
Thursday 8 November 2012

Flutterbys and footie

Quick seems to be the order of the day this week, but Sarah at Stamp Addicts just said it's OK to share some of the work I've done for next week's programme............... Create and Craft 11am through 1pm Monday 12th November.

I'm off to the NEC tomorrow, wasn't planned but hubby asked if I would like him to drive me there so you can guess I jumped at the opportunity. So my scooter is on charge to make sure I've got plenty of 'wheelpower' because although I can walk a while, no way will I get through the morning let alone a whole day without it and a girl has to make the most of things.

Both my cards in this post feature the butterfly set which includes a large and small one, the large one really is quite big but it makes a card on its own and it shrinks down fabulously. And I learned something new as one does..............and that is Pan Pastels work beautifully on shrink plastic and I made several which I will share another day.

The card at the top features lots of inky indulgence using picked raspberry and mowed lawn from the limited-edition summer distress inks and various Frantage colours embossed round the edge. The second card is quite simple with a background resist stamped using the small butterfly and a frame made with some DP's from stash.

Have a good Thursday evening everyone, I plan making a quick carbonara for dinner because footy is an early kick-off tonight as we..............the Anfield Reds of course.........are in Moscow playing Anzhi Makhachkala in the Europa League. 


  1. great cards brenda, love the butterfllies
    enjoy the footie

  2. Both cards gorgeous Brenda. I particularly like the jewel encrusted first one - the frantage is fab! Nicola x

  3. Hi Brenda.
    Sorry to be such a poor visitor lately and thank you for your lovely comments, they are much appreciated.
    I spotted your butterflies and definitely needed a closer look, they are beautiful. Shrink plastic is great fun isn't it.
    Have a great time at the NEC, I am very envious.
    Hugs Lisax

  4. I especially like the second card, with the soft colours and subtle small butterflies and that gorgous frame. I do think the butterfly on your first card is rather big, but I love the colours and I can imagine it looks great when shrunk. Shrink plastic has already been added to my ever growing wish list.
    Hope you'll have a wonderful day tomorrow. Are your new wheels living up to your expectations?
    Marianne x

  5. Really beautiful card. Have fun at the NEC.

  6. Brenda both of your cards are beautiful, love how you've colored the butterfly on the first card.

  7. Two absolutely gorgeous creations Brenda

    jacqui x

  8. Lovely cards, I really like 2nd one best. xxxxx

  9. WOW, stunning card Brenda, I love it!
    Hope you had a good day at the NEC
    Lorraine x

  10. Love this Brenda! I have a real soft spot for butterflies! Judy x

  11. Fantastyczna kartka, niesamowity motyl, przepiękna kolorystyka:))

  12. Fantastic as always Brenda, I love the pink and green on the first, very pretty :) I love the window in the second one too!

    Have a great time at the NEC tomorrow :)

    Tags xx

    PS I think you should do a tutorial for how you do the frantage thing on your cards, it looks amazing and I'd have no idea where to start...just saying ;)

  13. Hope you have fun at the NEC - take it easy - and let's hope the second half is better (goal wise) than the first....

  14. Just wonderful, love so much the colors!!!

  15. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the butterflies and the gorgeous colours. Have a great time at the NEC tomorrow.

    Pat xx

  16. 2 gorgeous butterfly cards Brenda.Both are my favourite -LOL. How kind of your dear Hb to drive you to the NEC, have a wonderful time and keep that purse shut some of the time. I love your new banner photo of the poppies, stunning and very apt for this time of the year.
    Jane x

  17. Stunning cards Brenda. I love the beautiful butterflies and such gorgeous colours.
    I hope you have a good time at the NEC, I'm sure you will!!


  18. Gorgeous card such beautiful colours Brenda


  19. WOW both are adorable creations, colors and design fits perfectly together. I'm excited.

  20. Gorgeous cards - the butterflies are super and love the frantage too. Hope you have a great time at the show and indulge in plenty of retail therapy :)) BTW, your poppy header alone makes it worthwhile visiting you :) Elizabeth xx

  21. Beautiful card, Brenda, love the colours of your butterfly. You can never have too many butterflies. Thank you for your visit today and lovely comments. I believe that you should never stop learning till the day you die. I often go off wandering round the web following odd strands of knowledge - great fun. Have a good week. XX Maggie

  22. 2 gorgeous cards, love the butterflies.

  23. The most beautiful cards Brenda. The butterflies are amazing and the colours look just gorgeous.
    Have a lovely day tomorrow and I'm a tad green as it's too far away from me.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  24. Stunning card hun.

    Oh i'm so jealous and what a lovely hubby you have too, offering to take you to the NEC tomorrow, have fun, Luv Sam x

  25. They're both stunning, Brenda! Really love the second one, like the colours and the resist background. Have a good time at the NEC. Wish I could go! x

  26. These are gorgeous cards Brenda! Love the combination of green and pink and those butterflies are very pretty. Enjoy your day tomorrow at the NEC, I'm sure you'll manage to score some lovely stuff. Hugs Frea

  27. Your pearl embellishing of the first butterfly is gorgeous & makes it very 'alive' somehow but, it is the second that is my favourite: just so effective with the butterfly flying out from behind/inside the aperture. Have a lovely time at the NEC & take care of yourself with the journey.
    Paula (PEP)

  28. Beautiful cards Brenda in such lovely colours. I love green and pink together and the pearls look so pretty. Michelle x

  29. Gorgeous butterfly cards! I wish I lived close enough to attend the classes. NancyD

  30. These are both Stunning Brenda, Have a lovely time at the NEC tomorrow.
    Kevin xx

  31. These are both amazing! Love the way you've used the butterflies!

  32. Beautiful cards Brenda... the first one I love all the fabulous colours blended so well... the butterflies are Gorgeous...Have a super time at the NEC... I live too far away or I'd be there like a shot!!! Hugs May x x x

  33. Thank you for sharing these two gorgeous cards with us Brenda.
    Hope you have a wonderful time at the NEC and do your best to help the economy.
    Beryl xx

  34. These are both so beautiful, I love the butterflies and the stamped backgrounds on both cards are stunning, have fun tomorrow
    Lindsay xx

  35. Love the butterflies! Didn´t think you could work with Panpastels on schrink plastic... Learned something again, now only have to tray it out myself... Both cards have souch great colours and the first butterfly looks just landed for a moment! Have a good day today! Hugs, Gerrina

  36. WOW ! Gorgeous card Brenda. The background is so beautiful with the Butterfly. Love the edging and also how you've used the sprays for the antennae and the bead flourish for the movement. I don't see a 2nd card ? Something wrong with Blogger or my system ? Take care, Shirleyx

  37. Brenda, another stunning creation. Love the colours of this one. Hop on over to my blog - there is a little surprise waiting for you.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  38. So GORGEOUS Brenda/ Wha beautiful, LOVE BOTH. But the second is so fine, so soft and beautiful. Marvelous qork.
    Wish you a very nice weekend and my ;ove;y greets

  39. Beautiful card - I really must have a go with shrink plastic - it sounds fun!


  40. OMG love the first very much because of the color combo, your colouring is fantastic ! And love the second, so original !
    Have a nice week-end my dear friend !

  41. Wow, these are just stunning Brenda x

  42. What a fantastic colour combination - it pops!! These are gorgeous. I hope you had a great time at NEC today and got lots of new goodies. Be in touch soon,

    Ruth x

  43. WOWZY! Love both cards, Brenda! Love how you blend the green and the pink on the first card with the black border, it turned out so gorgeous! As for the second card, I love how the effect of the pan pastels on the shrink plastic! Have a lovely weekend!

  44. Such a lovely butterfly Brenda :) hope you had a good day at the NEC I'll be there Sunday so hope you didn't snag all the bargains lol
    Have a good weekend
    Von ♥

  45. Wow, these are so beautiful, love them.

  46. What beautiful colours on both cards and butterflies. I hope your outing to NEC went well. :-)

  47. Love the background effects you've created here. Hope you had a good day at the NEC. BTW that butterfly is SU not PB!
    Lynn x

  48. The coloring infused into the butterflies is gorgeous Brenda!

  49. Two gorgeous flutterby cards Brenda, I love that image and you have coloured it beautifully.
    Hmmmmmm, must try the Pan Pastels on shrink plastic sometime :o)
    Jackie xx

  50. wow gorgeous, love the butterfly and the colors really stand out!!!!

  51. I've been quite naughty and got a bit behind with my blogs I follow. Don't know how I missed these beauties! The weeks I go in WOYWW I seem to really fall behind on everything else!!!
