
Wednesday 2 April 2014

Not a happy camper

Morning Peeps, what a weeks it's been, last Thursday my keyboard broke and we thought it was a simple fix but it turned out my actual computer was very poorly so a new one was ordered from John Lewis but what a mess up that's been and a huge deviation from their normal efficiency. By last teatime it still hadn't been delivered so I rang them only to be told the order had been cancelled but they could offer no explanation how that happened. But that was just the tip of the iceberg as when I tried to re-arrange delivery I was told it had gone up £100 since I placed the order Monday and no way were they prepared to honour the price, to say the air was blue is an understatement.

And this morning I am off to have all my re- tests done and then back next week to get the results and see if the treatment worked or the op is necessary so what with one thing and another it's a really quick share of  a card using Dylusions, Timmy stamps, frantage and a bit of distressing.

Which all means with a very poorly computer my wings are severely clipped and blogging virtually impossible, even doing this post was touch and go so I am so sorry folks that I've not been able to visit.


  1. Oh no, computer problems are the worst! And I hate to think how much this computer is costing you if it's gone *up* by £100!! What you need is to have someone on hand that can put them together for you, as buying the individual components and building it yourself will get you a pretty great PC for £100. Hubby has always done that, and it costs a fraction of the price of buying it ready assembled!
    Either way, hope you get things sorted soon! x

  2. Oh, and the card is just gorgeous! ;-) x

  3. Beautiful card Brenda. I bet you are seething - l know l would be and would be very tempted to take my business elsewhere x Susan x

  4. Crikey Brenda what a horrible week for you, I,m lost if my computer or internet goes off, Lovely card though, xxx

  5. Oh almost sounds like a bit of a scam with the computer people ~ everything is a little too coincidental! I really hope all goes well with your tests, sending cyber hugs and good wishes all the way from around the world to you x...Your card is made with one of my all time favourite stamps - and looks beautiful.
    Dot x

  6. Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear this, that is appalling and not like John Lewis at all.....
    Your card on the other hand is stunning! I love those butterflies from sir Tim, the way you have used them against that beautiful background and with the addition of the rhinestones looks fabulous. Love the way you have finished it too with the corrugated card and twine.

    Hope the test results will be good, - fingers crossed and hope you get that computer sorted!!!

  7. Sorry to hear about your computer problems but your cards is fabulous, love those butterflies.

  8. Sorry to hear about your computer problems. Good luck with the test today, hope the treatment worked. Love your card, the background is wonderful.

  9. Gorgeous card!
    Hope you get things going soon;-))m

  10. Oh dear Brenda, what a let down by John Lewis, usually so good. Hope the test results are good. Gorgeous card, love it. I couldn't manage now without my iPad as well as my laptop. I do all my commenting on my iPad, worth looking into if you can afford one as well as a new lappy. In fact I use the iPad so much we had to buy another for hubby as he didn't get much of a look in.

  11. A lovely card, Brenda. I like your background and the touch of frantage on the edges and of course those beautiful butterflies.

    Sorry to hear of your frustration with your computer. I'm in dire need of a new one myself.
    Personallly I think it is a shortsighted decision by JL not to honour the price of your order....I had a dispute with M&S and have not shopped there since and neither have all my family.

    I'm going to Coleman's on Sat to see Sue Wilson, first time for ages and with a 'too long' shopping list too.

    Good luck with your tests. I hope the treatment worked.

    Best wishes, Brenda, take care!

  12. Sounds like blue air was definitely in order!! Hope they sort it out quickly for you Brenda.
    Your card is wonderful and I love the touches of embossing. Hope the tests go well xx

  13. Really! I'm sure trading standards ought to be informed about this. It sounds like they cancelled the order intentionally to get the extra £100 out of you. I hope you have ordered one from somewhere and told them they can stick theirs. I would have. That's appalling service.
    Meanwhile, hope the re-tests show that the treament worked and no op needs to be done.
    Thank you for managing to share this fab make with us despite all the upset. Lovely inky background - and great stamping too.
    Beryl xx

  14. A gorgeous card Brenda. I love the colours and pretty butterflies. You don't expect to be let down by a company like John Lewis, they are generally so good. I hope thing get sorted soon.
    I hope all your tests go well
    Take care
    Lorraine x

  15. oh brenda hun so sorry about your computer what a mess up gosh how can they do that as it was there fault in the first place,hope the tests go okay hun as for your card its stunning love the design so effective hugs cheryl xx

  16. Hi Brenda, I do hope all goes well at the clinic, your card is absolutely beautiful, John Lewis are normally really good, you should get your money back and go else where
    Kevin xx

  17. This is fabulous Brenda. Beautiful colours and that button is just perfect. Gosh I am quite surprised at John Lewis, they are normally so good. I have also had to buy a new laptop as mine was dying. Have had such problems getting my printer and blog to work with Windows 8. Finally got it all sorted but it was a real pain in the rear so I know how frustrated you must be. Good luck with the tests. Michelle x

  18. Oh Brenda - you surely are in the wars! Shame on John Lewis! Good luck with your tests - they are the most important and dont worry, we will all still be here when your pc and your dearself are up and running. Nicola x

  19. Absolutely stunning hun and i'm sorry to hear about your computer problems - i must admit John Lewis is a company i don't use very often.

    Thinking of you, when you have your tests, sending hugs Luv Sam x

  20. very nice!
    I like butterflies.

  21. we had a similar John Lewis online experience - seems to happen when an item isn't in stock. Hope those tests go OK. Love your dimension on those butterflies & the way you twine echoes the amber-orange in the bottom right corner of your background.
    Paula (PEP)

  22. Wow, Brenda, this has been a rough week for you! I would be upset about that too - I would probably order from someone else just to make a point - since they wouldn't honour the lower price, but that's just me! I hope your test results come back favourably - I will be praying for you. In the meantime, even with all your troubles, you have still created a beautiful card - I love this! I am a sucker for butterflies anyway but this is really lovely with all the distressing and frantage. Love how you 3D'd the wings too. Hope you get your new computer soon!

  23. I'm so sorry to hear all this Brenda, it's the last thing you need on top of everything else going on in your life. I hope things gets sorted soon and all my best wishes for your tests to come back OK. Such a pretty butterfly card the button and twine really finishes it off beautifully x

  24. Fantastic card, really unique design

    Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

    Hope you have a fab day!


    Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

  25. Hi Brenda, oh wow what a beautiful card I love the design and your butterflies. Im sorry to hear that you are having so many problems not only with your computer but also with your health. Do take care we all worry about you. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx
    Sorry Ive not been by for so long but i have been so busy just recently and havent had time to visit anyone other than my team members.

  26. Oh my word, what a week - hope the tests come back fine.... that really isn't like John Lewis, they are normally so good! Hope you sort it all soon. Helen 9

  27. This card is just gorgeous! hugs, Helena

  28. Gorgeous card, love the frantage, I will have to try some of that, I'm a bit behind times aren't I LOL!
    E-mailing you.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  29. Love the inkiness of this Brenda, just gorgeous.

  30. I love your card, I hope your week gets better
    Rosie x

  31. What a horrible week Brenda, but I must say that I love your card. Hope everythings turns out allright and that the results from the tests are good.
    Take care!! xxx Marianne

  32. That's a wonderful card - love every detail. Sounds that have some problems these days :( keeping my fingers crossed that things will sorted soon.

  33. That is absolutely dreadful, no not the card, that is stunning as always but the treatment and carry on with John Lewis, I would never buy anything from them again.
    Hope it is sorted soon and that your test went well today.

    Kath x

  34. Hi, Brenda, a person nice as you should not have to endure all these inconveniences and hardships. I'm sorry about the computer thing. It probably means another person phoned to cancel their order, and it is not cancelled because the person canceling accessed the wrong account. It seems many companies hire people who do not realize how their careless actions cause other people problems. I hope your keyboard and computer are soon working correctly. It's frustrating to have technology glitches.

    Keeping fingers crossed about your tests that good news will be presented. I would hate for you to have to have surgery.

    As for your masterpiece - it is gorgeous, of course - beautiful colors, and a wonderfully magical nature scene, even though it also feels so vintage with the writing in the back. Please take care. hugs, de

  35. a really stunning card Brenda - a really fresh approach to that stamp. So sorry to hear about your computer problems - hope things get sorted soon! Big hugs rachel xx

  36. That is such a beautiful card Brenda. Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. Must have been so frustrating with the computer shop. Hope next week will be much better for you.

  37. I'm sorry to hear that all is not well in your corner of the world!
    Here's hoping your tests go well, and you get a computer!
    Lovely card!

  38. What a gorgeous card, so beautiful.
    I hope all goes well with your tests, hugs.
    That is really poor service with the computer and I would be letting their head office know my thoughts on their behaviour!
    Jackie xx

  39. So glad it did post Brenda because this is an amazing piece. Poor you, the computer is something you really could have done without. Hope all goes well and everything is crossed for you.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x

  40. Well, love the butterfly card! (Lovbe butterflies allways...) And wiosh you luck with the tests and further on and with a new PC! Hugs, Gerrina

  41. Gorgeous Card Brenda!

    I love the colour theme and the butterflies and I like what you've done with the button and twine.

    Sorry to hear about you computer problem, I think it's awful that they wouldn't honour the price when you originally ordered it considering it wasn't your fault it was cancelled, it was their error. I hope you find out why it was cancelled and you get a proper apology, it's disgusting how they've treated you.

    Take Care.
    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  42. Beautiful piece of artwork here!

    Sorry to hear that there is so much problem with the delivery. Hope it come soon but in the meantime just enjoy the lovely weather, Brenda!

  43. A very frustrating situation with the computer company. And how awful that that won't honor the original prize, I would not buy from them again. Hope you will get a new computer soon, I would go insane without one!
    Your card is gorgeous Brenda, I really love the green on this card, the script background looks fantastic, and so pretty the added butterflies. Love what you do with dylusions inks, I already have the pan pastels on my wish list, think I need to look into these more too!

  44. Sorry to hear of your computer wooos. That is crazy. I do however love your card it is so pretty and simple.

  45. Your card is gorgeous Brenda, I really love the green on this card, the script background looks fantastic, and so pretty the added butterflies. Love what you do with dylusions inks.
    TFS CU (and good luck with your Problems) hellerlittle

  46. all the best with your test results... hope everything turns ok... beautiful card... nice color...
    Moxie Craftie

  47. Oh utterly frustrating is that.. fancy not honouring the price when it was their fault!!! very wrong... was wondering how the health was going so pray the results from retesting is good and that no surgery is required.. that would be a huge blessing.. wonder if you feel as if the treatment is working.
    Re card... wonderful work.. loving the flutterbys - every blessing dear B. Shaz in Oz.x

  48. awesome card! LOVE the stamp! :) oh my, thats horrible customer service - would not have excepted that... go to the newspapers or shout how sucky they are from the rooftops *lol* And I wish u best of luck on your results!

  49. A really beautiful card Brenda. Just love the colours and design. Gorgeous.
    Sorry to hear of your computer issues and I would be fuming at John Lewis. Not very good service.
    Good luck with your test results, hope all goes okay.

  50. Oh, I know the feeling when there is something wrong with the computer ...but gotta say that is one crappy service!
    Hope you have a nice weekend. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for the results.


    P.S. Today's card is very wonderful and such a nice color scheme.

  51. oh my goodness, how very frustrating to have so much to deal with. no wonder you were upset.
    but your card is simply beautiful!

    hope you have a good weekend....

  52. wonderful card! amazing! :))
