
Thursday 20 September 2012

Grrrrrrrrrrrr Blogger

Good morning Peeps and thank you to everyone for your visits whilst I have been without my computer. I'm not sure which way is up still as my craft room is still in disarray although I can see some forward movement and at least I got my computer back into action again yesterday, so needless to say I now have a weeks worth of catching up to do.

And on top of that it seems blogger has decided I have to use the new interface and has removed the option to revert to the old one. Suffice to say I absolutely hate the new interface, there is so much white space coupled with everything being spread around a much wider area that my already dodgy eyes are playing havoc with me and at the moment it won't take much for me to pack up blogging altogether.

So all I can share with you today are a couple of cards made a week or two ago as the uproar my craft room means I haven't made anything for well over a week now.

The top card is a Stamplaot sample and to create the background I use distress inks, one colour at a time onto an acrylic block and spritzed with water to create a random patchwork effect, stamped Woodware JGS273 in vintage sepia and embossed with detail clear and added Frantage aged spice around the edges.

The second card uses one of Ruth's A Passion for Stamps images which has been paper pieced, an embossed panel and a Cheery Lynn lattice panel at the bottom over the matching DP.

Have a good day everyone.


  1. First of all let me just say Brenda ...i just love your both cards..they are just gorgeous especially love the second card with the lattice Bg it looks so elegant!!
    And trust me i know what you are talking about when you say you hate the new blogger seems i too have been upgraded and that too with no choice of reverting back...i hate the new blogger interface...find it all so confusing..wish the blogger gave us a choice to revert back!!

  2. Hello Brenda. Firstly, your two cards are stunning as always, you always make the most perfect and colourful creations.
    Secondly, I am sick of Blogger too. It has done the same to me as well sweetie, but also, I have no DASHBOARD button at all, and I cant find it. I just do not know what to do, have you any idea.
    Take care sweetie.
    Lots of love, Sandra xxx

  3. Oh, I hope you don't give up on blogger! Your cards are still gorgeous though...I love the stamps on your top sample.

  4. sorry about your pc problems Brenda ,glad you could show us your 2 great cards, top one is my fav,love those colours,image and inky design.

  5. Hi Brenda.
    Firstly your two cards are stunning, just gorgeous, still working out how you did the background on the first and the super lattice on the second!
    Stunning both of them.
    Onto Blogger what the he** is it doing? I have had real trouble upb
    loading my photo,s, just like that it stopped doing it, like you the only trouble is I cannot spend all that time trying over and over again.
    I was seriously thinking about giving up blogging becasue ofit, what a pain!

  6. Welcome back Brenda :) Your cards are fabulous, I love the embossing and striking colour combo on the second, and the inky squares and the way you've matched the ribbon to the card matting is so cool!

    I was lucky in that I started blogging on the new interface so I didn't have to get used to anything, but I feel for you, I know how not fun it is to change from some layout to a new one, it sucks trying to get used to it! I hope you get used to it, because everyone would miss you if you left blogland :(

    Take care and I hope your craft room gets finished soon :)

    Tags xx

  7. Your two cards are gorgeous!

    I know what you mean about blogger, I can't find the Dashboard either, grrrrrr!

  8. Gorgeous cards Brenda. My favourite is the second one because I love red and white. Love the lattice too.

    Sounds like you're having a bad time with Blogger! He can be a real pain at times. Ii waste a lot of time I don't have sometimes. I'm sure we all do. Hope you get your craft room back soon.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  9. Two great cards, love the backgroun on the first one. Enjoy your new craft room. Had a great round over the weekend,thanks! Hugs ANesha

  10. Your cards are stunning Brenda. I love the designs and the colours.
    It sound like blogger is being a real pain, I hope you manage to sort it, I would REALLY miss seeing your wonderful creations

    Hugs Sue

  11. I know what you mean with the new interface, I don't like it either. Well, I sort of got used to it by now, but I still prefered the old look. I don't get it why they had to change it. :S
    Your card is beautiful. I love the embossing and the beautiful flower. Hugs! xx

  12. Hello !
    Blogger is is capricious and sometimes it is disturbing grrr !
    Your cards are wonderful, love the first, the patchwork effect is superb, and the second is elegant, love it !
    Have a great day my friend !

  13. Glad to hear you've got your PC back! And poor you to have so much to catch up on to... Love both your cards, but think the first is the one I like most. Mayby just because the background looks so 'lose' and the embossing around the edges is splendid! Hugs, Gerrina

  14. ooh 2 more fabulous cards .. i particularly like that patchwork effect background in that top one..
    Hope you are well
    Lisa x

  15. Two gorgeous Cards Brenda, I like the colours on the first and the embossing and flowers on the second, glad to here you have your pc back.
    Kevin xx

  16. As always, beautiful cards! Love that effect you have used on the first one with the inks, you really do inspire one! Thanks for your lovely comment on my card, the pin on it is one you sent me! Michelle x

  17. Two very beautiful cards, Brenda. Glad your room is back! I know it will take time to get it the way you want it again, but hopefully it will be better than before. NancyD

  18. Back to Business! Gorgeous cards!
    Today was beautiful and warm day and it's promised to rain again tomorrow...
    Try to pick some lingonberries at the weekend;-))m

  19. Мне очень нравятся обе, но первая особенно. Не думала что чернилами можно создать такой фон. Хотела бы я стать вашей ученицей, столько ценных идей. Спасибо!!

  20. Stunning pair of cards Enfys I love the whole design of them. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  21. Sorry Brenda Ive put the wrong name on my post, please forgive me. Your cards are just stunning. hugs Shirleyxxx

  22. Hello stranger I'm back with time to spare!!
    2 fab little cards Brenda, I love the wedding acceptance but as always ALL your cards are stunning!!
    Hugs Laurie xx

  23. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the reds and the lattice die on the second one.

    I've had the new blogger interface for a while now and at first I hated it too! Now I've got used to it, I don't mind it at all and even find some things easier! (I can't believe I'm saying that!) lol
    Have a good week
    Lorraine x

  24. Two beautiful cards Brenda I love the first one gorgeous images. Sorry you don't like the new blogger interface, I have been using it since it first changed a few months ago, it took a little getting used to but I now find that I like it much better, I can do more with this than the old one and it seems much easier.

    Pat xx

  25. They are both stunning Brenda but that red and white one really caught my eye. We are a right pair of dinosaurs lol and will just have to grin and bear it. Apparently those who have been using the new layout for ages actually prefer it!

  26. I am so pleased that your computer is up and running now, I have missed your wonderful cards. I can't choose a favourite from these two, they are both beautiful in different ways, the one because of the beautiful Autumn colours and the other because of the red/white combo. I love that lattice die :o)
    Jackie xx

  27. Hi Brenda, Two stunning cards, but love the red & white one. Don't give up with the new interface, its OK when you get used to it!
    Hope the craft room gets put straight soon.
    Avril xx

  28. Two lovely cards Brenda particularly like your 2nd you to my horror I found blogger had changed the interface but I suppose we had to get used to it now ....


  29. Two wonderful cards - both are great.

  30. Brenda Blogger has done the same to me I don't know if I'm coming or going...Yikes!!! I have to load a card tomorrow so that should be fun (not)Grrrrr
    Back to your beautiful cards Brenda , I love them both, they are fab designs & colours... Hugs May x x x

  31. Two fabulous cards Brenda. Love the inking and stamping on the top one - and the second one has such a gorgeous colour combination and design. Love that lattice die (that's why I've got one myself.)
    Beryl xx

  32. I was gutted today for the same reason Brenda - I hate the new look blogger its pants! :)

    Anyhoo, your cards are gorgeous and so pretty! I just got the CL trellis die today and cant wait to use it! :)



  33. Brenda, both of these cards are beautiful. I especially love the background on the first, thanks for the explanation. Oh I hope you don't give up on blogging, I would miss seeing your gorgeous work ! Take good care, Shirleyx

  34. Your cards are lovely Brenda! I really like the embossing folder you used for the second one!

  35. Beautiful cards Brenda,sorry to hear you are having so many problems but I do love your poppies at the top
    Louise xx

  36. Two beautiful cards Brenda. Thanks for the heads up on the Challenge at Allsorts. I will go take a look now! Judy x

  37. Both stunning and yet so different, Luv Sam x

  38. Hi Brenda,
    If it helps.... I use a free product called Live Writer and it will already be in your computer and you may need someone 15years old to help find it... they are the new experts in computers!!! Ha Ha!! Also in advanced settings you can change around your blog. I hope this helps I'm sure one of your son's might help out?? Please don't give up blogging - I'd miss seeing your cards!!! Maybe even another blogger who lives near you might be able to help you. Anyway I love these two cards, it reminds me I really should do some embossing!!! Have a great weekend!!
    Hugs Trish xx

  39. They are so beautiful Brenda. But specially the first one is my fav. Beautiful autumn colors.
    Lovely greet

  40. Blogger has a mind of their own and changes whenever their mood changes!!

    Anyway, love how the first card bg turns out, absolutely gorgeous and I must give it a try once! Thanks for the tutorial, Brenda!

  41. Thankfully I switched some time ago but did find it quite an upheaval & things are very very different. I do hope you are able to continue blogging but really appreciate that you might not be able to. These are both very striking but it is the second red & white creation that particularly strikes me - it's the way all the elements enhance one another plus the delicacy of your layering & paper piecing.
    Take care midst the chaos.
    Paula (PEP)

  42. These are lovely Brenda - I like the way you've done the background on the first one and the lattice is very effective on the second. Computers can be a godsend or a pain, I am lucky I have a computer buff in the family. Pauline xx

  43. Hi Brenda. Haven't stopped by for a little while. So sorry to hear that things aren't going too well for you at the moment!! Love the new header :) xx

  44. Beautiful and bold colors woven into the wedding card and the fall card dances with autumn delight!

  45. Hi Brenda...two stunning cards. Love the colours on both and the wonderful embossing on the second card. Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with blogger. Hope it all comes together as I would miss your cards terribly. Still working on my craft room. :-)

  46. I totally love that fall card! Need to use that technique which I forget about. Thanks for the inspiration!

  47. That first card as a real retro feel about it I think it's brill :)
    Von ♥

  48. tWO STUNNING CARDS bRENDA, LOVE THE STAMPS ON THE FIRST AND i (grrrr!!! capitals) love the red and the flower on the second. Off to turn my craft world upside down and around lol. Hope I'm happy with the end result. Carolxx

  49. I adore that patchy distress ink background you on the top card, I really must try that!!!

    and adore the flowers and embossing, I really need to do both techniques more!

  50. Two stunning cards Brenda, what a delight your cards are. Love the background on the first one, it's so creative and a very elegant one the second. .. hope it won't be long before you will be able to blog again. Hugs xxx

  51. Both gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the brown and yellow tones on the first one. Sorry to hear that blogger is playing you up
    Lindsay xx

  52. Two beautiful cards Brenda love both of them, Ive had the same problem Ive had no computer for more than a week you dont realise how much you use it until you dont have it. Got my one back and so far so good all is going well with it. Aud x
