the snippets card is lovely


  22. Another one of your fab scenes, this one is just so sweet, I like the way you made it look faraway (if you know what I mean!). Pretty floral card too. Lynn x

  23. You have blown my mind, Brenda! I can't even imagine making 50 of the same card! I think the most I've made is 6 and that was when I first started stamping. I guess it's good that no one has commissioned me for anything - making multiples would drive me batty! Well done with these, Brenda, and your floral butterfly card is stunning!

  24. Beautiful cards! I love the butterfly of course but your Christmas scene is gorgeous! Hugs, Robin

  25. I adore the Christmas card & what a stunning BD card--beautifully feminine! I don't like making duplicate cards, either--I only do it for hubby's relatives at Christmas. Sorry your arm is still not cooperating with you, Brenda--hope it's better soon.

  26. Gorgeous cards. Love the winter scene on the Christmas cards and wonderful flowers and butterfly on the second one.
    Great job!
    Valerija xx

  27. Beautiful cards, and amazing that the second was made one armed! I share your feelings about mass producing cards, I've only ever done it for my own daughters' weddings.

  28. I wouldn't like making that many the same either, lovely design thpugh and ghe card underneath id beautiful

  29. Two very pretty designs Brenda. I've made large orders like this before and they are very tedious towards the end, your scene is lovely though.

  30. Hi Brenda, stunning Christmas cards, I'm with you on quantity and repetition, your second card is wonderful love all the flowers and the butterfly trails... have a great week... Megan

  31. Well done to you Brenda on your production line of Christmas cards. I agree with what you say about when you have quite a few to make. I'm always relieved when I get to the point of handing them over. It's a beautiful tranquil scene that you've created and I like the subtle use of blue in the sky. Your first card is so pretty too. I love the colour and the layout of the flowers which work beautifully with the sentiment, such a lovely card. Sandra X

  32. Oh my gosh Brenda, I could NOT make 50 of anything, I admire your stamina to create so many. Both designs are beautiful, I especially love the clean look of the top scene. Take good care, xxx

  33. Oh these are just pure stunning!! You are so talented my Crafty friend! Hope you're doing ok!
    Lucy x

  34. Beautiful cards. I love the delicacy of the Christmas cards. Lovely designs. Tracy x

  35. OMGosh Brenda, how do you get them stamped all the same?? I love the first one, beautifully stamped. Your butterfly card has gorgeous colours and a pretty design, two wonderful cards, Kate x

  36. I love the beautiful CAS look of the Christmas card-beaautiful peaceful scene--the 2nd one is gorgeous too love the beautiful flower spray
    Carol x

  37. Have my rudlph days hat on today.

    Your card is fabulous. Love thew way you made a background for the stamp with your inky sky and moon The moon looks so peaceful.
    I have this stamp too and need to give inky brushes a try as yours looks so beautiful!

    Thanks for taking part in my September Rudolph Days Challenge.

  38. So elegant cards! Beautiful.

  39. Brenda wonderful little pieces of art, once again. Love the tranquility of the first.
    This will also be perfect for one entry as an anything goes creation for our challenge below.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  40. Gorgeous Christmas card Brenda, love the winter scene, but I know what you mean about getting bored, I often do a little batch of a design but don't seem to get past 6! Love the snippet card, so pretty.
    Avril xx

  41. Brenda the Christmas card is stunning and so elegant, the second is also stunning and such beautiful colours.

    Pat xx

  42. Stunning Christmas card, such a lovely CAS design. I love the second one too, beautiful colours and it's got a real vintage feel. xx

  43. Both so beautiful, but the top one is my favorite! And 50 of them; tjee that is a lot of work! Hope the pain will leave slowly and you can enjoy the stamping full again! Hugs, Gerrina

  44. Very brave of you to make 50 Brenda but it is a stunning CAS Christmas card.

    So sorry to hear that stamping is a problem for you and I hope all gets better soon but the playground share is gorgeous also.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  45. Beautiful cards. I love the scene you created on the Winter Wonderland card.

  46. I know they are simple creations for you, Brenda, but they are lovely scenes of peace, with delicate, exquisite colors and technique. They are all the more endearing knowing they came from your heart and very wondrous imagination. Hoping two hands are soon bringing forth your artwork soon. Love, de
