
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Poppies over the meadows

Morning Peeps, the sun is shining but will it last ? Yesterday was a real washout, we had it all hail, thunder torrential downpours but no sunshine.

A mega quick post here at I have to be at the AHT in Newmarket for 10am with Holly for her follow up appointment to see when they will operate. I am hoping it will be soon as she is a big girl now, at six months old she is almost the size of our grown up labs so her 'little problem' becomes more of as issue, especially at night when one puppy pad is jot not big enough if you follow my drift.

So a share of a card I came up with using Stamp Addicts rural stamp sets and Clarity poppies. A simple enough card stamped and inked through an oval mask and a little poppy in the corner created with Tonic Rose stamp and punch set. Most of the colouring is Pan Pastels with a little watercolour pencil to highlight.

OK, must rush now and will catch you all later.


  1. Hope you have a possitive consultation Brenda and they are able to help Holly. Such a pretty scene you created on this card, roll on the summer weather it's turned so chilly again x

  2. Your card is so pretty. I love the poppies...
    Hugs, Uta

  3. Fantastic scene card Brenda and love how it is done through the mask. hope everything goes ok this morning
    x catherine

  4. such a perfect card Brenda! Loooove the poppies, my favourite!

  5. What a winderful poppy card, so beautiful :o)
    Jackie xx

  6. Hope the appointment for Holly goes well! thinking of ya!

    I so love poppies and they really remind me of you whenever I see them!

    Love the beautiful aerial overlook stamp, looks like we've just climbed a mountain and are looking over a village and farms.

  7. A gorgeous scene Brenda - and a lovely card design.
    hope all goes well with Holly's appointment.
    Beryl xx

  8. Brenda Poppies, that is how I think of you. Lovely designed card, xxx

  9. A beautiful card - love it. Hope doggy gets on ok today, Jx

  10. Brenda this is just stunnng your colouring is fabulous..


  11. Beautiful B. Now off to purchase some tonic
    punches - can't hold back any more! Hope all goes well with Holly x

  12. Lovely card; I simply love the poppies. Poor Holly, I hope her problem can be fixed soon.
    xxx Marianne

  13. Another beautiful card Brenda with a gorgeous scene. Love the design.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  14. Love your card Brenda great scene and poppy
    jacqui x

  15. A beautiful card Brenda. I love the image and fab design.
    I hope Holly little problem is sorted soon.
    Lorraine x

  16. Hi Brenda

    Been peeking at your lovely work for AGES now - this card is absolutely fabulous, do you ever, ever make a bad card though?!

    Fingers and toes crossed for little Holly.

    Hugs, Di xxd

  17. Lovely card Brenda, u like how you added the red corners and the binding on the side. I hope you able to get a solution for Holly soon.

  18. Such a wonderful card, I adore poppies and this is beautiful

  19. its a real beauty Brenda - stunning xx

  20. Beautiful Brenda.
    What did you use for the center of the poppies ?
    Sending lots of good luck for Holly.


  21. Hi Brenda,
    Beautiful card, I love your Poppies,
    Rosie x

  22. Love these cards you make framed with the Poppies, feels so peaceful and looks so idyllic. Hope Holly gets news of better things to come. Carolxx

  23. Beautiful Brenda, I love the poppies and the design.
    Kevin xx

  24. Hope all goes well with Holly. Great card.

  25. Stunning card Brenda. I love the image and such a beautiful poppy.
    I hope Holly get's on okay at the AHT and that they will be able to help her soon
    Sue xx

  26. Brenda, a delightful seen. I actually feel like I'm looking through an oval window at the valley below. Gosh - talk about a storm! Sounds as though you were assaulted all right - glad it did not do too much damage. Maybe everything will green up now. I like the way you created your card - it reminds me of the old old 40s and 50s photo albums that my parents and grandparents had. And you used photo corners, too! I always forget about using those. Love card, Brenda! xo

  27. The card is stunning again! And the poppie in the corner looks freshley picked! Fingers crossed for Holly. Hugs, Gerrina

  28. Gorgeous card as always Brenda, I love red and white :)

    Good luck with Holly's appointment, hope it goes well and that she'll get the all clear for surgery and her little problem will be no more very soon :)

    Tags xx

  29. Just gorgeous, love the poppies.

  30. How you get your scenery cards to look so perfect every single time is beyond me.

  31. Very striking with the dimensional poppy balancing those of your image beautifully. I particularly like the way your birds are flying out of oval too. Hope everything goes well at the AHT & that the op can be done soon.
    Paula (PEP)

  32. Oh another superb card, you always make beauties with poppies !
    Good luck for Holly !

  33. What a pretty card. I just love your background coloring.

    I hope you hear good news from your appointment.

  34. Another beautiful scene made all the better with the poppies!

  35. Just gorgeous Brenda. So very restful and colourful.
    Hope the appointment went well and that they sort Holly out soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  36. Beautiful scene card, Brenda! Love the poppies!
    I hope all went well for Holly...poor little thing! Hope they can do something to help her x

  37. the magic and beauty of poppies and the English countryside captured in your wonderful card. janex

  38. Ahh our shared love - fab poppy on the corner too.
    I do hope you got on ok with Holly.
    Lynn x

  39. Beautiful poppies card, Brenda!

    Good luck with Holly!

  40. Hope the appointment went well. Gorgeous poppies. Thanks for following x

  41. Stunning card B, love the design, really draws the eye to the beautiful image x

  42. Hi Brenda, you've been busy bee, so many beautiful new cards.
    Loved the feminine pink earlier. This is just fabulous scene again.
    It's promised to be very warm and sunny, I think I drive to the cottage,
    although can't walk much, but can sit and relax;-))m

  43. Beautiful card Brenda, l do hope they operate soon on Holly and the problem is sorted for her x Susan x

  44. Fabulous creation, love the scene in the background and the poppies are stunning.

    Kath x

  45. Gorgeous Brenda, as you know I can't resist anything with Poppies! I'm sure I have a Clarity poppies stamp. Love the one you made with the Tonic set too.

    Hope you got some good news about Holly's op.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  46. This is just so gorgeous Brenda. I do love visiting your blog because it inspires me to go get my stamps out and play - thank you for that Karen x

  47. This is so beautiful, I just love poppies xx

  48. this is so gorgeous! Love the poppies!! Hugs Frea

  49. Fantastic card, Brenda!
    Beautiful flowers and beautiful colurs :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  50. Smashing card B. but of course love this stamp :D and yes pray all goes well with your pup too Shaz in OZ.x

  51. Another beautiful with a gorgeous poppy theme.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  52. Lovely card and gorgeous poppies Brenda. I do love those flower stamps you introduced me to. I hope you had some good news about Holly. Pauline xx

  53. Amazing job. I love the bow on the side.

  54. Gorgeous card Brenda, Love the poppy theme... Beautiful detail....I do hope wee Holly got on ok at the vets...& her little problem can be sorted!... Hugs May x x x

  55. Beautiful card, gorgeous image. I hope all went well with Holly.

    Pat xx

  56. Hi Brenda this is oh so beautiful, I love that wonderful image a superb design.
    lorraine x

  57. Stunning card Brenda! I love it. Hope Holly got on okay at the vets. thinking of you xxx

  58. A fabulous card, poppies are one of my favorite flowers.

  59. Such a beauty.You know how I love poppies too.Hope the all went well at the vets.Hugs Debbiex

  60. Stunning card. Love the added self-made poppy to go with the stamped ones. Beautiful.


  61. Lovely card...great flower in the corner. I too love poppies.

  62. Love the sky and flower in the corner. Very nice job.

  63. Lovely card, really innovative

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