
Saturday 24 March 2012

Cooking up at Allsorts

A very Good Morning to you all, Saturday morning can mean only one thing, a new challenge at Allsorts and this week my lovely teamie Helene wants us to 'Use a Cooking Recipe'.

But first I want to tell you all about our second Birthday celebrations at Stampalot Challenge which kick off on 1st April. I've come me up with a little sidebar logo and hope you will help us spread the word. If you have any problems with this worked for some of the DT fine, but Blogger didn't want me to use it despite re-sizing it so in the end I did a low resolution one as well which is on by sidebar.

Now my DT piece and confessions here, I was really stumped at first, after spending hours trawling through my stamps I drew a blank with anything cookery orientated, not surprising I guess when most of my stamps are floral, botanical or fantasy. But then I had a flash of inspiration and came up with a recipe holder which I thought might even be useful for one of the girls.

I made the folder using a scoring tool and covered with some Kaiser DP's, decorated it with borders cut from Spellbinders and the letters are cut on the Cricut. I sourced the recipes on line, mounted them on to cardstock and did a bit of stamping using one of my tiny collection of just seven Clarity stamps......I really do 'need' more of them.

Have a good weekend.


  1. What a lovely recipe holder, very stylish :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Hi Brenda, love the recipe holder, such a pretty but tidy way of storing recipes. Elizabeth x

  3. Hello Brenda. How fabulous and what a great idea. You make the most wonderful creations.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Love Sandra xxx

  4. What a fantastic gift idea Brenda. Love this recipe card holder with actual recipe cards inside. I might just cardlift this idea from you.

  5. Great idea, love it. Never used so many stamps to create a scene before so really appreciate your comment. Have a great day.

  6. Fabulous idea Brenda! I love it!

  7. Wow, what a fantastic project xx

  8. Love this idea Brenda, This would make fab gifts, you know what we need now Brenda is a wee tutorial!!! Have a super weekend Hugs May x x x x

  9. This is delightful & I love the way you have stamped those swirls into the corners of the Recipe panel. The tiny scalloped circles pick up the scalloping of the swirls in the patterned paper beautifully too. These colours are lovely & muted & utterly classic.
    Paula (PEP)

  10. Hi Brenda, love your receipe cards they look a easy shape to store to. hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  11. What a great idea! it is so pretty, too. Have a good day.

  12. you did brilliantly Brenda, I'm glad I could challenge you a bit =)

  13. What a great idea for your recipes. It looks great. TFS.

  14. What a lovely recipe holder Brenda and what a good idea. Definitely thinking outside the box!

    Looking forward to seeing your new puppy. I've kinda lost track of how many dogs you have!? I would have more than 2 but I was probably lucky to get away with 2. Not sure if my dogs could cope with a wee dog, they're a bit clumsy to say the least!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  15. Fabulous job Brenda. Excellent way to store all your favourite recipes. The cover stamps are gorgeous and I agree everyone should have the largest supply possible of Clarity stamps! Enjoy the rest of the weekend Jox

  16. This is wonderful. A great idea.
    Nikki x

  17. what a fabulous idea , i love the colours
    Lisa x

  18. Beautiful project Brenda, would make a lovely little gift of your own fav recipes to pass on x Susan x

  19. Hi Brenda, these recipe cards are beautiful, they'd definately inspire me to cook some scrummy dishes! Shelly x

  20. Hi brenda, love this recipe book, such an original idea. Would do nicely for a wedding gift too! Hugs, Frea

  21. What a clever idea to make recipe cards this way. They look fabulous and would make a lovely gift. Michelle x

  22. I love this! It's very clever and beautiful.

  23. what a great project idea, love it!

    Happy Hop Brenda!

  24. Fab idea hun loving the lovely colours too hope the weather is gorgeous where you are!

    Emma xxx

  25. Thats 7 more Clarity Stamps that I have Brenda, lol. This is a really clever idea. I love this. Lee xx

  26. Hello I found your blog from entering the allsorts challenge you have some really lovely creations and your recipe cards are fab x
