
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Yet more poppies

Good morning everyone, I've been a bit missing from blog land for a few days as I'm struggling with the dreaded flu and as it is normally the case my compromised immune system means it takes me forever to shake it off. So apologies I've been rubbish at visiting lately, hopefully I will feel up to it in a day or so.

But I do have a couple of shares for you, more of the samples I created for the Create and Craft show with Stamp Addicts this coming Thursday at 4pm and 7pm. Don't forget to watch out for the show as I know there will be lots of inspiration from Sarah and Vicky.

Apart from the coredinations die cut frame and swirl and a bit of sanding down, I did little more to the top card as the poppies which I coloured with Copics says it all. The poppies around the side were made using the TH tattered floral die.

It seems ages since I made an easel card so I thought it was time I did, stamped music randomly on the background then stamped the poppy and coloured with Pan Pastels. The base has the smaller poppy stamp which is part of the set stamped with versafine and dusted with the same colour Pans. Some ruffled ribbon, the same swirl and a Magnolia butterfly............... and that is as close as I'll ever get to a Tilda.

Hope you have a good Tuesday.


  1. Two gorgeous card's I love poppies. I hope you feel better soon. Caroline xxx

  2. Gorgeous Poppy cards Brenda, love both designs. Hope your feeling better soon. Carolxx

  3. Oh wow!! both your cars are simply Gorgeous Brenda the way you have used your Diecuts on the first one ...just Amazing :)

  4. poor you, I hope you get better very soon , better stay warm and cosy in your craft room.
    Your poppy cards are delightful, you can never have too many and I'm so tempted with that leaf and stem die cut.
    sending hugs janex

  5. 2 Stunning cards, Brenda, I really love the poppies one, it's beautiful.
    Teresa xx

  6. Sorry Brenda, I realise, how silly of me they are both poppies I meant the red one, it's early I need my second cup of coffee :o)
    Teresa xx

  7. Don't worry about commenting,the most important thing is for you to get well first...hugs.
    Wonderful cards this morning, the poppy one is so stunning :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. Oooooops! My apologies for calling you Marianne, I had just been on Marianne's blog :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Hope you feel better soon. Gorgeous cards, really love those poppies.

  10. Beautiful cards Brenda. The TH die makes a fabulous poppy (with a little hep from yourself of course). The colours on the second card are gorgeous - the feint stamping behind the poppy very effective.
    Hope that pesky flu clears off and you feel better soon.
    Beryl xx

  11. Stunning and very gorgeous cards Brenda. Love the first one veryb much with the red puppies on it. Beaiful this flowers.
    lovely greet

  12. Beautiful cards Brenda especially love your first one...


  13. Both cards are lovely but the 2nd is my fave as it is my sort of colour. xxx

  14. Gorgeous cards as always Brenda..

    poppys are so pretty

    Hugs Kelly

  15. Two beautiful cards Brenda. I do love poppies!
    Sorry to hear you've not been feeling too well, hope you are better soon.
    Lorraine x

  16. Wow!Brenda, these are really gorgeous.Can't wait for summer now! Ruth x

  17. Two lovely cards. HOpe you feel better soon.

  18. WOW! These are stunning Breda. I LOVE the poppy images. The poppies you have made using the TH die looks gorgeous. The colours and details on your easel card age so beautiful.

    Sorry to hear you have been unwell, I hope you are feeling better soon


  19. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the stamp the colours and the poppies you have made.
    Kevin xx

  20. Well - you're a die-cut closer to a Tilda than me! Stunningly different these two but it is the first that catches my eye, a real stunner especially with the poppies to embellish as well.
    I do hope you start to feel better - there are some nasty things about & not good for the immune system at all. Even my very robust husband needed 3 sets of antibiotics!
    Paula (PEP)

  21. Sorry to hear you've been ill Brenda, I really hope you feel all better soon! Rest up and get loads of hot lemon and honey into you :)

    Your cards are fab, I love the vibrant colours on the first and the diecut poppies are gorgeous, the softer colours on the second are really pretty too and I love the butterfly, swirl and ribbon :)

    Tags x x

  22. Both are stunning and i must give the old Tattered Florals a dusting and have a go, at making the poppies, thanks Luv Sam x

  23. Hehe, who needs Tilda when you can have lots of wonderful poppies and butterflies instead? Love your cards, Brenda, esp. the second one since I just love that colour combination. Hope you'll feel a little better soon.
    Marianne x

  24. Pretty poppies card, Brenda!

    Wishing you speedy recovery!

  25. Two lovely cards brenda :)
    Von ♥

  26. These are both just breathtaking! I love the poppies and they are so bright and cheerful!

  27. Like both cards, but the first the most; looks allmost like the poppies in your blogheader! Hugs, Gerrina

  28. Gorgeous poppy creations Brenda with such lovely embellishing.
    Hope you feel better soon and you have my sympathy as I'm still under the weather and feeling yukky.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  29. OMG ! Love the first, a beauty !! And love the second too :-) so sweet !
    Hope you're better my friend !

  30. wow wow wow wow ... i just love them.. especially the top one.. but then you knew that lol!
    Lisa x

  31. absolutely stunning work - again

  32. I love poppies too and these two creations are gorgeous. Love your die cut poppies they look fabulous.
    Hope your starting to feel better.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  33. Two beautiful cards, I especially love the first one, it's a wonderful bright red.

  34. Two stunning cards, Brenda! I love them both! They are beautiful stamps - okay, do you have more poppies or tree stamps?!

  35. Two gorgeous cards, Brenda! Love the hand made poppies too. NancyD

  36. Wow both are gorgeous Brenda ! I hope the flu takes it leave soon, keep resting ! Shirley

  37. These are lovely. I love the die cuts you used.

  38. 2 fabulous cards Brenda and love those poppies in the first one.
    Hope you continue recover from the flu

  39. Two beautiful stylish cards Brenda! So very elegant! hugs, Marlies

  40. Gorgeous cards. I love the poppy one especially.
    I hope you feel better soon. I have had a house full of ill people here, but hopefully they seem to be over the worst of it.
    Nikki x

  41. Two stunning cards, Brenda. I love those dimensional poppies on your first card:)

  42. Wow these are lovely Brenda, I love the background on the first one and the pretty colours on the second one. Sorry you are not feeling so good, hope the flu will go away soon.. me too again will not be around for the rest of the week as I'm sewing a costume for a Boogie Nights party I'm going :P Big hugs xxx

  43. it's so cute!! I love poppies! I recently bought the same stamp, I can not wait to use it!

  44. Hi Brenda,
    I love these cards and the lattice background is terrific. Hope your feeling better soon!
    Hugs Trish xx

  45. Gorgeous cards Brenda, I can't resist anything with poppies. Glad I managed to get time to pop over tonight as now I can set my sky+ to record the Stamp Addicts on C&C.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  46. Brenda, your cards are as always absolutely beautiful! I hope you feel lots better very soon (know the feeling; my younger son and his partner had a beautiful baby boy a week ago and I'm still not able to meet him as a result of a really nasty cold!). Sarah x

  47. Two Beautiful cards... Love the poppies!! Such elegant cards... I do hope you recover soon Brenda... Take care! Hugs May x x x

  48. Stunning Brenda, I do hope that you are feeling better today Jo x

  49. are putting the stamp to such great use....all the cards are so different. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  50. Both the cards are cute.Cute poppies..Love the background in the pink card.

  51. These are gorgeous Brenda, amazing details, and I love the dies you used.
    Hope you're feeling better very soon!

  52. oh just ever so beautiful B., ta for sharing, and praying for recovery asap or even now! love Shaz in oz.x

  53. Stunning pieces Brenda, hope you're better! Ruby x
