
Saturday 3 November 2012

One for the guys

Time for another challenge at Allsorts and this week my great teamie Sarah wants us to create something 'For Men Only'.

This is one I made for one of the girls boyfriends who is a farmers son and loves his tractors both old and new so this old Massey Ferguson from Stamp Addicts fitted the bill perfectly. These are the tractors I grew up with, now they're more like mobile homes on wheels complete with air conditioning of stereo systems.

I masked an oval on a piece of gloss card stock, brayered with Adirondack inks, stamped the images with black archival and added a little colour to the tractor and trees.

In case you didn't know, we have a DT call going at Allsorts so if you think you might like to join us please do pop over to the blog to see what you have to do to apply.

Whatever you are up to I hope you have a good weekend and as always many thanks for dropping by. 


  1. This is a great card Brenda love that tractor

    jacqui x

  2. Wonderful card Brenda, love that big red tractor :)
    Jackie xx

  3. Fantastic male card I love the image which is beautifully coloured. Caroline xxx

  4. What a perfect man-card!! Hope you have a good day (and hoping for a good result tomorrow!!)

  5. gorgeous creation! And those vehicles bring back childhood memories =)

  6. Great card Brenda. I have some La Pashe 'Remember When' and one oof these has a tractor on, ne and old mechanics garage tec, great for older relatives .xxxx

  7. Totally super card, you make that stamp so very tempting (I used to drive one of those tractors, hee hee, when I was about 10 ears old) xx Flora

  8. What a great mans card Brenda love the tractor and living in a farming village this card would go down a treat. You are so good at creating scenes


  9. Gorgeous card Brenda, perfect for tractor enthusiasts and farmers. Have a lovely weekend. Carolx

  10. This is fabulous Brenda, I love the image and the framing is wonderful.


  11. I love the way you picked out the red in the tractor for the matting & kept the base card white. The little raffia 'adornment' keeps the card masculine & countryfied, a lovely touch that.
    Paula (PEP)

  12. Very great Brenda sure for the men. Perfect card and beautiful too.
    lovely greet and nice weekend

  13. Great male card Brenda, that tractor image is just super.

    Pat xx

  14. Fabulous card Brenda, I love it!!!!!
    Kevin xx

  15. Beautiful card honey and I love the old tractor too. Hugs, Ivonne

    PS. We are celebrating our first blogiversary and have some candy in our blog, visit us and take a look.

  16. This is gorgeous Brenda, I love the tractor, my dad has one just like this that he's had since he was a young man - and it still works! :) I love the scene you've created too, very nice :)

    Tags xx

  17. It's perfect Brenda. Love the color combo and the way you masked the oval. I still see some of these tractors driving around here :-)

  18. Great card, love the scene. Have a great weekend. :)

  19. Gorgeous card Brenda. I love the tractor and the scene you've created looks fabulous.
    Lorraine x

  20. This is excellent for your theme Brenda! Ideal for a male card, that image will be popular for a lot of males. Good luck with your Dt call at Allsorts, to be honest I am not sure which Challenges i have entered there so it would be unfair for me to enter. Brrrr it has been so cold again here today, but lovely to see a little sunshine. Judy x

  21. Lovely card Brenda, really like the tractor! Hugs Frea

  22. Lovely card Brenda and great colouring as per! sorry for the late visit been exhibiting my cards today x

  23. Super masculine card, Brenda! Love the tractor with the beautiful bg!

  24. Perfect for the boys and a lovely little scene going on in the background too x Susan x

  25. This is stunning Brenda, I love the red touches on your card and fabulous colouring on this gorgeous image xxx

  26. Great male card Brenda. That's the kind of tractor I remember too. My uncles had two MFs but they were both grey. Later on they had a more modern red one but it still didn't have a cab! My oldest uncle once said they needed me help out by driving at hay time. He didn't mention that there was also a trailer involved and an elevator carrying bales to the trailer. My aunts nearly had kittens when they found out! I have a pic of Oliver sitting on a tractor that's in the local park. He has a huge smile on his face, he loves wheels.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. Hi Brenda
    A really fabulous design, love your image and fantastic inking as always too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  28. Wow, this is terrific. I love how you colored it. TFS.

  29. Ahhhhhh, you are bringing back memories for me. My Dad always bought Massey Ferguson tractors...and lovingly held them together over the years.
    He raised horses and drove his beloved tractor well into his 80"s. After a few mishaps over the bank and then finally overturning the tractor, he was banned to the golf cart till he was 90! He would use the golf cart to take the horses some flakes of hay for the midday feed!
    In his 60's and 70's, he fashioned a snowplow blade on the front of his tractor and plowed his own drive and the drives of all his neighbours! I think he only stopped plowing for everyone when he was around 80 something.
    Great card and thanks for the fab memories!

  30. So wonderful, love this image, your card looks great.

  31. A fantastic male card...I know of a few farmers around here that would love it.

  32. Great card Hun what a fab scene!

    Em xxx
