
Saturday 11 August 2012

My Olympic Boy

Using the large Crysanthemum from Tonic studio 
Pick of the Bunch clear stamp set designed by Ruth Hamilton

Good Morning Peeps, at Allsorts  this week the lovely Jo would like to see us all 'Going Round in Circles'........ on our work that is !! And we have two sponsors this week A Passion for Stamps and Flonz Craft.

This post is scheduled as I am off today to a rather special blog girl get together, we have all been counting the days for weeks, so you can bet there will be plenty of chattering, a good bit of eating but I doubt much crafting will happen, but if previous events are anything to go by it will be fun.

And as promised, some pictures of another of our sons who has been involved in the Games as a volunteer.

Here he is at the Games yesterday with one of the Tae Kwon Do medal winners 
Terrance Jennings. He said the medals are really heavy.

And another of him in his Olympic kit.

It makes me so proud seeing him in his kit and knowing he has been part is such a wonderful and momentous occasion. But I really can't believe this is the last weekend of the Games, the time seems to have flown by,  we have been treated to some very special sporting moments. It will seem odd not spending the evening revelling in the wonderful talents of all the athletes and the sheer excitement every time I see medal table, but we do have the Premiership season starting in a couple of weeks as well as the Paralyimpic Games so something new to look forward to. Do you get the impression I'm a bit of a sports on.

Engraved Rose from Flonz Craft Vintage Flower range

For the top card I used another of the lovely stamps from Ruth's super new stamp sets. The stamp sets are excellent value for money, each set has at least two large floral images, several smaller ones as well as complementary leaves butterflies and bugs. They all premiered on Crate and Craft recently and are also being stocked by Coleman's Warehouse at Rushden in Northants, if you are not familiar with them, then where have you been ?

It's an absolute Aladdin's cave of all things crafty and you really do need to allow half a day to see everything. They are open Saturdays and Sundays, have a big demo day the last Saturday of each month with lots of well known demonstrators, plus somewhere for hubby to sit as well as refreshments.

I started by creating resist background using one of the smaller stamps from the Chrysanthemum set, stamp with the versamak, embossed with detail clear and distress using the gorgeous blue and green from the Tim Holt summer collection. My main image is from the same stamp set, inked with the same distress inks, spritzed with water stamped and the colour dragged in a little with a damp paint brush.

A border of lace, some muslin crumpled up, a rose made from punched plain white paper with some glossy accents added for dew drops and three leaves from the same focal image. The butterflies are from the Rudbeckia stamp sheet, inked and stamped with the same distress inks to carry the colourway.

The layout of my second card is not dissimilar to the first but this time using a Floz Craft stamp. They do a huge selection on Vintage style stamps which are right up my street, all have superb detail and stamp out beautifully. I used the same direct to stamp and spritzing technique onto the reverse of Centura makes a good alternative to watercolour card and works out cheaper, cheesecloth again and a stick pin made from coordinating beads and a memory Box die.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and as always, my thanks for taking the time to visit my little place in blogland.


  1. both cards have absolutely lovely colour combinations

  2. Two very pretty cards! The second is my fave.

  3. Two great card, love the background on the first one.

  4. Both of your Cads look gorgeous Brenda !!I love the way you have made the punched flower in the first one..It looks so Beautiful...And it must make you proud to see your son as a Volunteer in the Olympic Games :) The sheer scale of the game and the talent is so amazing !!And to be a part of it must feel so special :)

  5. I wasn't familiar with Coleman's Warehouse - but I am now. Thanks for the link Brenda.Your cards are beautiful - love the resist backgrounds and the flower embellishments of course. Thank you for sharing those special photos of the your other son too. One proud mum down there in the Fens I'm thinking.
    Off to the Donnington show next week so hoping to get that fabulous poinsettia from Stamp Addicts.
    Have a great weekend.
    Beryl xx

  6. 2 gorgeous cards Brenda. How fantastic that both your sons played a part in our amazing 2012 Olympics. You must be so proud. We will also be glued to the lasts days of sporting glory....what a celebration it has been. Enjoy your crafty day too....what fun! Jane x

  7. Fabulous Cards... a fabulous son.. and hopefully a fabulous Blog girls day!
    Lisa xx

  8. Two gorgeous card Brenda...particularly love your first one...


  9. Gorgeous colours on both of these Brenda, stunning floral cards x

  10. Great inspiration as always.......i have bought some of the tonic stamps to have a play with! Tracy x

  11. Both gorgeous cards Brenda. Beautiful colour combos and images, especially the second for me, just lovely. Another proud moment for Mum. Now Brenda, I've tried to be good this past couple of weeks ( I know, boring) off to have a nosey and click the link! Sound like my kinda day, enjoy the fun. Carolxx

  12. Two beautiful cards hun love the spritzing teqnique on the second one so effective

    Em xxx

  13. You must be a very proud Mummy, I've just been catching up lovely to see the boys featuring!

    Beautiful cards my fav is the 1st but then I'm a cool colours gal. Totally agree with you about Flonz stamps they impress XOXO Zoe

  14. First off, beautiful floral cards, gorgeous colours and designs.Second ,wow to be at the games how wonderful, thanks for sharing your proud Mum pics, hope your son had a great time. Thirdly hope you have a great time today. janex

  15. Oh the colours of the first one are so beautiful. I just love cool colours. The rose is also beautiful and thats a lovely picture of your other son. Well done to them both. Enjoy your day with your mates! Michelle x

  16. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love floral cards and you make them so beautifully. The images and colours are fabulous.
    Thanks for sharing your photos, no wonder you are such a proud mum!

    I hope you have a good day, it sounds like it will be fun.

  17. Hello...... I am here because of your son Olympic Games picture... I love Olympic Games and the next one will be here in Brazil. And I hope we can make it as well as you Britain did.

  18. Thanks for Coleman's info. So glad you were able to post photos of your other son - it's so lovely that you can be proud of your offspring. I love your photography amongst the plants - the first is especially effective in that scenario. The colours are gorgeous on both & l do love that watercolouring technique. We are doing battle with the Jazz Festival but it's brilliant for the town if somewhat noisy for residents until the 11pm Curfew!
    Hope you have a lovely time.
    Paula (PEP)

  19. Your circle cards are beautfiul!!! That first one is a stunner!!! So fun that your son is volunteering in the Olympics!!!!

  20. oh Hun once again stunning cards,the backgrounds,and the images are just amazing,making such amazing detail and just love the photos,hun I am loving the Olympics,just brilliant hugs Cherylxxxxx

  21. Hello Brenda, You must be proud of your handsome son ! Your cards are gorgeous. Beautiful detail on both. I also love the Limited Edition DI colours and the muslim & lace add so much ! Hope you are having fun with your friends :) Shirleyx

  22. Gorgeous cards!
    Thanks for sharing pics & stories of your sons & the Olympics!
    Proud mamma you are, and rightly so!
    The student & I have been watching the Olympics at work, and are finding it doesn't matter who wins, we're just amazed & in awe of the wonderful athletes in every country!

  23. They are both so gorgeous Brenda..:o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  24. Love these beautiful cards Brenda! I have never used muslin on my cards before but I will have a go as it makes your cards look great.
    Thank you also for your kind comments on my blog and for following me too!
    Nice to see your sons are having a special part in the Olympics, its a once in a life time event. We are planing to go and see one of the swimming sessions for the paralyimpics soon.
    Pearl x

  25. I liked the colors you have chose for the cards....

    Vegetable Ornaments

  26. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the colours you've used. Love how you've done the background on the first one. The main image and the rose on the other card are both beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing the photos of your handsome son. He must have enjoyed being part of the Olympics.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Kat xx

  27. Wow, both cards are fabulous.

    Thanks for sharing the pics of your son.

  28. Both such pretty cards but the pink one just has to be my favourite one. I love the added stick pin. I bought a box load on eBay for a stick pin swap so should really think about incorporating some into cards to use them up. Thanks for the idea. Hugs mrs a.

  29. These are two beautiful cards, Brenda, and another lovely pic of your second Olympic boy :)
    A proud Mum, and rightly so.
    My DD and her hubby went to London yesterday and said how wonderfully friendly the atmosphere was and how helpful and knowledgable were the volunteers.
    Oh yes! Colemans is fantastic AND it is nearly on my doorstep, 5 miles away.
    I go regularly, ever since the first day they opened, especially if I have arranged to meet up with crafty blogging friends.
    When/if you visit again I hope you will wear a badge with your name on so I can come say 'hello', :)

  30. Love the backgrounds that you made! The colours from the flowerstamps are so beautiful and a great idea to use the musceline in the way you did. Again you inspired me to use some new (to me) material. It´s great to see your sons take part in such a great sportsevent! You´ve got every right to be proud of them! Enjoy your sunday and the last day of the great event! Hugs, Gerrina

  31. Oh how wonderful that your son is involved with the Olympic exciting. I have so loved watching them each night and it has been a wonderful family get together each evening. I too have been wondering what we will all do when they finish. I love your cards, as always Ruth's images are terrific and you have used the most amazing colours on them. Love the muslin you have used.

  32. Gorgeous cards, Brenda. I LOVE the stamps - thanks for bringing them today. It was so good to see you and Eddy. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos too. Another great night for team GB x

  33. Both cards are really beautiful Brenda I love the flower images the butterflies on the first one and the swirls and pin on the second, thank you for sharing your photo's with us
    Kevin xx

  34. Two beautiful cards B, with gorgeous images, colours and details! Fab pictures of your son too, no wonder you're so proud, wonderful memories to treasure!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  35. Gorgeous cards, and wonderful photos of your son, how lucky he is to have been a games maker! A neighbour was too, working at Wimbledon, and she loved every minute of it. I can't believe it's over either, how can it be the last day today? it has been brilliant, I have watched and listened to hours and hours of it.... amazing, well done to everyone involved.

  36. You must be so proud of your family - both being part of the Olympics. Not seen much of it but will be watching the ceremony tonight and did'nt they all do well.
    Beautiful cards Brenda = so pretty. Love the cards below too l really like the sun ray effect it looks very effective. Take care and hope you are well x Susan x

  37. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I really love the top one with the pretty little butterflies.
    Brilliant photo's of your Son too, he must have some fantastic memories now! I've really enjoyed the Olympics and I think that Team GB have definitely done us proud.
    Lorraine x

  38. Hi Brenda, wow handsom son you have!! I'll be watching the closing ceremony in an hour! Love your cards, especially the 1st one! Gorgeous! Hugs Frea

  39. Stunning cards Brenda, beautiful colours and love the added muslin. Love the photos of your son but they are not the only ones I have seen of your family today!! Great photos on Lisa's blog, jealous I wasn't there lol.

  40. Both really stunning cards, I love the colours and textures on them both, the butterflies on the first one are beautiful and the flower and pin on the second one are amazing
    Lindsay xx

  41. Oh I forgot to say brilliant photo's of your son too, you must be very proud
    Lindsay xx

  42. What a wonderful selection cards and treasured photographs since my last visit. I am now busy trying to play catchup after being glued to the Olympics then of course it's the Paralympics in two weeks time. Sorry I'm not looking forward to the football... :o)
    Jackie xx

  43. How proud you must be of your family Brenda.I am sure you will have enough photo's to make a whole scrap album.
    I do hope you enjoyed your girly day out too.

    I can truly say Your work is stunning Brenda. Blues and Pinks are my favourite colours so these two cards are a delight to my eyes. I cannot say there is one thing in particular I love more on either card as they are both so pretty.


  44. I'm not usually a blue person but really love the blue creation. The background is gorgeous and the butterflies are beautiful too.

    Great piccies of your son to keep and treasure.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  45. Hi Brenda, Two gorgeous cards, love the background on the blue one!
    Great samples for C&C, going to catch up on some shows while I iron!
    Great pics of your sons, also, saw yours on Lisa's blog - looked like a great day!
    Avril xx

  46. beautiful card, love the colors to, nice pics,tresured memories!!!!

  47. Great post filled with great Olympic moments and Gold Medal cards!

  48. your cards are lovely! I love everything about them so pretty and feminine! :)

  49. Beautiful post Brenda.. lovely memories for both your sons...your cards are Gorgeous.. Ruth has done a great job... must check them out... Hugs May x x x

  50. Your cards are so beautiful Brenda! :)

  51. The colouring on the Crysanthemum card is so beautiful, but then all your cards are so lovely, cheers Linda

  52. I adore that Chrysanthemum and the engraved rose, so delightful!

    Congrats to your son for doing such a great and important job!
