
Thursday 16 May 2013

Spring blossoms, but only a few

Apple blossom always looks beautiful with the droplets of rain

Morning all, the sun was shining first thing so I took the opportunity to grab a few photos from the gardens,  but there are not many to be had still and we are a good month behind now, what a funny season when the daffodils are out with the lilacs.

The only lilac in bloom, we have several varieties but all the others are tight buds still

In the orchard it's also a funny season, the pears have now blossomed and in full leaf and there looks to be a reasonable amount of fruit, the plums and gages are just going off and the apples in the early stages of blossoming as you can see.................note one small terrier by the name of Poppy going about her work of keeping things in least I am sure she thinks she's in charge of everything, a typical terrier really.

So far this the only Viburnum in bloom the rest are way behind, I think this one is Lantana but we've got several varieties and I get some muddled, but it's a biggie pushing 10' and that's after it's winter prune. Note the blue sky, that was a couple of hours ago and now the rain clouds are gathering

This Kerria Japonica is really struggling, the one in the top hedgerow looks better but  after all the rain this week it's a bit wet underfoot the go up through the paddock to take a photo

Self set Pansies, they never fail to give a good show

And a glorious daffodil, plenty still in bloom and here we are mid May

OK folks, that's my little share for today. Now I need to get my head down and do some office work then later on some magazine work which needs to be on it's way very shortly................a Christmas commission this early would you believe. Hope you all have a good day.


  1. Lovely pics Brenda, you have a lovely garden, xxx

  2. Beautiful flowers Brenda, and lovely gardens you have!

    I so love the pansies they are just so pretty, the apple blossom and daffodil are gorgeous as well! So nice to see when I'm cold here! :-)

  3. surprisingly you're not the first person to mention getting Christmas stuff ready - magazines work so far ahead!! Love the pictures you are sharing today

  4. Thanks for sharing, our daffodils are over but the lilac is partly out. Gorgeous pansies. That's a lot of ground to look after.

  5. WOW...Your Garden is Gorgeous Brenda.. Beautiful photographs the close up's of the flowers are amazing... you must have a fab camara...Love this post... Hugs May x x x

  6. Your photographs are so beautiful Brenda. I too love the apple blossom and have been taking photos before they all drop off. Your Lilac looks amazing, ours is not flowering yet! Michelle x

  7. Wau, what a fantastic garden and beautiful flowers!!!
    I have many photos of my garden,too :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  8. Your garden looks lovely Brenda and how lucky you are to have a helpful terrier!

    It's still lovely and sunny here but I've got Messy Church this afternoon. I've been sorting out lots of strips of paper for paper weaving since the Egyptians wove papyrus to write on! I don't think the children are going to be very impressed. Maybe some of the plagues would have been more interesting. What I really wanted to do was the Origami frogs!!

    Hope you get your office work done so that you can get on with your magazine work.

    Kat xx

  9. What a big garden ,lovely place for childeren and animals.
    Gr Elly

  10. Mother Nature's colours - you can't beat it!! x

  11. Oh gorgeous photos hun and for a change it is now actually starting to feel like Spring, long may it continue, Luv Sam x

  12. Lovely garden pictures, Brenda!! Spring is finally here!!
    xxx Marianne

  13. TFS Brenda!
    Beautiful pictures!
    We're behind here too!
    We got leaves on the trees last Sunday!

  14. ah B. how I did enjoy my wander around the English "sunshiney" meadow and smiled at the terrier keeping all in check and the cute Violas (mini pansy) we used to have them, also call them "Johnny Jump ups" cos that is what they do (self sow) but when changed garden out the front we lost them along with alyssum not to worry have enough out there and the native birds love them now :D Shaz in Oz.x

  15. Oh these photos are beautiful ! So lovely flowers, thank you to share with us these super nature's shots !

  16. Thank you for sharing photos of your beautiful garden. Only things that bloom in my garden right now are Pansies and Daffodil. No blossoms on trees. So it's really nice to see them on your pictures.

  17. You have a really beautiful garden Brenda. I love the apple blossom so much - such gorgeous colour blending. All terriers think they are kings of the world lol! Karen x

  18. It is all looking so pretty Brenda.
    Wish my fruit trees looked like yours.
    We only bought them last year when we moved to our new home so still look like twigs but they do have quite a few blossoms on them LOL
    Poppy is so cute. I remember we had one when I was a child and we called him Rambo because he thought he was the boss ROFL
    Have a good day honey.


  19. they are all beautiful Brenda,I love the pansies and that lilac looks wonderful.
    Kevin xx

  20. Such beauliful blooms! Cheer us up a bit in this cold :) But even when there are no flowers all the different shades of fresh foliage is lovely.
    Pearl x

  21. Oh my word what beautiful photo's dearie.Such a beautiful garden you have.Good for Poppy holding the fort - ha ha.Bless.Hope the jobs you had planned are coming along nicely.Hugs Debbie x

  22. Wow! You've all the delicious fruits and beautiful flowers in your orchard, Brenda! So happy to see that your dogs are able to run freely in the orchard. You are lucky to have blue sky but not over here - it has been raining all the day!

    Would you share your work in your blog when it's published, please!

  23. Awesome photos Brenda. You definitely live in picturesque surroundings.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  24. You're finally catching us up Brenda ;0) Your garden is looking wonderful, the only good thing about all this rain is how green and lush everything is. I am just catching some glorious sunshine in the garden before I start dinner. Christmas in, that is early. Enjoy creating. Jane x

  25. Crikey Brenda you live in the most beautiful part of the world!! Plump up the cushions on that bedsit I'm on my way!! I just adore apple blossom, seems to cheer me up.

  26. Gorgeous photos Brenda, our orchards are in full bloom now and they say we will get a bumper crop because the blossom has missed the bad frosts. I do hope so. Take care, Pauline x

  27. Beautiful pics Brenda,
    Rosie x

  28. Gorgeous photo's Brenda looks like spring is definately in full swing now. Lucky you have so much land and an orchard. The beautiful flowers and colours must cheer you up everyday Brenda when you look at them, you are so blessed. Holly looks to be having a wonderful time sniffing around x Susan x

  29. Spring is sprung - thanks for sharing.

  30. Gorgeous pics Brenda - those little pansy faces really brightened my day
    Lisa x

  31. I am going to have to move to your neck of the woods, sod all going on here in the garden.

    Kath x

  32. I learn so much from your plant photos - I'm not terribly knowledgeable with flowers at all but love seeing them & I'm slowly learning. Poppy certainly looks as if she's in her element. The daffodil looks stunning - ours are all gone. Extraordinary combinations as you say - we've still got some Magnolia blooms whilst the Rhododendron (normally several months behind) has massive buds with colour peeking through.
    Paula (PEP)

  33. So beautiful... our huge lilac is finally out. It's usually a banker for my birthday at the end of April, so it's almost a whole month late - absolutely my favourite tree/flower/blossom!!
    Alison xx

  34. We are so far behind you up here Brenda, my garden still looks very bare. Lovely photos. Carolx

  35. Gorgeous photos, Brenda. I have to agree, it is a very funny season. We had Daffs growing through forget-me-nots, and violets out with the snowbells. Our Bramley tree is laden with blossom now, but has taken a right battering with hail and rain the last two evenings. Next door still have flowers on their Magnolia too.

  36. Those flowers are gorgeous! I love spring!

  37. That blue sky looks perfect; we saw only rain here today... Think that it did the gras we sow more than good, but now we want to cut it... Here the Japonese azalea is blooming. Can´t remember that it had so many flowers the last 6 years. The only thing is, that we don´t see to much of it because we stay in al lot with this weather...Have a good day, hugs, Gerrina

  38. Thank you for sharing your amazing orchard and flowers, B! Beautiful photography and grounds. None of the flowers or trees you shared grow here - it is far too hot, and not cold enough in the winter. Except for the pansies - we call those Johnny Jump Ups. I plant those in the winter as they are cold hearty. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL photos. Will you take more as the seasons progress? I love see these types of photos. Mother Nature is nothing short of incredible. I love when we get to work in concert with her! hugs, de

  39. What a wonderful garden you have, and these photographs are so beautiful. There's some special about capturing flowers with raindrops on :o)
    Jackie xx

  40. what a glorious place to live , a little piece of heaven on earth , thank you for sharing your lovely pics Brenda. janex

  41. Fantastic pictures Brenda and looks like warmer weather has hit your place. Flowers are looking good. I must say that looks like some size garden you have there but must be so beautiful to enjoy.
    x catherine

  42. Thank you so much for sharing these gorgeous photos from your garden Brenda. Lovely to see familiar species - none of which I have room for here. My tiny garden backs onto a little spinney and in the space of one week it suddenly went from bare branches to fully green. Two of the trees had masses of blossom - much more than last year but I don't know what they are - yet - will have to fight my way through the bramble to find out one day.
    Beryl xx

  43. Hi Brenda, doesn't it lift your spirits when there is some colour in the garden. Love your photos's and as we were only saying yesterday there is an abundance of blossom at the moment -quite late this year. Lets hope we don't get any late frosts as last year the fruit harvest was a disaster. Just hoping the weather warms up a bit now and the sun appears again as our bees need it if we are to harvest any honey this year. Take care, Linda x

  44. Beautiful photos Brenda, the colours are just amazing! I love nature :D And I love this time of year too, everything's alive and new and growing, I had to go to Dublin yesterday to get a form signed (5 hours return trip on a train for 2 minutes in an office up there - urgh) but looking out the window on the train at all the new little lambs, calves, green trees, was really lovely :)

    Tags xx

  45. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  46. Superb pictures Brenda...we are the same here lots of odd things going on in the garden interspersed by my colourful washing line. Thanks so much for your comment. I get so much pleasure from dying and hanging out on the line, it makes the garden come alive! Cheers Claire x

  47. Love the pansies. I am so jealous about your orchard. We have apple trees, but they never produce or even bloom. I think my husband just doesn't know how to prune them.

  48. Stunning photo's Brenda, love them all
    Lindsay xx

  49. Spring is really beautiful !!!

  50. Beautiful photos!! Hugs Juls xxx

  51. Looks fabulous...but I agree it is a funny spring and my garden blossoming times are a wee bit off too. I just did a couple of posts on the work we did on our perennial beds and for the first time ever that I can remember, the left bed has barely anything blooming...Usually I have blossoms during ever seasons. Seems a ton just finished and the new ones are still in tight bud when normally they would be blooming away by now!

    Bet your lilac must smell heavenly!
