
Saturday 11 June 2016

Fancy Ribbons

Good morning to you all, well our internet is all up and running again but afraid my visits are still spasmodic, I was under the weather earlier in the week and it seems to have turned into a bit of an MS relapse. So not too much sleep due to the pain, all fingers and thumbs and everything on go slow, so my apologies if comments are a bit short and sweet..........but rest assured I am still able to visually take in your lovely creations.

It's time for our new challenge at Allsorts where Wendy has chosen the theme of 'Fancy Ribbons' which fits in very nicely with this weeks sponsor Crafty Ribbons.

This is a card I made recently for Tattered Lace using the new Victoria Nelson designs, I'm not actually on the CD/paper crafting DT but I think I must have enthused so much over the pretty summery colours and images that I was sent the kit to play with.

The papers were printed from the CD and the focal image is one of the toppers as is the sentiment.  I made the easel card using TL Pin Dot Pearl frames, I think they make such a pretty base cards, matted and layered everything and added some flowers and ruched some ribbon for the easel stopper.

Happy weekend all.


  1. Stunningly beautiful, love this card Brenda and the ribbon is perfect.xx {aNNie}

  2. Just the prettiest of cards Brenda, really love this one, sorry I've not been visiting, believe me I'd much rather be on here! Jx

  3. I thought you'd been doing clever stuff with Altenew! This is as ever gorgeous x

  4. Sorry to hear you are not very well, hope things improve soon. Such a pretty card.

  5. Gorgeous card Brenda, the ribbon is stunning and looks so rich across the base of the easel. I would love to get my hands on the pin dot square dies as it is one of my current favourites. Unfortunately it has been out of stock for a while.
    So sorry to hear that you are under the weather. I do hope things improve quickly.
    Take care and enjoy your weekend

  6. Hi Brenda, beautiful card, love the easel style and the topper is so pretty, all that glorious colour and ribbon too.
    Sorry to hear that you've been poorly, just take it easy, and we are all here when you are, Kate x ๐Ÿ˜š

  7. Gorgeous card Brenda, lovely flowers and ribbon. Love the card base, have to look that later on.
    Happy weekend, hope you are feeling better;-))m

  8. This is really beautiful. Lovely colours and layout and I really like the frame die. Donna

  9. Deliziosa easel card, Brenda! Il frame รจ molto carino e leggero, si intona perfettamente con questa bella carta e con il topper. Mi piace tanto il nastro lucido arricciato di questo bel color pesca!
    Buon weekend!

  10. The colours are so beautiful Brenda, Sorry to hear you have been under the weather

  11. I'm so sorry you aren't too good a the moment, hope it improves really quickly for you. I love this card, especially the frame die as the base looks so pretty.
    Lynn x

  12. I agree with you the papers are beautiful... And your card is too! Love the flowers and ribbon embellishments.
    I do hope you get better and enjoy a bit of nice weather in your garden this weekend. xx

  13. Morning Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear you're not to well just now. Your card is really a stunner and I love how you've pleated your ribbon. Barbxx

  14. Brenda, no! No more relapses! Wouldn't it be grand if we could just "yell" a disease out of our bodies? It's a little difficult at times to be trapped inside our bodies. I try telling mine that it's not polite to take hostages, but sometimes, it just doesn't care.

    Your beautifully ribboned card is created with the must lusciously gorgeous colors! Yummy! Lovely composition!

    Here's to better days VERY soon! Love, de

  15. Gorgeous card Brenda, I just love the soft peach and pink tones!! I do hope you get to feeling better soon. hugs :)

  16. Hi Brenda I do hope that you feel better soon thank you so much for visiting and leaving me comments when you are having problems both with the internet and your health you are a trooper. Brenda this is so beautiful the colours are what caught my attention first, they are so soft and delicate, the topper of flowers is gorgeous so is the ribbon laid down as the stopper for the easel card fold, excellent creation.
    lorraine x

  17. Oooo absolutely gorgeous and i love how you have ruffled your ribbon too.

    Sorry to hear about your relapse, make sure you rest and hope you feel better soon, especially as your hols is only in a months time, Luv Sam x

  18. gorgeous flowers and card Brenda, beautiful colours
    Gr Karin

  19. WOW the design is sooo beautiful

  20. A beautiful card - I can see why you loved the colours of these fabulous papers!
    Kath x

  21. What a beautiful card, the image is lovely and the colours are gorgeous as is your card design. Have a good weekend and I hope you are soon feeling much better.

    Pat xx

  22. Oh you poor dear, hope you soon improve. Love the colour palette and those gorgeous flowers and ribbon, fab card

  23. Sorry to hear you have been under the weather Brenda, hope there are better days ahead. This card is fantastic, such pretty colours, reminds me of Fruit Salad sweeties actually!! Love what you have done with the ribbon, a great stopper and a lovely feature too xx

  24. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    eine ganz zauberhafte Karte hast du da gestaltet,einfach wunderschรถn,
    glg ulrike

  25. This is so gorgeous! I love them flowers you added!
    Oh no so sorry to hear you've relapsed! Nothing worse! I've had 3 days from hell and yesterday was worse than I've been for a couple years and so scared I've gone backwards but feel slightly better today! Hoping I don't crash this week! Sending big hugs! Really hope you feel better soon!
    Lucy x

  26. A gorgeous card Brenda, love all the pretty flowers and the easel design.
    So sorry to hear you've not been too good, I hope you are feeling better very soon
    Lorraine x

  27. Such a pretty card Brenda, and your flowers are the perfect match.
    Sorry you've not been feeling too well, Take care and hope you're soon feeling better.
    Avril xx

  28. Gorgeous card, the flowers compliment the image so well (which is coloured so beautifully). I'm sorry that you've had a set back, we sure hope that you will feel better very soon. Take good care, Shirleyx

  29. This is totally the prettiest thing I've seen!

  30. Hope you feel better soon! the card is gorgeous.. come on England! good start, need a goal or some!

  31. One of the prettiest easel cards I've seen in a while. That is a gorgeous image, and is enhanced by the ruffles of the ribbon & the eyelet edging round the main motif. I've never invested in any of these CD's... I know a lot of the UK bloggers use a lot of CD pretty. Hope you will be able to get some rest, and feel better real soon. TFS & Hugs

  32. Totally beautiful in all aspect, love everything about it.

    Kath x

  33. What a beautiful card Brenda. I really love the peach and pink together, and the flowers are just perfect against the backing paper. I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling too well at the moment and I wish you a speedy recovery. Take it easy. Crafty hugs, Sandra X

  34. Completely stunning card Brenda, wow, love both the stamped and the embellishment flowers and they fit so well together!

    Thinking of you and hoping you will start to feel better soon. My lack of visits is simply due to too much work with the end of the school term drawing ever nearer. I do apologize... xxx hugs

  35. So sorry to hear you've not been well brenda. Please take it easy lovely lady. Your card is a real gem...absolutely stunning. Those flowers are oh so pretty. Big huggles. Rachel xx

  36. beautiful card Brenda, I like the frilly ribbon and the edging
    Kevin xx

  37. You are one little trooper Brenda, I really hope things subside soon for you and that the pain goes.

    Beautiful makes.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  38. Gorgeous image and B.paper and love the beautiful ruffled ribbon -hope your feeling better
    Carol x

  39. Wow--gorgeous card, Brenda--can see why you loved it so much! Hoping the relapse is short-lived!

  40. Such a lovely card, Brenda!! Love the colors you have chosen!! The flowers are gorgeous!! Lovey our coloring!
    Moxie Craftie

  41. Hope you're better dear Brenda !!
    Your card is so pretty, love it very much !

  42. Sweet Brenda, so so sorry you have this chronic condition, do hope this relapse ends quickly and you get back to "normal" ASAP! What a gorgeous creation, as always! Stress less and you will get through these trying times better. <3

  43. So sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly at the moment, hope you improve soon and feel much better.
    This is a gorgeous card, love the image and soft colours and pretty ruched ribbon detail.

  44. This is beautiful.

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

  45. Great fun to get sent a package to play with :) And what a super way of using the ribbon! You now this is not my style, but I was intriged so took a longer look... Hugs, Gerrina

  46. Fabulous design Brenda, and the colours are gorgeous. Love how you've used your ribbon.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  47. Fabulous card its so pretty I hope that you start to feel a little better very soon sending love and hugs Carole x

  48. such a pretty card a lovely design hope you are feeling a little better very soon sending Love and hugs Catole x

  49. Beautiful colours Brenda, hope you are on the mend.

  50. Wow, Brenda, the CD image is stunning and your flowers complement it so beautifully! I love your fancy ribbon and easel style! I hope you feel better soon, my friend.

  51. This card is beautiful and what a clever idea using the ribbon to hold the easel up. Hope you are feeling better now.
