
Thursday 1 November 2012

Stormy skies all round

A very good morning to you all, I know I've been a bit quiet but we've had a few stressful days as daughter number one has been in New York on a school trip and we've been on grandparent duty. Thankfully she and the whole party of about 64 are all OK and we actually got to see them, we had a message via one of the newspapers that they would be in Times Square doing a TV interview and saw them on the live web came there and even got a wave. Modern technology certainly can be wonderful.

I have also had my head down busily beavering away sorting everything ready for some changes which you can read all about here , it''s not a new challenge just a re-vamp. There's a new sidebar badge to match our new image and I hope you will grab it and help us spread the word. 

My card above is a little scene I made using Stampscape stamps and my current favourite colouring medium, Pan Pastels. Not a lot more to say about it really, other than It was fun to make.

My apologies I've not done a lot of blogging the last few days or got round to many of you, but I am going to try and rectify that over the next day or so. Meanwhile, have a good Thursday.


  1. A really beautiful card.
    Gr Elly, Roemenie

  2. So glad to hear your daughter and the school party are safe Brenda as it must have been such a nightmare of worry.
    Gorgeous scenic card and your colouring is awesome. Think my pan pastels need more use lol
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Glad your daughter and her school party are ok! Must have been a worrying few days for you. Hope they can get a flight home when the time comes, that will be the next thing, catch up on flights! Love the card.

  4. Fabulous scene, Brenda! It could almost be the loch near here, although we have a castle instead of a cabin! So glad your daughter and her party are safe. The wonders of modern technology indeed! x

  5. Beautiful scene Brenda, love how you create these. Lovely new look for the challenge blog. Carolxx

  6. Really beautiful card, love the scene. Glad your daughter is safe. Have a great day. Hugs Anesha

  7. Gorgeous scene love the colours. Glad your daughter is safe. Caroline xxx

  8. It's a beautiful stamped scene Brenda - I never tire of seeing your 'landscapes'.
    Glad your daughter and her party are safe and well.
    Beryl xx

  9. What a beautiful scene Brenda, love how you do these cards

    jacqui x

  10. That scene does look a bit cool, much like how I feel just now. I think the sun might put in an appearance today though it's struggling at the moment. At least it's dry. Everything's very wet underfoot wherever I take the dogs. We are lucky though compared to what they've had in the States. Glad to hear that your daughter and the school party are safe.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  11. Your matting of this really brings out the detail of the scenery. The sky & the water look so utterly real.
    Glad family are OK - it must have been rather worrying all round with all that has been happening.
    Take care of yourself & hope you manage to have some time for yourself too.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  12. This landscape is a photograph,give a lot of peace!

  13. Hi Brenda, This is absolutely beautiful I love the scene and those clouds are amazing!!!
    Kevin xx

  14. Hi Sweetie, you just make the most beautiful cards! Those clouds are absolutely stunning! Thanks so much for your sweet words on my fireworks card! It took me a lot of thinking beforehand, and you won't believe how long I've colored on this night scene! Hugs Frea

  15. Such a beautiful card Brenda i love the way you create these landscapes so seamlessly...its so Amazing!!...So glad to know your daughter is safe :) take care :)

  16. Beautiful scene Brenda. Thankfully your daughter & the rest are OK over in New York. We caught the edge of the storm here, it was scary ! I've never seen anything like it. But we are lucky, no damage at our place (but there are tree branches down around us ) and our hydro was only out for 12 hours. Have a great day, Shirleyx

  17. Stunning card Brenda. I love the scene you have created and the colours are wonderful.
    I'm pleased that your daughter is safe, it must have been a worrying time for you

    Hugs Sue

  18. Wonderful news about your daughter Brenda.
    Another one of your gorgeous scenes which you do so well, I never tire of them :o)
    Jackie xx

  19. Great news for you knowing your DD is safe.
    Another beautiful card, I just love seeing the different shades you use.
    Avril xx

  20. Another lovely scene Brenda , glad things are alright with you always something to worry us !!Keep your Chin up .. Aud x

  21. Great news about your daughter. You've created a wonderful scene, fantastic use of the Stampscape images.

  22. Love your gorgeous card, what a great the scene. xx Flora

  23. beautiful card brenda! even though there are stormy skies, it looks serene to me. good news about your daughter; glad she is safe - it must've been very worrying times.

  24. Brenda this is gorgeous. Love your creative style and your stunning colouring. Hugs Desíre {Doing Life - my personal blog}

  25. It is lovely Brenda. I am sure glad to hear your family is well and safe. NancyD

  26. lovely card, and happy to hear your family is well !!!

  27. Hi Brenda,
    So pleased you got to see your daughter and they are all safe !
    What a beautiful, creative card ! great use of the pan pastels and that scene is fabulous !
    susan x

  28. Hi Brenda, so glad to hear your daughter is safe and well, that must have been really worrying for you.
    Your card is gorgeous. I really love the way you've done the sky and water, fantastic!
    Lorraine x

  29. Beautiful card, I really so love your scenes.

  30. SO pleased your daughter is safe such a worrying time for you....Your card is absolutely fAB U LOUS.....amazing stamping Brenda


  31. Pleased everyone is back safe and sound Brenda. What a stunning card - love the whole scene. x Susan x

  32. A great card again! A lovely scene in wich all looks so real.. The colours are just right; a place to go and stay a while... Fine that your daughter is oké! Hugs, Gerrina

  33. Stunning seamless stamping this one my fault too?! So pleased you got a wave from Joy and the children. Lets hope they are home safely very soon x

  34. You've so made the scene come alive Brenda - really beautiful work - that matting combo makes it pop. I'm sure you were very stressed - so glad all is well with your daughter. She will have a tale to remember. Nicola x

  35. Hi Brenda... so glad to hear your daughter is safe! Your card is AmAzing... beautiful scene as always... Take Care... Hugs May x x x

  36. This is beautiful Brenda, the colours are gorgeous, the water looks so real! I love it :)

    Tags xx

  37. Gorgeous card!
    Glad your daughter and the rest of the group are OK!

  38. Brenda you have a beautiful talent for capturing Nature's moments!

  39. Oufff ! your daughter and other persons are ok, it's so good ! What happened is terrible !
    Your card is wonderful, such a fab scene with so nice colors !
    Have a great week-end Brenda !

  40. Fabulous card Brenda. I love the Stampscapes range of stamps too and the pastels look great.

    Glad to hear that your daughter and friends are safe after hurricane Sandy. It must have been a VERY worringing time for you. xxxx

  41. Nice Post

  42. Gorgeous card Brenda, lovely peaceful scene. Sorry you have had such a worrying time but so glad that your daughter and her party are all safe and well and hope they will soon be back home.

    Pat xx

  43. Beautiful card Brenda, you do these so well. I too had some anxious moments as my eldest son and family are in Florida but they are safe and I am so glad your daughter and party are safe in the face of such devastation. Pauline xx

  44. This is gorgeous Brenda, love the colours on the beautiful scene... So good to hear that all is well with your granddaughter and she is safe.. I would be so worried too xxx

  45. Sorry that I missed this post. Glad to hear that everything is well with your daughter and friends.

    Your card is amazing with the lovely peaceful scene. Love the warmth colour of Stamping Sensations too!

  46. So glad to hear that your daughter is safe.... A terrific scene on your card...wonderful colours.

  47. Absolutely stunning Brenda, so beautiful.
