
Saturday 22 September 2012


Summer 2009

I'm so sad to say that the day I had been dreading came yesterday and we lost Buffy last night.

In the end all quite quick and unexpected. The two of us had been having a productive crafty session with her laying at my feet as usual, until she started vomiting and hemorrhaging mid afternoon, our vet referred her direct to the Animal Health Trust at Newmarket for a blood transfusion but after a few hours she was so weak I had to make that horrid decision and she died looking comfy with her head on my lap.

The scans showed the disease had spread to her liver and heart, although the reason for the haemorrhage was unclear and until yesterday she had remained bright, happy and playful. Two weeks turned into ten weeks and she showed incredible resilience till the end.

The guys at the Animal Health Trust were as always fantastic and caring and we are so lucky to have the Countries leading animal research and medical centre so close, it's not the first time we have been there over the years.

I shall miss her like fury and my craft room where I've been sitting for hours since we got home seems so empty, but I'll get my act together a.s.a.p.

Summer 2009
Buffy left with George front, son Alex's lab and Abbey, daughter Joy's who we lost last October

The new Blogger interface seems to have lost all my scheduled posts so my Allsorts one will be here in due course.


  1. Sosorry to hear your news B.
    Keep your chin up hun :o)
    Take care
    Debs xx

  2. Oh Brenda I am so very sorry for your loss! I know just how you will be feeling. Sending hugs your way, Judy x

  3. Oh Brenda I,m so sorry for you, it is a horrible time. Hugs to you all. xxxx

  4. Ohhh B, sending you huge hugs! Xxxx

  5. Awww so sorry to hear of this sad news Brenda .. my sister has just lost her dog too and she was devastated.. :( Thinking of you. Hugs xxx

  6. Oh Brenda so sorry for your loss. Glad she was happy till the end. Lots of hugs. Anesha

  7. Brenda, I am so so sad to read about the loss of your beautiful Buffy. It is not long since we lost our little mate who was with us for twelve years. They are just part of our family aren't they. It is so good to know that Buffy was playful and happy until the end. I am thinking of you!

  8. So sorry, Brenda, mi dispiace tanto. I've never had a dog but my son had a rabbit many years ago and we were so sorry when he lost her so I can understand your pain xxx

  9. O Brenda when I saw Buffy's photo I thought the end had come. May she rest in peace. What a life she had with you and what joy she brought to you. I am glad the end was swift, she deserved that dignity. Sending you a massive cyber hug. Take care my dear,
    Jane x

  10. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear this but glad she didn't suffer too much and went peacefully cuddled up to her "mum".

    RIP beautiful girl.

    Lisa xx

  11. Oh Brenda what can I say.....I know exactly what you're going through as I have been there, just today I am thinking of you and sending you a big hug

    Anne xxx

  12. So sorry to hear the sad news about Buffy, Brenda. She is at peace now. Thinking of you. Michelle x

  13. oh Brenda Hun I am so so sorry to hear of your loss I know how incredibly hard this is and my love,and thoughts are with you at this sad Time Hun,may she rest in peace and I know she had the most amazing life with you sweetie take care hugs Cherylxxxxxxxxxxx

  14. So so sorry to hear about Buffy. You've lost a great companion. Ruth x

  15. So sorry Brenda on Buffy's passing. Sending (((cyber hugs))) your way xxxxx

  16. So sorry to hear Brenda! Our furries really are our families and children! We are so privileged to have know the love of such soulful creatures, they teach us so much and will forever remain in our hearts!

  17. Very sorry to hear about Buffy,remember her lovely life with you and be happy for the fun you shared, for us dog lovers they are like children so I know it hurts so much to lose them.
    Take care and God bless. janex

  18. So Sorry Brenda sending big hugs to you both,she definitely was a very blessed dog to have the best and loving home with you two.
    Louise xx

  19. Sorry for your loss Brenda. I'm sure she's happily running around in doggy heaven. Tracy xx

  20. I'm so sorry Brenda. When I saw Buffy's photo and name pop up in my blog list, I knew the time had finally come to say goodbye. But I'm so happy for you that you got to spend more time with her than you had anticipated and that she has been able to enjoy life until the end. Take care!
    Marianne x

  21. Oh Brenda I am so sad to hear you had to say goodbye to Buffy yesterday - and I do know just how you feel. You know that she had the best life ever with you, your family and her other furry housemates. The extra weeks you had with her that you didn't expect were a bonus although perhaps tinged with the sadness that they would be her last. I'm so glad the end for her was peaceful and that you were with her.
    Love and hugs
    Beryl xx

  22. So sorry Brenda that you've lost Buffy, she is at peace now and you will meet again. Sending you hugs. Suzi x

  23. Oh so sorry to hear it Brenda..
    Take care!
    Lady E

  24. Brenda So sorry to hear your news. i'm sure she is in doggy heaven now.

    Cyprus Anne

  25. I am so sorry to hear your sad news Brenda.
    Thinking of you and sending hugs

  26. So sorry to hear such sad news.I know how it feels like loosing your fury friend.
    I'm sure that she will be missed.
    Sending you big hug.

  27. So sorry to read this Brenda. I know how truly awful it is to let an animal go but think of all those wonderful memories. Warmest wishes Claire x

  28. Hello Brenda. I am sending you a Big Hug, and you know that I am thinking of you sweetie. I am so sorry to hear of this sad news, Buffy has been a massive part of your loving family.
    Lots of love, Sandra xxx

  29. Oh my goodness Brenda, I am so sorry to hear this sad news...hugs
    Jackie xx

  30. Oh Branda, this is so sad... Sorry to hear about this terrible loss. Take care and I will be thinking of you.
    Hugs, Marianne MW

  31. Aww Brenda, I’m so sorry to that you’ve lost Buffy.
    It’s never easy because they arrive in our lives, little bundles of fluff in most cases and find a place in our hearts that can never be filled when they do eventually leave us. From experience, remembering all the fun and laughter you shared together will see you thought the bad times and she’ll be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

  32. Hi Brenda,
    so sorry for your loss.
    Now you have the great memories of Buffy;-))m

  33. I'm so very sorry to hear this Brenda and read it with tears in my eyes.
    I'll be thinking of you and your family as I know the lovely Buffy will be much missed.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx

  34. Huge condolences Brenda, it doesn't make it any easier that you knew it was lose a dog is a devastating blow as they are such a massive part of the family for so long, I speak from experience...and my heart goes out to you
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  35. Awww Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your beautiful girl Buffy. I lost my lovely Mia a few weeks ago so I know how hard it is. I hope you can find some comfort in the fact that she was so well loved and had a good life with you all. Sending you lots of love and hugs
    Claire xx

  36. Hi Brenda, I am so so sorry to hear you have lost Buffy,they start out as a pet and become a member of the family,you know you gave her the best of everything and she loved you, I am sending gentle hugs.
    Kevin xx

  37. Hello Brenda, I have only found your blog this morning and oh what a sad day to arrive. I haven't followed the story, but whenever and however these furry friends leave us it leaves a huge gaping hole in your heart. Sending much needed {{hugs}}. Love Bev and The Beardie Bunch aka Bailey, Majik & Sorrell xxx

  38. Милая Бренда примите мои соболезнования.. Это так печально потерять такого верно друга.. Держитесь дорогая и не отчаивайтесь не смотря ни на что.. Вы дали лучшее для нее...

  39. I'm so sorry to hear your loss of Buffy, they really are like our babies, it's so sad x
    Will be thinking of you,
    Wendy x

  40. So sorry to hear this, sending hugs. XOXO Zoe

  41. So sorry to hear of your loss but Buffy will live on in your hearts forever.

  42. aw Brenda...I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We lost our lab in a kind of similar way a couple of years ago...time is a great healer as they say.


  43. Brenda, wat een verdriet om je Buffy te moeten missen,veel sterkte voor jou en je familie.
    Gr, Elly

  44. So sorry to hear your sad news, Brenda. Thinking of you and sending hugs, Lisa x

  45. Brenda sorry to hear that Buffy lost her battle... Good that she stayed so happy and playfull 'till the end. Sending you lots of hugs... Gerrina

  46. Oh Brenda! It's so difficult to type this as the tears stream down my face. It's comforting to know that she was with you when she went to the Rainbow Bridge. I hurt with you and for you. Prayers going up that your pain and emptiness will soon fade. I know she is forever in your heart!
    Hugs and more hugs,

  47. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Brenda. So many of us understand your hurt and emptiness. I just lost my beloved great dane in early July. They leave a very big hole in your life. Take care dear and I hope you'll soon be at the place where you can smile at all the joy she brought to your life.
    Hugs, Denise

  48. Brenda I'm so sorry to read about your Buffy. It brings tears to my eyes, especially when I look at the sweet photo of him. I know this is a difficult time, especially when you had such a close bond and he was with you all the time. My heart goes out to you & I wish you strength. I hope that time heals and of coarse you will have your precious memories forever. Hugs, Shirleyx

    (sorry if this is a duplicate message, I'm having trouble with blogger this morning)

  49. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear about Buffy, my heart goes out to you as I do know how you feel, time will lessen the pain but not the memories.

    Pat xx

  50. Sending you cyber hugs, I am so sorry that Buffy Had to go to doggie heaven. I have felt the pain of loses one of our babies and know it is really hard, but she is in a better place and time will heal your pain.

  51. I'm so sorry to hear about Buffy, Brenda! Sending you a cyber hugs! We lost our rabbit last september due to womb cancer!

  52. so sorry to hear about Buffy, but at least she wasn't in pain. You are in my thoughts

  53. I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost Buffy. I'm really glad though that you had longer with her than anticipated initially. And it's so good that she was happy right till almost the end. I'm sure you won't be surprised to know that I'm sitting here crying! People who don't have dogs don't really understand how attached we get to them. Especially Labs as they are just completely lovable.

    Take care,

    Hugs Kat, Blue and Max


  54. So sorry to hear that you have lost Buffy. I never had dogs for pets but I recently lost my baby turtle... I totally understand how you must be feeling... Dogs are wonderful pets... May her soul rest in peace!

  55. Such sad news, i hope you are ok and bearing with it all, deepest sympathy!Hugs, Brittany, xx

  56. Oh Brenda I am so sorry for your loss, She did so well to carry on being bright for such a long time. I am sure it must seem very empty without her, the trouble is the closer you are with your pets the larger the void that they leave when they are gone. It sounds like you and Buffy had a beautiful relationship, my thoughts are with you and I am sure that Buffy is at peace now.
    Lindsay xx

  57. Goodbye beautiful girl. My heart aches for your loss. hugs, eileen

  58. So sorry for your loss. She is such a darling.
    Hugs Rosalee

  59. Big big hugs to you Brenda. It is one of the worst things ever loosing a beloved pet. They really are your best friends but you will no doubt have such wonderful memories.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  60. Oh Brenda, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Buffy will live on as long as you carry memories of her.
    Sending you big hugs.
    Lorraine x

  61. I'm so sorry to hear that you have lost your dear friend. I understand how you feel. Big hugs to you.

  62. Sorry to here your sad news Brenda, heartbreaking I know. Sending a hug. Carolxx

  63. Thinking of you Brenda.So sorry to hear about Buffy.Sending you lots of hugs.Debbie x

  64. Hi Brenda, just read the sad news about Buffy,
    So sorry.
    Avril xx

  65. Brenda So sorry to read about Buffy, they are more than just pets, they are part of the family. x

  66. I'm so sorry for your loss and sending you a big hug.

  67. Brenda, I am so sorry for your loss :( I really am - a dog really becomes part of the family, and I know how hard it is to lose a pet, I've been there a few times and it's so difficult :( Stay strong and you'll get there, time is a great healer. And you'll always keep a big part of her in your heart - no one can take away the memories you have of her, so cherish the good times and think about how much you both enhanced each other's lives. May she rest in peace, she's free from pain now...

    I've made a small donation to the UK Animal Health Trust in memory of Buffy, they obviously do a lot of great work.

    Take care, and big hugs.
    Tags xx

  68. so sorry for your loss, take care!!

  69. So sad to read about Buffy. I know that you'll miss her.
    Sending a hug,

  70. This is awful news and I know all I can say is that "I'm Thinking about you" and sending you some love & hugs Trish xx

  71. So sorry to hear about Buffy. I know this is a huge loss for you and your family. May the memories of love and time together comfort you. Hugs!

  72. Oh so sad news...Poor Buffy...I'm so sorry for your loss Brenda. I know this sentiment that the house is empty without our babies !
    I think of you my friend,
    big big kisses.

  73. Oh Brenda, I am so sorry to hear your sad news.. My thoughts are with you..
    Big hugs... RIP Buffy. xxxx

    Love Kelly x

  74. ah dear darling B. just popped vpe to see how things were and saw the very sad news.. pray it will be easier for you with each passing day.. and not doubt it will help having others whom you hold dear with you. Aren't we blessed now that we can care for animals so well. When rather young our first pet struggled till died because we could not do anything else. Good memories I pray will help to lighten the sorrow, and sending lots of blog hugs - back to peek at lovely card card above.
    I hope blogger finds those posts too. Missing one of mine as well, published in March! Shaz in oz.x

  75. O Brenda I am so sorry to hear of the sad loss of Buffy...My thoughts are with you and your family... sending you hugs.. love May x x x

  76. Oh my goodness Brenda ,, sending you a HUGE HUG me darlin XXX I know exactly how you feel,,, our fur babies are our family and losing them is heartbreaking :-( I am thinking of you and sending more hugs ,,,

    Lols x x x

  77. I am so sorry to hear your sad news.
    Thinking of you.
    Nikki x

  78. I know I am late here but huge hugs to you Brenda and family. So glad had the extra few weeks with her. I so feel for you.
