
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Easter Basket

Morning Peeps, it's my turn to do a tutorial over at Prickly Pear Rubber Stamps, so I thought now might be a good time to make one of my little Easter baskets using some of the new Spring stamps which you will find on the web site.

Start by cutting the A4 sheet of card down to a 21cm square  and score in both directions at 7cm intervals so your piece is divided into nine equal squares, then score the four corner squares diagonally as below. Crease all scored lines and you will see the shape of the basket coming together. The four diagonal corners scores need to be carefully folded inwards.

Next cut 13 - 6.5x6.5cm squares – five of one pattern and 8 of a contrasting one. 

Cut four of the five in half diagonally and stick to the inside of the folded corners and the fifth the inside base. 

Stick the eight matching ones to the four inside and four outside square sides.

I have used Graphic 45 Secret Garden DP's, but any double sided or coordianting sheets works well.

Cut four shapes with your chosen die, then stamp and colour each and stick onto the four outer squares.......make sure you get them the right way up and not upside down as I did on my first attempt !!

You could equally use toppers or a different shaped die to tie in with the stamps or images you decide to use for your basket. 

Finally pop an eyelet into each of the four corners, draw the basket up into shape and thread ribbon through the eyelets. 

And walla, you have a pretty little basket to fill with Easter goodies..............I made one of these for a sample for C&C filled with Cadbury min eggs ................yep you guessed right there wasn't one egg in sight when it appeared on the show.

Thanks for popping in to take a peek and hope your Wednesday is a good one.


  1. Lovvveee it soo much! its gorgeous!

  2. Oh this is lovely! And thank you for the tutorial! Bookmarking it now, will have a go soon! x

  3. great idea for Easter present! thank you!

  4. This so gorgeous Brenda, I,m deffo going to have a go at this one when I get home. All I have brought with me is my decoupage and had to buy scissors (just 4 more pairs to add to my collection!!!!) and some tweezers, as I did not bring checked in luggage so couldn,t bring them in my hand luggage. xxxx

  5. What a lovely little Easter Basket.Very nice papers too.
    Gr Elly

  6. Oh Brenda this is stunning honey.
    I may have to try this one out on the boys for their Easter goodies.
    Nice and clear instructions as well which always helps LOL
    Enjoy the rest of your day *hugs*

  7. oh Brenda - this is fabulous - I think two little girls will both be getting one of these this year!!! Hugs Rachel xx

  8. Thank you for that Brenda. I made a few of these last Easter to sell on my stall (THEY ALL WENT LIKE HOT CAKES), but I had totally forgotten how to make them and was going to jump round blogland looking for a tutorial. Once I read your instructions I knew straight away.
    Your basket looks gorgeous with the Graphic papers. DebbieX

  9. fajny składaczek Brendo

  10. Good morning Brenda, lovely basket and as l am having a little me time l am going to my crafty den to have a go at one when l have just done my rounds. Thank you for the inspiration x Susan x

  11. So wonderful project ! Lovely work dear Brenda !!

  12. Stunning Easter basket Brenda, beautiful colours and images.

    Pat xx

  13. Your basket looks so elegant, delicate and as if you wuld drop some easter-chocolat-eggs in it right away! Have a good day, sending some positive energy; have the feeling you could need some... Hugs, Gerrina

  14. Really lovely basket, the mini eggs would have been better sent to

  15. Hi Brenda, was surprised how easy this was to make, just need to decorate it now and l will be making a few of these but not buying the eggs until easter as they will also disappear x Susan x

  16. Hiya hun, this is a fantastic creation :) Also in response to your comment it'd be a pleasure for you to add my card to your board, it is indeed a lovely stamp! Just had a quick peek at your board and it's very inspirational :) xxx

  17. What a beautiful basket sweetie.I am hoping to try your tutorial very soon as you've explained it really well.Thank you for sharing such a stunning piece.Hope you're okay.Hugs Debbie x

  18. Hi, Brenda! You have made so many stunning cards while I wasn't able to visit your blog. Oh boy, these are all stunning. I didn't expect any less from You :) And on top of all you made this beautiful basket. Love it! Thank you for tutorial.

  19. Such a beautifully designed basket Brenda. Thank you so much for such fabulous instructions, I have saved you page for future reference, I know my daughter will have great fun making some of these as gifts for her school friends.
    Sue xx

  20. Ahh, that is so great!
    It's an open basket, so my mini eggs wouldn't get to the recipients!

  21. What a fabulous Easter basket and a brilliant tutorial, so easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.
    Lorraine x

  22. Aaah what a great basket and thanks for showing us how to do it too, Luv Sam x

  23. Hi Brenda, love your Easter Basket and Ive no doubt eventually it will be filled with little eggs. How are you? Sorry Ive not been by lately I always seem to be a busy bee and dont find the spare time as much as I used to. I hope the weather isnt causing you to many problems, I must admit Im right cheesed of with it, and my dog is not a happy bunny and really looks miffed when you take her out and its raining yet again. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  24. What a cute idea Brenda, love it!

  25. Gorgeous basket, Brenda! Love the stamp you used. Hope you are doing well, dear friend.

  26. Fabulous basket, can't stand those chocolate eggs but if it had been sour candies or nutty toffee I would be more interested. Hope you are okay xx

  27. This is gorgeous Brenda and a great tut too, thanks so much for sharing it I shall have a go at these. Take care, hugs xx

  28. Hi Brenda,
    your easter basket is adorable and the colours are very pretty.
    x Daniela

  29. How sweet and makes a perfect Easter gift. Hugs Mrs A.

  30. What a gorgeous Easter basket, so pretty :o)
    Jackie xx

  31. LOvely little Easter basket Brenda and thank you for sharing it with us...


  32. Your ribbons & colours add a lovely touch to this very unique design & I love the way your images co-ordinate with the flowery patterned paper. Roll on Easter - I hope you're faring OK with the weather?
    Thinking of you
    Paula (PEP)

  33. Awww you are so organised!!! already thinking of Easter !! Your Easter Basket project is beautiful and looks so fun to make... wish I had more time !!! Love it xxx

  34. Oh what a delightful Easter basket - it's lovely, Brenda!
    Alison x

  35. Gorgeous Easter basket and thank you for the tutorial, Brenda!

  36. This is lovely Brenda. A super Easter basket and thanks for sharing your tutorial.

  37. This is really gorgeous Brenda, I like the design and the colours,
    Kevin xx

  38. Oh is Easter soon already? Lovely Basket! Pretty papers and lovely diecuts!

    Happy Valentines day to you for tomorrow in UK! Hugs! XOXO

  39. So creative and so lovely, Brenda, Jx

  40. What a brilliant design, I am going to have a go at this one
    Rosie x

  41. Fabulous. I am going to try this with my grandkids. They love making cards and all crafts...even the little fellow in kindergarten...he will want to sell it back to me once finished and put the money in his Lego Death Star account! lol

  42. So pretty - thanks for the tutorial! I'm so glad I've finally found my way around to your blog again and luckily it's still filled to the brim with inspiring ideas!

  43. Oh this is so pretty Brenda, thanks for the tutorial. Love the colours and the ribbons too. Michelle x

  44. Your Easter Basket is gorgeous Brenda. Thank you for the tutorial.

  45. beautfiul basket.. thanks for the tutorial..
    Moxie Craftie
