
Thursday 9 August 2012

Christmastime on Create and Craft

Using the Bethlehem silhouette stamp sheet, simple inking and sponging 
and a little decoupage

Morning Peeps, just popping in with a very quick post and a few more shares of some of the samples that I made for Stamp Addicts programmes which are being screened live on Create and Craft today at 11am and 6pm.

Using the Poinsettia stamp and  Twas' the Night text stamp and paper piecing

I have kept most of the samples simple as the stamps are so clean and crisp they need little adding.

Another stamp from the Bethlehem stamp sheet with more inking and sponging

I hope you will have time to watch the programmes or record them and should you miss them you can buy the stamps direct from Stamp Addicts.


  1. Stunning creations, once again Brenda. I just love your creative style.

  2. Beautiful selection of wonderful christmas cards Brenda, I'm on a day off today so will tune into the shows.. as these stamps look fab.. Have a good day... Hugs May x x x

  3. Gorgeous samples - a great advert for the new stamps! Ruth x

  4. Great cards Brenda. Love the clean and simple look of all three of them.

  5. Absolutely beautiful cards Brenda, just love the scene cards x

  6. Stunning cards Brenda, must try to watch the show. Your cards are so inspiring

    Hugs Sue

  7. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the nativity scene. I've set my sky box to record both programs just in case I'm busy and forget.

    Sue x

  8. Morning Brenda, all three cards are beautiful I love the poinsettia and the nativity scene, Ive put the tv on ready to watch the 11am show.
    Kevin xx

  9. Your christmas cards are so lovely, so sweet, love them !

  10. Stunning cards Brenda. I've been watching and I've seen the first two of your amazing cards. I've just ordered the Twas the Night stamp since I missed it before! I've wanted it for ages.

    Kat xx

  11. Stunning cards, Brenda! I wish I could receive the channel over here as I really admire your brayering skill!

  12. Hi Brenda, All three are beautifully elegant. Great decoupage work on the navitiy scene & sponging on the third one ! Thanks for your kind words at my blog, have a great day, Shirleyxx

  13. Hi Brenda, wow beautiful Christmas cards all the cards are just gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  14. Got them set to record. Saw a few minutes of this mornings one while having a coffee. I think the poinsettia is a musty have for me. Three beautiful cards Brenda. Thank you for sharing.
    Beryl xx

  15. I love that first one - & the sheer simplicity of your design. The lights from the dwellings look brilliant. The sentiment in the final one is one that both my parents were particularly fond of & I just love your simple embellishment of that star above the stable. The Poinsettias were always something Mum had around for Christmas too. - I like the way you made those flower centres.
    Paula (PEP)

  16. Gorgeous cards, Brenda! I have been distracted by those Olympics again! I am guessing you have too, particularly the Taekwondo. More gorgeous stamps to add to my wish list!

  17. Beautiful... i love the nativity .
    Looking forward to Saturday!
    Lisa x

  18. Hi Brenda....thanks for visiting and leaving your lovely comments. I have been busy with a variety of things in real life and missing out on catching up on everyones creations. Still thinking of you though. So one day soon I will be back to catch up. Love these cards. Really like how you did the little city scene and fantastic moon with the purple sky. Take care.

  19. Hi Brenda, love cards - the sky in the last one is lovely. Spotted your name being read out by Nigel and did wonder if it was one of yours ... thought I recognised your hand :) Elizabeth xx

  20. your cards are stunning Brenda , I will look out for the show. Mentioned you on my blog, used a bead pin, gorgeous. janex

  21. Lovely cards! Like how you did the paper-piercing very much! Have a nice (sunny?) weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. These are all so different in style, but share the same creative beauty!!

  23. Such gorgeous, elegant creations Brenda, love the way you have used all the stamps.

    Pat xx
