
Saturday 26 May 2012

Happy Birthday Allsorts

Today is our third Birthday at Allsorts, so of course we are Going to have a little celebration. It's hard to believe it's three years, Allsorts was my very first DT spot when I was really new to the world of bloGland and here we are three years on with one of the most popular challenges around and this has only been achieved because of the continued support of our lovely fellow crafters and wonderful sponsors.

For my first DT piece I have Gone all inky.................just for a change I hear you say.............with a backGround created using lemonade and peacock from the Spring TH distress ink set, some Glimmer mist sprayed over to bleed the colours a little, TH stamp set and bird in a cage die. I stamped the text randomly using the third Generation ink to achieve a more faded effect and butterflies from the same stamp set. The birdcage has some Frantage embossing powder added here and there to Get it a bit of an aged feel and I did the same to the butterflies which have been decoupaged. The three labels are taken from the stamp set as well.

My second DT piece is using Ruth at A Passion for Stamps lovely Iris imaGe which I have paper pieced using Bo Bunny DP, along with the pretty lattice, some die cut flowers and a computer generated sentiment. If you would like to buy this or any of Ruth's other lovely imaGes, just click on the picture below.

Now for the bloG hop and you should have arrived here from Debs bloG and now move on to Nicola, but if you Get lost you can always Go back to the challenge blog and start afresh. Once you have collected all the letters include the one 'hidden' in this post you need to sort them into the secret word and mail your answer to Emma (not me this time because I am going on my holibobs) so you are in the draw for another prize. Here is what the winner from my bloG will received.....................

As I am off on holiday in a few days time I won't be able to do the draw for my winner until I get home, so I will post it as soon as possible after 12th June.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and thanks so much for calling by.


  1. Gorgeos cards the colours on the first card and that Cheney Lynne die is a MUST HAVE on your pretty iris card


  2. Fab cards Brenda. Hugs,moni

  3. Morning Brenda. Warm enough for you down there? Phew - it's been hot here. Not used to it after the fresh mountain air I've enjoyed the last 8 years or so.
    Two fab cards. Of course, the inky creation at the top is my fave. Love those new spring colours and the 'ageing' on the cage and butterflies is spot on.
    Beryl xx

  4. they are both so gorgeous, love the blended colours of card 1. janex

  5. Gorgeous cards brenda. Beautiful Iris with the depth color purple. have a few nice days.
    Lovely greet

  6. Your cards are very beautiful. I especially like the first one. I was all "wow" when I saw it. It's brilliant. Hugs! xx

  7. Two wonderful cards this morning Brenda, I love them both in different ways, but both for the colours. Your Cousin is absolutely right :o)
    Jackie xx
    P.S. Methinks I need that Cheery Lynn trellis LOL

  8. Both gorgeous cards - that first one is especially stunning and I love the embossing on the second one.

    And blog hop fun too! Thanks! :)

  9. Fab cards Brenda, I love the blend of colours on the first one and the flower on the second one is very striking against the embossed background, both beautiful, hugs Sara xx

  10. Beautiful cards Brenda, just love the inky one, gorgeous colours and details xxx

  11. Gorgeous card and great candy . xxxx

  12. Especially like the Tim Holtz bird cage card. Enjoyed a class with Tim Holtz last mth. He is an incredibly talented person.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  13. Both of them are really gorgeous!

  14. Love both of these gorgeous cards! Especially the first one! M x

  15. Wow, your cards are fabulous. I love the top one with the fabulous butterflies and the second one is gorgeous. I love the embossing, paper pieced iris and the gorgeous flowers. Thank you for the blog hop and the inspiration. Im your newest follower. Hugs, Jill x p.s Wishing you a fab holiday :)

  16. Beautiful cards, love the new distress ink colors

  17. Oh wow Brenda 0 your cards are fabulous not that they aren't always lol) I love the colours in the top one.. and the little tags hanging from the cage .. i also love the striking iris in the second card against the embossing ..oh i can;t choose a favourite as always .
    Have a fabulous holiday .. bring us a stick of rock back lol
    Lisa x

  18. Two fantastic cards! Love the colors on the one with the birdcage, and the image and embossing on the flower card look gorgeous!

  19. Great cards. The first one is my favorite, I love the technique and colours you have used!!
    The second one is also beautiful with all the flowers ( stamped, added and embossed). Like I said before; both are GREAT.
    Have a nice day, greetings Mary

  20. Both of these are gorgeous but I have to admit that the first one is definitely my favourite! xxx

  21. Stunning cards Brenda... the first using the new Sir Timmie's inks is just Gorgeous...fabulous stamping and butterflies... 2nd card is simply gorgeous too I love the Purple & flowers.. Have a super holiday Brenda.. look foward to seeing your pics on your return.. Hugs May x x x

  22. Gosh, that is beautiful Brenda! Happy birthday to you and the rest of the team!

  23. Gorgeous projects! I love the butterflies.


  24. Both cards are beautiful Brenda, I like the butterflies on the first card, and the iris and colours on the second also the fab stitching.
    Kevin xx

  25. Both are beautiful!
    Have fun on your holidays!

  26. I absolutely adore your first card! It´s very beautiful!

  27. Have a lovely holiday - I love both of your cards but especially the first one, it must be those two inks used together, they go so well x

  28. you always have such amazing colour combinations!!

  29. They are both fabulous. I adore the first one. So gorgeous. I love the bird cage and the butterflies. Really awesome! Thank you for the chance at such a wonderful prize; so many wonderful things.

  30. Both cards are awesome. The first one is astounding. Thank you for the chance of entering this great challenge.


  31. Wow Brenda just adore these two beautiful cards. Those distress inks on the first one are yummy. Hope you have a lovely holiday. xx

  32. Fantastic cards Brenda. I love those new Distress Inks, the colours are beautiful. So I love the colour combo of the first one. But on the other hand the colours of the second one are beautiful too.

    Are you getting excited about your holiday now? I'm sure you're going to have a fabulous time!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  33. Both really gorgeous as always Brenda, love the colours on the first one, the background and butterflies look fab with the birdcage and the embossing and the floral image on the second one are gorgeous. Hope your head is feeling better and looking forward to finding out what you think of the PanPastels
    Lindsay xx

  34. Awesome the color combination!!!!!!

  35. Fabulous cards Brenda - love the glorious colours. Have a wonderful holiday - Sylvia x
    (I think I've spotted your letter)!!

  36. Both so beautiful Brenda...:o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  37. Brenda, your card elements look beautiful on this special card. Lovin' the hanging additions to your bird cage. TFS! Hugz, ~ Rose

  38. Both are terrific - I love the way you create in different styles & the shabby chic of the first is a joy so if I have to choose it will be that one. Love the colours of the second one. Hope you have a wonderful time away.
    Paula (PEP)

  39. Hi Terminator,
    How gorgeous I love both cards they are brilliant.
    Have a fab holiday dont party too hard ;)

  40. Two gorgeous cards, they are both so different but both stunning. I love the lattice die cut and embossed panel on the second one.
    Thank you for the great blog hop, I hope you have a great holiday.

  41. Beautiful cards B, Enjoy your hols
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  42. These cards are so pretty, I love the embossed one the most :)
    Happy anniversary!

  43. Brenda both of these cards are stunning. I so love the little details you have added on both of them and the colours are terrific. Hope you are enjoying you holiday. Happy cruising.

  44. love the embossing on your card and the colours - stunning

  45. I love the colours, and the birdcage is very cute. :)

  46. Hi Brenda, Both of your cards are stunning! I love the background colours on the first card and cute bird cage. The embossing and lattice on the second card looks stunning against the beautiful image. Great work as always.

    I would just like to say Happy 3rd Birthday Allsorts! As I commented to Emma and Debs, Allsorts was my first DT and I can clearly remember the card I made for our first challenge :-)

    Lisa x

  47. Such a lovely card. Irises are amongst my favourite flowers.

  48. Two very different, but very lovely cards. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win. Natx

  49. Hi Brenda,
    your cards are gorgeous.
    Hugs Petra

  50. lovely cards, really love the one with the birdcage,lovely colors!!!

  51. Two stunningly different cards! Gorgeous ethereal shades in the first and bold contrast in the second. Ruth x

  52. the colours and the birdcage with the word tags!

  53. Stunning cards and I really love your stitching on the second one...

  54. both cards totally gorgeous but I love the birdcage one those colours are stunning angxxxx

  55. Gorgeous cards Brenda, congrats to you all at allsorts on reachig your 3rd birthday, and have a lovely holiday

    hugs Vicky x x x

  56. They are both stunning cards and yet so different. love your colours you chose x

  57. Love your altered card hun... beautiful. Now heading over to next blog to hop lol x

  58. Hi mrs B!!!
    Your first card nocked the socks right of me:)))
    I LOVE it, the colors and the entire composition is fab:))
    Many hugs Lina

  59. Both cards are gorgeous and has their own style, Brenda! Wishing you a wonderful holiday!

  60. Both cards are so beautiful. The first one is so bright and beautful. TH would be very proud of the way you have used his products.

    The purple card is equally pretty. The purple is such a lovely deep shade.


  61. Beautiful cards ! Especially the last one. Love it.
    Hugs Berit

  62. Wow, what stunning cards, so very beautiful. Have a fab holiday xx

  63. You dont make cards, Brenda you create works of art! I just love these, both are fabulous but I do love aqua colours so the first one jumps out at me! Michelle x

  64. These are stunners Brenda!!!

    I adore the cage and buterflies and the amazing iris!

    Very pretty!

    Enjoy the vacation!!!!!!

  65. Brenda both cards are gorgeous ! I love the inking & colours on your first one. (have to find that Spring Distress set) The second is so elegant with the 3D Iris and the rest of the elements & embossing.

  66. Really gorgeous cards Brenda. The colors you used are amazing, beautiful designs and I love all the elements you added. The iris on the second card looks so life like!!

  67. Beautiful cards! I can't really pick which I like the best. I love the coloring with the distressed markers!

  68. Brenda your work is adorable, love the soft pastel feel of the first card and then the more vibrant colours of the second.

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog and I really hope you enjoy your holiday.

    Hugs Shirley x x

  69. Wow, such a gorgeous cards - especially the top one, really pretty background! Happy Birthday Allsorts and thanks for the chance to win some yummy prizes!

    Love Beth xx

  70. Brenda, your cards are gorgeous. I love purple. Thankyou for the chance to win and happy birthday to Allsorts, Linda

  71. beautiful cards, brenda!!! beautiful everything here,, esp flowers soo pretty... envy to your marianne designs-englisg rose... :(

  72. Gorgeous cards. really love them
    hugs Alexandra

  73. What lovely cards you make, I am a fan :) Viv xx

  74. Wow stunning cards Brenda, always so elegant and beautiful.. sorry haven't been around much lately but am so busy since hubby broke his hand !!!! Hugs xxx

  75. You are such a talented card maker Brenda, I really love your work.These are stunning. Thanks for offering such a lovely prize and Happy Birthday to Allsorts. I always enjoy the challenges. Have a wonderful holiday and "see" you soon,
    Jane x

  76. Wow Brenda, two very different cards but both are incredibly beautiful. Hope you have a fantastic time away Brenda. You deserve a lovely break. Don't forget, if you hear any Northern Irish mumbling coming from your suitcase......its just me!!! Lee x

  77. Hi Brenda, Just popping by to say that I hope you have a really fantastic holiday, also glad that you are enjoying the panpastels (I thought you might). Hope you have a really lovely time away
    Lindsay xx

  78. Hi, just stopping by to tell you how lovely your butterflies card is. I love everything you've done with it!

  79. Wow Brenda, I love both of these cards. They are both sooo pretty. Happy 3rd Birthday Allsorts!
    Hope you have a lovely holiday.
    Wedgie xxx

  80. Wow, Brenda. beautiful cards, two very different cards, I love them both.
    Fun bloghop. Happy Birthday to Allsorts.

  81. this is gorgeous!!! love it!

  82. Your card is beautiful. I hadn't seen anyone use the bird in cage die lately that made me want it, but you did. Thanks.

  83. Gorgeous cards, but I'm really taken with the first one, with the butterflies. Lovely colour combo too.
    Joyce xx

  84. Lovely cards, such different styles but both equally lovely. Sharon x

  85. Happy 3rd birthday to you all at Allsorts and hopefully many more. This is such a gorgeous card Branda and so stylish looking. I love the colours. off on the next blog hop now
    x catherine

  86. Hi Brenda! Both your cards are beautiful! The first one is wow in colors and the butterflies and everything! And on the second card I love the flowers and the clean and fresh look!! hugs Sandra

  87. Wow Brenda both cards look fab I love the butterfly card the colors are gorgeous together hugs Mandy xxx

  88. Brenda, wow both cards are beautiful! So so so pretty!


  89. Beautiful

    Happy 3rd Birthday

  90. Two truly wonderful cards!
    Happy Allsorts Birthday!
    Hugs from Lisbeth

  91. Beautiful card,Happy Birthday Allsorts.Hugs Kaz.xx

  92. Stunning cards!! Happy 3rd Birthday, fabulous blog hop!!
    Hugs Hazel xx

  93. wow stunning cards Hugs Lorrain x

  94. OMG Brenda, your cards are gorgeous! I especially love the bird cage one, those colours are gorgeous together!!! Thanks for a chance to win your prize!! HUgsxx

  95. WoW Brenda two lovely cards with fabulous colour combo's, really crisp and fresh colours.

  96. That is two wonderful cards :)
    Hugs Rebecca

  97. Love your card. Very Pretty. Excellent Idea. Love Prettycards4you

  98. So very beautiful. Happy 3rd birthday to you all at Allsorts.

  99. Two gorgeous cards, I love the colours on the butterfly card. Happy 3rd Birthday xx

  100. I love what you've created with the new distress inks Brenda. I think I'm going to have to add them to my wish list. Happy third birthday and happy holiday.
    LIz xx

  101. ...beautiful Cards Brenda, adore the birdcage one the colours are stunning...Mel :)
    I need to brush up my card making skills and your blog is full of inspiring treasures...I'd like to follow your super work...Mel :)
