
Saturday 11 July 2015

Strawberries and Cream

Morning to you all, so sorry I've been a missing much of the week, there's been a bit of a mad rush for TL samples for Tuesday's pick of the day which I have really struggled with as I am nursing yet another tooth infection.

I've had so many antibiotics in recent months and the latest variety are making me feel really yuk, seems like I've had never ending toothache the last few months. They tell me it's because of all the medications I am on and have referred me to a specialist for some sort of laser treatment on the roots to try and save the teeth most affected. Not liking the sound of it too much, the sessions last two hours apparently, how the devil to you keep still in a dentist's chair for that long ?

So on to Allsorts and this week Mervi is very seasonal with her theme which is Strawberries and Cream, either the colours or the fruits themselves or maybe you have a totally different take on the theme. Our lovely sponsors are Krafty Hands and Deedes Digis

I went for the colours, red Poppies for the strawberries and the white ribbons for the cream.

I picked up the rattan heart in Hobbycraft for £1.00 and at the time wasn't quite sure what I would do with it, but a germ of an idea came to me using Tattered Lace Kirsty Triplet set.............great little sets with each one having three dies, a small embossing folder and there is a matching set of stamps. Out of all the Triplet sets that dropped through my door, this one jumped out at me and said Poppy............well it was inevitable one of them would I guess !!

The heart is about 7" deep so that gives you a good idea of the size of the flowers. I spritzed some cardstock with Dylusions and pearl mica spray and cut the Poppies from that, embossed them and then stamped the middles with one of the stamps, then used glossy accents and tiny black seed beads in the centres. The leaves are cut from Coordination using the Emma Trio set, a gingham bow and a banner with a TL congratulations sentiment.

Although I have always considered myself a stamper of many years, making this type of project makes me happy, I get to play inky, still a little bit of stamping and flowers, what more could a girl ask for ! 

And I have a second share using an image from Deedee's, it's a Poppy again and is a pre coloured image and the sentiment is from the same set. Same principal as my first piece, red Poppy for the strawberries with lace and organza ribbon for the cream element.

Happy weekend all.


  1. Poor you must feel really poorly. Toothache is horrible and all those necessary but harsh antibiotics do have grotty side effects. I really hope you can get the symptoms under control. Your DT Pieces are so pretty and perfect for this sunny Saturday. Huge hugs xx

  2. Sorry to hear about your tooth problem, poor you. Love the two creations, very pretty.

  3. Gorgeous decoration, lovely flowers, and a beautiful card.
    Hope you are feeling better, happy weekend;-))m

  4. So sorry to hear about your teeth, hope they sort you out soon. Gorgeous heart and card, fab poppies

  5. Gorgeous cards Brenda, poppies always remind me of you, xxx

  6. So sorry to hear you're having another teeth infection. Hope you be well soon. Love the heart and the card. Poppies are always lovely ;-)

  7. Love the wreath and the beautiful embossed dimensional flowers !!

  8. Sorry to hear you are suffering with dreaded tooth problems Brenda, nothing worse to make you feel miserable, hope the meds kick in soon for you. What fabulous strawberries and cream interpretations, love the rustic heart and that poppy on the aida effect looks amazing. Wishing you better days xx

  9. Oh I so love that heart Brenda! So very pretty. Of course your poppy card is gorgeous too! So sorry to hear you have not been feeling well, hope your visit to the dentist is not too bad and that it solves the problems you are having. Michelle x

  10. Stunning work Brenda, gorgeous poppies on both.

  11. Sorry to hear about your toothache, there is nothing worse!
    Love your strawberries and cream designs - those poppies are gorgeous

  12. this is very nice
    have a nice day

  13. Sorry for your tooth infection, Brenda! And the antibiotics with these tempeartures are so bad! :(
    Love your rattan heart with poppies, and the card is absolutely adorable!! So pasionate and romantic!

  14. I am starting to appreciate matching stamp, papers & dies, they make light work of design when unsure...
    Your Poppy card is delightful in that way, the stamped poppy is in perfect harmony with the background paper.
    And great idea with the heart!
    Hope you get your teeth problems sorted out, these things are no fun. xx

  15. Firstly Brenda I am so sorry to here about your tooth infection, there's nothing worse then tooth pain, hope you get it sorted soon...
    Your heart and card are just exquisite...x

  16. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you're still suffering. It's awful how such a small thing as a tooth can give so much unbearable pain, hope it gets better soon.
    Love these 2 fabulous poppy creations. Such a great idea with the heart and TL dies and with the gingham ribbon would look perfect hanging anywhere. As for the card - the colours and papers are so lovely teamed up with the ribbon and lace and I would never have thought that was a pre-coloured image. Enjoy your weekend xx

  17. Don't like the sound of the dentist thing either Brenda, hope its turns out ok for you. I am waiting for an appt. to have a wisdom tooth out at the hospital that has decided to show it's ugly head in my late forties! I'm not looking forward to that I can tell you.
    Two lovely poppy projects today, the heart will look lovely hanging up in a room and I love the papers and image on that glorious card.
    Take care and enjoy your weekend.

  18. Dentists: no likey! Still have a terror from bad childhood experiences and even though we have a good one now I'm still very very nervous and don't like going. I hope they help you soon hun as that is nasty and very uncomfortable. Two stunning creations for the strawberries and cream and I love what you did with the wicker circle. I hope you have a lovely weekend and your teeth stop being nasty soon Karen xx

  19. Wow, these are gorgeous Brenda! I normally reserve red for Christmas time, but you have really showed me that it does well all year long. Stunning card, love that sheer bow!! hugs :)

  20. Gorgeous cards love the flowers and sending hugs to ease your suffering.xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  21. Fabulous poppy cards Brenda ( another poppy stamp fell into my basket yesterday!) sorry to hear you are having yet more problems, poor you, hope it can sorted soon.


  22. Wow Brenda! A couple of absolute stunners here as I just love poppies and yours are so beautiful.
    Really sorry to hear you're under the weather again and hope the infection clears soon.
    Fliss xx

  23. Hi Brenda, what a rough time you're having, your crafty makes always make me happy, lovely crafting ideas, very beautiful poppies, take care. Ruby x

  24. I love your card. It's beautiful. The paper is perfect. the lace is a nice touch. Thanks for showing off Deedee's Digis so well!
    Kathy D.
    Deedee's Digis Sponsorship Coordinator

  25. Those projects are just wonderful, and so YOU!
    Hope the dentist can do something for you!
    Have a great day!

  26. hello Brenda - ooo your tooth sounds terrible - there's nothing worse than poorly teeth! I love your make Brenda - absolutely brilliant! Hugs Rachel x

  27. Oh my Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear you are in so much pain, it sounds awful, I do hope they soon get you sorted out.
    Your work, fabulous, I do love poppies, and they look great here.
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  28. So sorry to hear about your tooth pain, I hope it eases soon.
    These are gorgeous Brenda, I love your designs and beautiful poppies.
    Sue xx

  29. Two wonderful creations and love both the images, especially love the second creation, it is just gorgeous.
    Nothing worse than toothache, hope it is soon sorted.

    Kath x

  30. Bless you Brenda, it sounds like you've been having a real tough time and there's nothing worse than toothache. I hope that things go well for you in your treatment. Your wreath and card are both so pretty and are perfect for the 'Strawberries and Cream' challenge. I'm hoping to enter the challenge myself but I'm still working on ideas at the moment. Enjoy the rest of your weekend x

  31. Aaaah both are fabby and poppies are just so you too.

    Sorry to hear about your teeth problems and your latest anti-biotics too - i had to take some the other week, as i had an abscess and i was scared of taking them because of my RA, so fortunately for me the pharmacist was my old boss from when i worked at Boots 15 years ago and he told me they were really strong and might make me feel sick - so he suggested i drank at least a pint of water when i took them - he was so right, and i didn't get the sickness, maybe you should try that ?, Luv Sam x

  32. I love both your poppy creations Brenda.two very different pieces but equally as gorgeous. Thinking of you.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  33. I am so sorry to hear about your tooth pain. I have been there done that and it is miserable. I hope it gets better soon. Only thing I can say about staying in the chair for two hours is I hope they have a movie playing for you to watch. Your projects are so pretty! I love the flowers. Hugs, Robin

  34. Beautiful work Brenda!! Hope you feel better soon

  35. Ouch Brenda, I hope you soon get those teeth sorted...hugs.
    I love your poppy theme, you have decorated the wicker heart perfectly, and the card is so beautiful too :o)
    Jackie xx

  36. That heart looks great Brenda! Lovely flowers and the card is lovely too, nice papers as well. Hope you soon recover from your toothache. hugs, Marlies

  37. Aww sorry you're suffering Brenda!
    These are gorgeous! I completely love that hanging deck! Stunning!
    Lucy x

  38. The colour combo is very nice and I love your poppy stamp and the organza ribbon!!

  39. Sorry to hear you;'ve been feeling unwell Brenda nothing worse than tooth problems.....Love what you've done with the heart and also your gorgeous card


  40. I feel for you Brenda as hubby has bad gums and his teeth are continually hurting and he gets lots of abscess. Hope the pain goes soon.

    Beautiful makes especially the rattan heart.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  41. Ah dear B., you have my deep commiserations there on the tooth infection, I had tooth abscess in back molar last month and end of May on four lots of antibiotics over three weeks to settle it, and have last treatment at end of this month on root canal.
    As am permanently on cortisone am susceptible too, so feel for you ... Nothing quite like tooth pain. Pray it and others will be remediated by the upcoming treatment .. And you probably only have to sit still in bursts with the treatment...
    Lovely two creations wonderful indeed, it's hard to create and also to blog when not feeling well. I started out stamping too and somehow a card feels better if one is used. Still love using embossing inked greetings, seems to thrill me. Love the poppies of course. :)
    Shaz in Oz.x
    ps thanks so much for popping over so faithfully are really appreciated.

  42. Ooh Brenda these are such delightful takes on strawberries and cream. Perfect for Wimbledon's final today.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  43. Hi Brenda
    Sorry to hear about your teeth problems. There is nothing worse than toothache and if the medication is making you feel even worse that is terrible. Sending you big hugs and a smile.
    Your makes today are beautiful especially the heart. I love getting things for a bargain price and then turning them into something wonderful.
    My new laptop has arrived and I am trying to get used to Windows 8 which is not easy but I will push on and try and get some crafting and blogging done, just as soon as these house viewers have been and gone.
    Take care

  44. Stunning heart Brenda and the card is beautiful, love your take on the theme.
    Nothing worse than toothache, hope you get sorted soon.
    Avril xx

  45. Hope you feel better soon, Brenda, and hope the treatment is pain free and effective. Toothache is so hard to deal with. I love both of your poppy projects - gorgeous colours and beautifully created. I promise I will be in touch soon. Last week went to pot a bit!

  46. two hours in a dentist chair sounds like pure torture... And you'll see pictures of the costume after the hen party I'm attending. Thankfully I'm not wearing it myself :)

  47. Bummer on this teeth thing. You are certainly under the hammer with all you've been through, and the antibiotics CAN make you feel so awful sometimes. Good luck with this new thing...Never heard of that, but sounds promising if it will save your tooth. Love your beautiful poppies on the grapevine wreath. What a marvelous little hanger to decorate a little nook and make you happy each time you see it. Also loving the DeeDee's card. Will have to go look up that digi, because you've certainly used it to make a lovely card. Don't you just love DeeDee's easy to work with. TFS & good luck too, with rehoming some of the pretty craft goodies. Looks like some nifty items and so generous of you as well. Have a better week and TFS. Hugs too.

  48. Beautiful cards Brenda.
    Ewwwwww rather you than me.
    I am terrified of dentists.
    Medication although to help us does cause a lot of other issues.
    Kind of damned if we do and damned if we don't.
    Hope they sort it for you soon.

  49. Great flowers! Sorry to hear that you are suffering again... Sending some positive energy your way... Hugs, Gerrina

  50. Lovely make for this weeks theme Tracy x

  51. Gorgeous Brenda, really love the wreath, it looks fabulous with the poppies x
