
Thursday 13 February 2014

Stampendous P107 again and week one candy favourites

Floral Fantasies share using my favourite craft item - Stampendous P107 Agapanthus Cluster and along with Pan Pastels and a PB sentiment

Hello Peeps, I hope you are all OK and sending special love to those suffering in this dreadful weather.

It's the end of week one of my 5th Blogaversary candy fun and as promised I am here to share this weeks favourites. Now this seemed like a really good idea at the time but when it actually came to doing the selecting I realised immediately it was easier said than done because all your entries are awesome, so I asked the grandchildren to help me out and we had a little voting system going and between us these are the four no particular order..................

The fairy was a real hit with the girls and I have a bit of a thing for them as well

It was the birds and flowers here plus all the amazing textures, one said
"I think we could pick them Granny"

The mouse was a definite hit and as they pointed out to me it is Valentines Day tomorrow

They loved the butterflies and tag and the colours are very much up my street

So that's the offering of week one and to all of you thank you so much for joining in, as I said above every one of your entries is amazing and I really appreciate all your effort taking part. I am looking forward to seeing next weeks lovely entries and remember it's OK to join in a second time if you wish.


  1. What a lovely selection but my fave must be the mousy Valentines one. xxx

  2. Love your card Brenda,that stamp is one of my favourites too.

  3. Great Job!!!! I like them too much!!!! Congrats!!!

  4. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda - they all look fabulous.
    Lorraine x

  5. Your card is lovely - I like how you created the sun. The entrants' projects are beautiful as well!


  6. Love the beams of light coming from the sun.Amazing.A piece of art even.Gorgeous creations from the entries too.Such talent.Hugs Debbie x

  7. Gorgeous card and congrats to the winners, well deserved

  8. Hi Brenda
    beautiful card!!I like the colors and I love the button

  9. Your card is gorgeous and how very difficult for you to pick from the wonderful cards that have been entered.

    Kath x

  10. Beautiful card Brenda! Love how those sun rays just seem to wake up those pretty flowers! And of course I am chuffed to bits that I am one of this week's favourites, what a lovely idea to get the grandchildren to help. I can just imagine how hard it must have been to choose!

  11. gorgeous card Brenda and I love that sentiment. Wonderful choices too xx

  12. Pretty card and the saying is so true too. Hugs Mrs A.

  13. Great card Brenda!
    Love the sentiment!
    Good for you, enlisting the grandchildrens help!

  14. ooh gorgeous agapanthus card, brilliant shading and colours, the quote is great!! So true!

    Great to see Lots of awesome makes from many talented peeps! Will have to see if I can work on something for your challenge :-)

  15. Wonderful card, with my favourite agapanthus stamp. Congratulations to the winners :o)
    Jackie xx

  16. What a lovely selection
    Rosie x

  17. Your card is beautiful Brenda. A fab stamp and brilliant background work.
    Not surprised you are having aa hard time finding your favourites. There are some (lots) of amazing crafters out there.
    Beryl xx

  18. Your card is so gorgeous, Brenda. Love the colors and all the inking. This button and twines are really nice embellishments.
    These four cards selected are really beautiful! Congrats to the winners.

  19. Great choice ! all these cards are wonderful !

  20. oh Brenda Hun,your card is,just so so beautiful love the design and the wording is just perfection,gosh you are talented,and then to pop on here and too see,that mine was,picked well wow talk about,taken,aback,oh Hun bless your heart,you have no idea,how chuffed I am,really makes my day,that someone really likes my work,bless your heart and the wonderful grandchildren too,massive hugs Cherylxxxxxx

  21. These look amazing!!
    xxx Marianne

  22. wspaniałe karty wybrałaś a dzisiejsza inspiracje mnie oczarowała - ciekawe bardzo jak prosto można zrobić tło a jaki to efekt daje

  23. Oh my gosh how very true.
    The saying, scene and colours are beautiful Brenda.
    Have a good week end and stay safe from these dreaded storms hitting today.

  24. This is lovely, Brenda! Love the slightly different shades of the great depth!

    Congratulations winners, your cards/tags are gorgeous. Off to check out your blogs...

  25. Amazing! Love your color palette!

  26. Beautiful light and airy card Brenda. Congratulations to the winners - gorgeous work. Nicola x

  27. Stunning Brenda, love the fab sentiment. many thanks for coming over, wishing you a fab Valentines day too! Your selction is brilliant, Shall put up your blogaversary banner and I'll enter with my next card. take care. Ruby x

  28. Beautiful design, love the background you created. The 4 winner cards are gorgeous. Take care, Shirleyxx

  29. Lovely, lovely meadow grasses, and what wonderful entries for your celebration candy!
    Alison x

  30. These are all so beautiful! Hugs, Robin

  31. Loving your onelayerd card and gorgeous embellish button bow - and also the others creations are stunning, great picks! :)

  32. I'm glad you had some help with the choosing. As for your card - the way those aqua gems really make the brown flowers stand out. My eye was caught particularly by the way your lovely button echoes the colours & images.
    Paula (PEP)

  33. beautiful cards... nice selection..
    Moxie Craftie
