
Monday 13 July 2015

Tattered Lace DT cards Through the arch window

Hello Peeps, apols I'm still very much MIA, my body's not coping with the infections very well, the more antibiotics you have the less effective they become which is not good when you are already immune compromised.

I've had six extractions in the last few weeks, hence they are keen to try this laser removal of nerves to try and save the ones where normal root canal treatment has failed - I now have only six teeth without root canals........I dare not count the hours spent in the dentist chair recently. So I think I need to take a bit of a blog break for a week or so until I feel more on top of things, my mojo is in a creative slumber it seems, so thank goodness I tend to work ahead and have several posts scheduled.

A few shares of some of my makes for tomorrows Tattered Lace Pick of the Day launching at 9pm on Ideal Word. As I mentioned at the weekend I didn't get too many made this time round due to feeling under the weather with the latest round if meds.

My top card uses the new Essential Window Die, it's quite a biggie at approx 21cm x 15cm.

The tunnel card is made from TL Large Panorama dies inner plates and concertina sides die sets, they came out way back in about February and sold out mega fast. The sentiment is also TL and Charisma Poinsettia, another very recent release.

Another using the window die along the same lines as the top card............I know we are looking from outside at the outside, put it down to me feeling so dopey this week, hubby suggested it's artistic licence.

Just the one more, again using the Panorama dies, TL border and Bird Tapestry from the Panorama range.

This all rather reminds me of playschool, whose children used to watch that...................through the square window, then there was the arch window and round window, were there any more ? That half hour or so was a blessing when they were small as it always kept them entertained and allowed me to get dinner on the go.

Have a good week all and many thanks for popping in.


  1. Brenda please rest, no stress, no worrying, just you. I am so sorry the teeth haven't settled down. It's painful, I know. Your body needs some time to recover and rest is the only option. Will be thinking of you huni.
    Your cards are beautiful and I love that window die Karen xx

  2. These are all very lovely! The one where you're looking outside from the outside is my favorite! I love the little flower box and it just looks so fun. Artistic license is a wonderful thing. Sorry you're still feeling poorly. I hope it gets better soon. You will stay in my prayers. Hugs, Robin

  3. So sorry for your poor mouth, Brenda! Six extractions are really so much!!
    Your craft time is always used in a fabulous way.... all the three cards are really amazing!
    Love so much the tunnels cards, expecially this heart windows with the bird and the paper lace.
    Also the windows arches are so beautiful and your "artistic licence" in the second one had have a wonderful result!

  4. Stunning cards Brenda, love them all....way past midnight, my bed time so will chat another day...
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  5. Beautiful cards Brenda! I too have only a few left without root canal.. Hope you feel better soon.. Take care..

  6. Just beautiful creations my friend. I am sending you big hugz and wishing you well...... xxx

  7. lol "B" still very effective and they are all stunning cards.

  8. Gorgeous cards as always Brenda, they are all so beautiful. So sorry you are so under the weather, hope the laser treatment works and also hope you have a good blog break and get some rest. Take care.

    Pat xx

  9. Beautiful set of cards Brenda, love the 'Window' ones, x

  10. Oh wow those windows are stunning! Love the ivy!
    And gat hmm img bird is so beautiful! All really clever designs too! Fabulous you are so talented my love!
    Lucy x

  11. Oh my goodness Brenda, I don't envy you. Having anything done at the dentist is one of my worst nightmares. It sounds like you need a holiday not just a blog break.
    Hope you get sorted and feel better soon
    Sharon x

  12. Love ALL of your windows Brenda and I'm sure there were only three, back in the day, I loved Humpty!! Take care of you xx

  13. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda and so hard to pick my favourite


  14. Oh Brenda you poor poor thing, sending healing hugs your way. These cards are so gorgeous...I hope you get back to play again soon. Please take care, much love, Jane xx

  15. Beautiful work Brenda, some smashers there, love them all but if I was forced to choose a fave it would have to be the Xmas card, it's really lovely.
    Oh my Brenda, poor you, it all sounds really horrible, you are being very brave, no one like's going to the dentist and you are having everyone's share at the moment, bet your on first name terms with him by now! but joking apart, I know it's a bad time for you and I hope that it soon gets all sorted very soon, sending you extra hugs.
    Simply Paper Card Design

  16. Beautiful cards. Sorry you are not feeling well. Sending hugs.

  17. Love your window cards, all these delicate die-cuts, very pretty and full of the joys of spring! Hubby's right, artistic license every time... To be honest I wouldn't have noticed if your hadn't said!
    So sorry to hear about your continuing teeth problem, you must feel upset and unwell and nobody will blame you for taking time off. I'll be thinking of you.xx

  18. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to read this, you poor thing, sending you hugs and hopes to feel better soon. Gorgeous cards love the window xx

  19. Sorry to hear that all these extractions are causing you so much pain, Brenda! I sincerely hope that the laser will help to get rid of some of the pain away. Take care, Brenda!

    Although you are in pain, you cards are amazingly beautiful!

  20. Oh Dear! I can't think of anything worse - all that time in a dentist's chair!
    Your cards are wonderful - as always.
    Take care

  21. Sorry to read you are still struggling following the extractions and infections.
    These cards are beautiful
    Take care and I hope things improve soon
    Jackie x

  22. I must admit I did giggle when I saw the heading for this post and muttered Play school to myself.
    Gorgeous creations, fabulous dies and as always great flowers.
    Poor you, I hate the 10 minutes in a dentist chair for a check up, never mind anything else, hope the new treatment works asap.

    Kath x

  23. B, I'm sorry about all the oral procedures. You are so amazingly capable despite the set backs. Hope the infections are soon abated. Thanks for the yummy eye feast today! xo

  24. Aaaah what a stunning collection of cards and i've already left you a personal note about your health, Luv Sam x

  25. oh my goodness Brenda - sounds like you're having a terrible time - I really hope that things get better very quickly. I hate going to the dentist! Your cards are gorgeous - all of them! Hugs rachel x

  26. Gorgeous cards
    love them

  27. These are all beautiful Brenda I love those window cards you always make such clever designs
    Kevin xx

  28. Honestly Sue, I don't know how you manage to make so many gorgeous cards, I can barely manage a couple a week! You never skip a beat even with such a high turn out AND being under the weather! These aren't just stunning, they are breathtakingly incredible!!!! hugs to the master :)

  29. Oh for crying out loud, I'm so sorry Brenda...Brenda...Brenda!! If I say the right name enough times, will it cancel out my embarrassing error? lol

  30. Love, love, love your cards Brenda especially the arch ones. Pretty good considering how you must be feeling. I have only had one root canal and I think I might need another one - yuk!

  31. Hello Brenda
    Gorgeous cards, Tattered Lace dies are really fabulous and so delicate.
    Sorry to hear that your teeth are still causing you trouble. Toothache is a horrible pain and I hope the dental work will solve all the trouble.
    As I child I used to love watching Play School. Humpty and Hanbell were firm favourites as was Floella Benjamin. Happy days.
    Take care

  32. Oh wauw these are beautiful cards Brenda! A lovely window die and I love the ivy die as well. I hope you soon recover from, your toochache, it sounds terrible. hugs, Marlies

  33. A stunning selection Brenda :o)
    I do hope you are soon recovered from your ordeals in the dental chair...hugs
    Jackie xx

  34. so sad to hear, i wonder how you managed to create these gorgeous cards with pain. Pls take care and take rest dear

  35. What a poorly babe you must be Brenda. Also you must be in tremendous pain. Have a well earned break and take care of yourself. Health comes first above everything.

    Such amazing cards considering all that is going on in your life.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  36. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear you are still not well. Hope this little rest helps and that you feel better soon. Love these cards as usual especially the window ones. Thinking of you, take care, Michelle x

  37. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    wunderschöne Karten zeigst du uns wieder einfach ein Traum,eine schöner als die Andere,
    glg ulrike

  38. You should take a break at least to give your mojo a chance to take a breath and then to come back in full speed!
    But I like the delicate cards you made. Thought the first one was stamped when I cought a glimpse of it...that one and the last look both so delicately beautiful! Take care of your body; it needs healing time... Hugs, Gerrina

  39. Wow a beautiful selection of cards Brenda those dies look awesome the designs are superb, terrific work.
    lorraine x

  40. Beautiful cards Brenda. Really hope you are feeling better soon.

  41. Hi, Sorry you are not well, hope you feel better soon.I love your outside looking outside card and the others, Take Care,x

  42. I don't know about the kids but I used to LOVE watching playshcool. I even remember having a humpty dumpty one Christmas lol

    So sorry to hear about your health hun. It really is sucky at times.
    I pray you feel better soon Brenda my love.
    Oh almost forgot, your cards are just beautiful as always.
    Love the first one :)

  43. Hi Brenda, gorgeous creations and so sorry you are feeling so rotten, you don't deserve it xx sending a big hug xx

  44. Hi Brenda, your designs are all gorgeous, I especially love the heart creation. I also hope that you are feeling much better soon, Hugs, Shirleyxx

  45. Hello
    Want to drop a note to thank you for your sweet comments. They mean a lot to me that you have taken the time to stop by. I have not been on the computer much. As I am caregiving for a dear friend who had Stage 4 Lung Cancer. Every day her fragile body is deteriorating. I have not ever seen someone dying right in front of me. All I can do is just keep her comfortable, encourage her and trust the Lord to be her comfort and joy. So please do not be dismayed, when I am unable to stop by your blogs and leave some love.
    Your project/card is amazing and look forward to stopping by when I can. Have a wonderful day and even better week.
    In His Joy

  46. Oh dear, I hope you are starting to feel a little better Brenda. Your creations are just beautiful and I didn't even notice that we were outside looking outside until I read your post. :-) Really love the Christmas card.

  47. These are lovely! I love the window die.

  48. Hi! These are four awesome cards. I especially like the two window cards. They look so real!!

  49. Hi Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear that you're still having a tough time of things. You take all the time that you need to get well again and I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you for the kind comment that you left on my blog earlier today. Much love, Sandma x
