
Wednesday 31 August 2016

A Kaleidoscope of Butterflies

Morning Peeps, I've made a card again !!

Might not sound too amazing but with one arm, shoulder and neck still wonky and full of pain it's a bit of an achievement. It's not am amazing card and has taken me a couple of days but I was determined to get something accomplished on the craft front as I am fast running out of my 'just in case' work.................the last few weeks confirm to me that it's a good principal to stand by and craft for England when I'm OK. 

It's for the current Snippets Playground challenge and also the Butterfly Challenge which is of course Butterflies with Kraft and/or Kaleidoscope, well the latter immediately said a Kaleidoscope of Butterflies to me, so stamping onto Kraft card with Altenew Layered Lilies and lots of punched Butterflies using up glitter card snippets.

My thanks again for all your kind visits when I am such a poor blogger, they all mean so much and do lift my spirits.


  1. This is so pretty and perfect for the theme at Valery's Butterfly challenge. Lovely stamping and gorgeous glitter butterflies, glad you managed to have a play.

  2. Love these colours together. Sorry you are still not 100%

  3. Hello, Brenda! Thank you for your kind words on my blog - I read them to Brian and he appreciated them too. I am so glad you were able to get a card made. This is gorgeous! I love butterflies and yours are beautiful! This challenge theme eludes me - the kaleidoscope part - so I'm still mulling it over! You've done a fabulous job with it!

  4. I'm so happy to see your card, Brenda!!! :)
    It is so beautiful with these neutral tones and the kaleidoscope of sparkling butterflies! The flowers look gorgous, and so elegant!
    Hope to see other cards from you, when you feel ok...
    Big big hugs!!!

  5. Not a poor blogger...just a poorly blogger at the moment. And your card looks lovely all the same, very subtle colour scheme and beautifully stamped multi-step flowers. xx

  6. it's a very beautiful card Brenda
    beautiful flowers

    gr karin

  7. Lovely card and well done under the circumstances. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs Anesha

  8. Love the flowers on the kraft and all the butterflies. Sorry to hear you are suffering so badly, hope you feel better soon x

  9. Love all those butterflies, a fabulous card Brenda
    Lorraine x

  10. The stamp on kraft has a wonderful result Brenda - most effective

  11. This is really lovely Brenda, the colours compliment the kraft card perfectly and although I have resisted a layered stamp set so far I think you may well have persuaded me that they might be a useful addition to my stash!! Wishing you better days xx

  12. Gorgeous Brenda, wish I had the patience for those stamps.

  13. Really great card Brenda, especially when you are struggling, love the flowers, great colours for kraft card.

    Kath x

  14. Well goodness Brenda this is gorgeous especially as your not firing on all cylinders'. Wish my work could look as good. Love those delicate flowers and the glittery butterflies are a perfect finishing touch. Thankyou for fluttering by my challenge. Hugs Mrs A.
    p.s. I will send Norm round and you can sit and exchange poorly stories together!! Lol.

  15. Gorgeous card Brenda lovely butterflies and I like your colours...hope you feel better soon


  16. Lovely card!
    I hope you feel better soon. I understand your
    pain and sympathize with you.
    I´m awake again. Now it starts. The fall is here.
    And with it fog an wind and cold... AND PAIN.
    What cushion works for me an reduses the pain a bit.


  17. Beautiful card Brenda! I love all the butterflies! I'm sorry your pain isn't easing up. You remain in my prayers. Hugs, Robin

  18. I love how the stamping matches these pretty little dies! <3

  19. So sorry your body is still not behaving itself! However, you came up with a beauty, Brenda--love how you stamped the Lily's!

  20. are so amazing...despite being in pain you create such gorgeous cards!!
    Hugs to you my friend

    Dr Sonia

  21. A fabulous card - love the flowers and pretty butterflies.
    Kath x

  22. Hi Brenda I want to thank you so much for your lovely comments that you have left on my blog they are very much appreciated. Brenda i love this beautiful creation those flowers and butterflies look truly wonderful.
    lorraine x

  23. Wow Brenda, what a lovely card! I do love those Altenew Lilies on the Kraft card - and the butterflies are so sweet! It's good to see you crafting but not good to know you're struggling so much.


    Di xxx

  24. Well I think you are doing brilliant to craft at all. And oh yes, I am with you all the way on crafting for England! lol When we are able of course. This card is great by the way. Judy x

  25. This is a lovely card I love the colours and the lilies and butterflies are fab
    Jackie x

  26. I love kraft cards Brenda and this is just lovely. I really like those layered stamps and I don't know how you did it with a wonky arm and shoulder. Hope you feel better soon!

  27. Say what you want but this card is great, love how you have put all the lovely butterflyes. Wish that all get better for you soon!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  28. So brave to tackle this its so lovely I love the design and colours. Take it steady but so glad you are Crafting for England again Love and hugs Carole x

  29. Love the butterflies but the flowers are gorgeous -hope your pain eases soon
    Carol x

  30. I just Love this gorgeous creation, the colours are just spectacular...beautiful. You did well B considering the pain you go through...hugs.
    Have a great weekend...again, the days are just flying...

  31. happy to note that you could create a beautiful card amidst of pain. take care and recover soon. Hugs

  32. Gorgeous card Brenda. Love those fabulous lilies stamped on to the kraft card. Sending lots of get well soon wishes xx

  33. Such a lovely card!! Please take care of yourself! Hope you feel better soon!!
    Moxie Craftie

  34. "craft for England" when you are feeling well. I have images of your family staying far away and paper and ink going everywhere. Love all the butterflies.
