
Saturday 5 April 2014

A much happier bunny today

Morning Peeps, well I am pleased to tell you my computer saga is finally sorted thanks to a very helpful lady at John Lewis's head office. We contacted them out of sheer desperation after several days going from pillar to post within their Customer Services department and within just a few hours yesterday it was all sorted and my new computer is sitting on my desk and at the original price, so now it's all ready for me to start the transition of transferring all my files from the external drive where I moved everything for safe keeping when the old computer went on the blink.

Now for our new Allsorts challenge where Helene has decided 'No Flowers' on our work this week. Our sponsors are The Craft Fairy and Digistamp Boutique.

So without flowers it had to be a scene and this one has a mixture JudiKins, Stamp Addicts, Hero Arts and Art Impression stamps, Pan Pastels and distress inks. When I create a scene there always seems very little to say about the making and my post content seem a bit lacking, but somehow the scenes sort of fall into place and I rarely put and advance planning into what goes where. All I can say looking at the scene now is that my lack of forward planning shows here because I have fields of Rape which are bang on season for April, with ripe ears of wheat in the fore !!

Happy weekend to you all, as soon as I get to grips with my new computer I will be round to see you all.


  1. Brenda I am pleased to hear that your techno issues are all sorted. I just love the farm scene you have brought to life so beautifully with your colouring.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. oooo..this is fantastic scene! beautiful. and the wheat is a small detail....((: you have used beautiful stamps.
    great dat the problem of your computer is solved.
    have a nice day and a good weekend.

  3. Oh well, I'm sure you would have used poppies instead of wheat...if they had been allowed LOL.
    Happy to hear you got your computer problem sorted, Brenda.
    Have a lovely weekend!
    Marianne x

  4. Beautiful scene card Brenda. It's good that the problem is solved now.
    I started my gardening yesterday, there's been lots of moles parties on my strawberries and raspberries.
    Again sunny and warm day, so back to business;-))m

  5. Wonderful card Brenda, love the ears of corn. Glad the computer saga is sorted for you.

  6. Beautiful scene and so timely for this part of the year! Glad to hear John Lewis finally got to their senses, it really sounded horrendous and not at all like them... Have a good weekend now, pfew, what a relief!

  7. Fabulous scene, love it.
    Would love a tut on this sort of scene when you have a minute,,,pretty

  8. I am so glad to hear that John Lewis sorted it out and you have got your New Pc, hopefully it won't take you to long to transfer everything over and get used to the new one. I love this scene those horses are beautiful
    Kevin xx

  9. Your scene is lovely B, thanks so much for my beautiful purple birthday card it has pride of place. Tracy x

  10. Such a gorgeous countryside scene B. So glad your pc problems are all sorted xxx

  11. Gorgeous scene Brenda, Love your colouring.... So glad at last you have the computer sorted..Have fun getting to know it... Hugs May x x

  12. Good result in the end Brenda. So glad you got the pc you wanted and at the right price too.
    A beautiful stamped scene. Wish I could create a scene with everything 'falling into place' and looking so good.
    Beryl xx

  13. Well done on the computer Brenda, glad you took it further too and didn't let them bet you.
    I love this image you use,past times, so lovely, xxx

  14. stunning scene Brenda - and I just adore your whole card - glad to hear the computer issue has been sorted - big hugs xx

  15. You've heard of poetic licence! Well you can call this cardmakers licence. We can put what we like into our crafting and get away with it. This is such an idyllic scene :o)
    Jackie xx

  16. I love your scene cards. This is beautiful.
    Blessed weekend.
    Gr Elly

  17. Glad to hear all is well with the computer Brenda!! Love your card and hope you have a good weekend playing with your new toy!! xx

  18. This is stunning Brenda, you have created such a beautiful scene.
    I am glad you got your computer sorted.
    Sue xx

  19. Lovely scenery card Brenda!!

  20. I think your scene is fantastic Brenda, don't think we have seasons any more so they can grow happily together. So pleased you got your computer up and running. Enjoy. xx Flora

  21. card is so nice!
    I'm sorry about your computer.
    I hope it's okay now.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and have a nice weekend!

  22. Great to hear that you're sorted with the technology. I'd not have known the wheat & rape didn't mix so your scene looks fine to me. Interesting to hear about your way of working with the scenes though.
    Hope your weekend is a peaceful one with no high jinx with anything.
    Paula (PEP)

  23. Glad the computer is sorted Brenda. I was surprised by the local J Lewis attitude as they are usually so incredibly helpful. It's always best to take to further if you are getting nowhere though. Love your farm scene, spring really is here now. I hope your health news will be just as possitive for you too xx

  24. So happy about your new computer! I agree it is very inconvenient when you don't have it. Mine was down for 3 days last December and I nearly went crazy. I had to go to the Public Library just to get caught up with my emails and blog reading. That's a tough challenge at Allsorts - no flowers! Yours is lovely - beautiful colouring - a great masculine card!

  25. Absolutely stunning and i'm so glad that the saga of the computer is now finally over - what a shame that you had to get head office involved though, Luv Sam x

  26. Oh yayy for the new computer!
    Your card is wonderful as always, even without your beloved flowers!

  27. What a sweet scene! Just lovely. Glad your computer drama is over now. Hugs, Robin

  28. WOW Brenda
    what a fantastic picture and the scene is adorable! Beautiful colouring!
    Have a nice weekend!
    Hugs, Andreja

  29. This is a delightful scene. You excel at these my dear!
    I love the horse and plow, so appropriate for a farmers daughter. The dutch family at the end of our road always planted their garden with a plow like this! Happy memories for me. I kept my horse there and road each day after school, before walking home!

  30. So happy to hear that your computer issues have been taken care off, and that they honored the original price too!
    Your card is gorgeous, loving the scene you created! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  31. This is stunning!! what a gorgeous scene!! Hugs Juls

  32. This is a fabulous scene Brenda and so well put together.
    Glad to hear you got your computer sorted - we've had dealings with John Lewis customer services and I won't buy from them again.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend (oh and glad you found the stamp useful) xx

  33. A gorgeous card Brenda, no one does a scene like you! Glad the computer got sorted.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  34. Glad you had a good result. Fab scene

  35. This looks more like it should be a painting rather than a card, it is brilliant.
    My stamp has arrived, did mean to mail you but wasn't sure if you had a computer or not and didn't like to have you struggle with having to use others computers.
    Thank you once again.

    Kath x

  36. Lovely card Brenda, the country scene is delightful and not a flower to be seen too :) So glad to see that you have sorted out the computer problem, you must be relieved that's all over. Elizabeth xx

  37. Good to hear that you got your new computer... Hope that your health issues also get sorted!! very nice card as always!! lovely coloring!!
    Moxie Craftie


  39. Glad you got your computer problems resolved, JL are normally pretty good. Love your farming card above, a super scene Brenda and a very productive farm, Jx

  40. Thrilled t hear the saga was finally sorted B. and that the original price was honoured, as well it should be.. what a huge relief.. great scene too, Shaz in Oz.x

  41. A wonderful scene Brenda. Just gorgeous. So glad you got the computer issue sorted.

  42. HI Brenda - it's such a long time since I popped by, my work/life/blogging balance is soooo off at the moment !! I always love your beautiful scenes and this one is no exception, glad your computer troubles resolved !! Esther xx

  43. A great scene and no problem for you to make a card without flowers... Hope you had a good weekend. I had a super weekend at the Art Specially Event! Hugs, Gerrina
