
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Little giveaway and fun in the snow

Thought I would share a couple of the photos from the weekends snow fun.

It it started out like a good idea, but when you are carrying a St Bernard's bulk around it soon gets too much and you just have to take a break and watch the others charging about like idiots, George will go on forever just like Daisy with her Duracell batteries.......................but look who got the ball..................

Here's a little candy giveaway of some 12x12 DP's and ribbons, just add your name to this post and I will draw a name later in the week.

Have a good day everyone and thanks for popping by.


  1. oh lol Brenda I love those pictures!
    Hope you are well
    HUgs Laurie xx

  2. Oh wow, it looks like a wonderland with all the snow. Its like the tortoise and the rabbit ... had a good chuckle and the slowest getting the ball in the end.

  3. Awww, your pics are beautiful Brenda, they look like they are having a wonderful time x

  4. Oh Wow...It Looks like you all had a lot of Fun :)Hope you are well


  5. Hi Brenda, lovely pictures, isn't snow pretty?! I must admit though, I'm also glad it's gone again LOL!! My two dogs (I have 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels) react in a totally different manner; there one who lifts his paws up high and walks around like he's handicapt, and the other runs around pushing his face into the snow like he's a snow submarine!! It's just sooo funny! When he comes up for air his face is entirely covered with snow and then he starts sneezing LOL!! We sure had a few good laughs about him! Amyway, thanks for the sweet candy hun. Have you been over for the blog hop yet?? There's great prizes to win and I think you will like these Victorian stamps, I sure do! Hugs, Frea

  6. Nice pics Brenda! Snowy pictures are always a good idea!

  7. Hi Brenda
    Very beautiful photo! Winter is a snowy and beautiful. Thanks for the sweet candy.
    Tanya x

  8. So nice foto) and so much snow!

  9. Awwwwwww your doggys are soooo sooo cute! Can I have them please? lol Bet they loved playing in the snow, my little Shih Tzu doesn't knwo if shes supposed to eat the snow or roll in it haha.
    Thanks for a chance to enter for this fabby prize :)
    Fiona L x

  10. Very beautiful dogs!!! Thou I love cats mostly! But it is always nice to see the others love their dogs and another pets too and they spend a lot of time with them even))
    Thanks for a chance to enter for this nice prize :)

  11. Beautiful pictures and beautiful two dogs!
    Hugs, Monica

  12. Beautiful snow scenery and gorgeous dogs! thanks for a chance for the prize.
    Tanya xx

  13. What a lovely sint Bernard. When you give him a cask of wine, it is a true rescue dog with this cold weather.
    I like your Candy, thanks for the chance to win this Candy

  14. Beautiful snow pictures and dogs (of course).
    Thanks for the chance to win such nice prize.
    Greetings, Anreda

  15. It looks like your dogs have many fun in the snow - great pictures! Thanks for the chance to win.

    Hugs, Uta

  16. Thanks for sharing these photos! Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! I also have a candy on my blog, for my birthday! Hugs, Hanneke

  17. Oh, fantastic photos! You have so mice winter over there! The Digs are so wonderful! Love these photos)
    Thanks for this candy!

  18. Brenda, your photos are great! Dogs are the best friends for people - they trust people as well too - Love them!! Also i have to say your Dogs are so beautiful!

  19. Soo cute! I love animals, they are best friends! And thanks for the candy.

    annabell_lee_dk (at)

  20. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Marianne

  21. Delightful photos - didn't realise you had a St Bernard as well as the Labs. Looks like he liked being ball guardian. We've escaped most of the snowfall but I know better than to rule it out until May. Hope your keyboard etc..... have arrived & thanks for offering some treats.
    Take care
    Paula (PEP)

  22. Such a beautiful photo of them playing. My Old Charlie used to love the snow, he used to chase the snowflakes. Our new boy Willy takes one look at it and say's " I'll hold it in, Thanks Mum!" he wont even change his mind for his ball either!
    The candy looks pretty good too!xx

  23. Beautiful dogs! Love your blogg!
    Hugs Eva!

  24. Oh, just fab pictures... looks like you were all having great fun.
    My poor Suzie had to leap about to get anywhere and soon got covered in 'sticky' snow.
    Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.
    Caroline xxx

  25. What a great photos! Thanks for the chance of some candy. xx

  26. Burrr, gorgeous snow pictures and I love the dog :)

  27. Brenda I love those pictures!
    Maria Luisa

  28. That looks like lots of fun - on 4 legs!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. Looks like lots of fun - not had much snow where I live ..... yet! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

    Lynn x

  30. hiya sweetie
    what a great photo's sweetie
    i don't like snow, because of my handycap
    it looks super, but i'm slipping to places is don't want to go, LOL
    thanks for the chance to win your gorgeous giveaway sweetie
    hugs angelique

  31. Fantastic pictures, Brenda. We hardly had any snow, although it was forecast up here.
    Nikki x

  32. Wonderful pictures! The St. Bernard looks so cute!

  33. Beautiful pics Brenda. Sure looks like you had fun. Wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance
    Hugs, Rosalee

  34. Don't they just love the snow, we do not have any of the white stuff at the moment, shame, it seems to have missed us this winter. However we do have a poorly doggie, my Magic is not a well girly, she hurt her back by trying to go through a wood pile rather than around it at the weekend. Painkillers from the vet and although she is very sleepy, she is definitely on the mend. Hugs Heidi, ps my hubby has always wanted a st bernard! xx

  35. What fun!! - lovely photo's :)

  36. aww, your dog is so cute! I'd like to be put in the hat for the prize, thanks!

  37. We have had no snow what-so-ever where I looks so serene and soooooo white and the dogs do not seem bothered by the cold at all lol xxxxxxx hugs Amanda

  38. Thanks for sharing those adorable photos!!! Hope you are doing ok. Hugs Anesha

  39. Oh my goodness B I Kinda thought your dogs were all Labradors,don't know how I came up with that idea. What brilliant photos,stunning shots! Hope you're keeping well,Julie x

  40. Great photos Brenda! Our kids have been playing in the snow every day they could. I love it when it snows because then my garden looks as good as my neighbors! Thanks for the candy too!
    Love Pearl x

  41. I just love your dogs, such sweeties =) And thanks for that little Candy you're giving away! Hugs, Elisa / Tinkerella

  42. Thank you for sharing the fabulous pics ! Your dogs put a smile on my face today !
    Hope you having a good day Brenda..
    susan xxx
    Please dont worry about including me in the draw for the gorgeous candy..l live in spain, so l dont want you to have extra postage to pay if l was the lucky winner xxx

  43. They are soooooooo adorable and cute!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win this sweet candy :)

  44. wow snowing.. have never seen snow fall so far. Must be a beautiful scenario.

  45. What great photos, Brenda. You had so much more snow than us. The dogs look like they are having a great time. We used to have a Beaded Collie who loved the snow but always ended up with huge snowballs stuck to his legs so that he couldn't walk in the end, it was so funny to see. We spent ages desnowing him!!
    Thanks for the gorgeous candy.
    Hugs Lisax

  46. Cute dogs, they are fun to watch playing in the snow, we have a small dog, so she tends to get lost in the snow, we usually have to shovel a trail for her,lol. thanks for the cance to win candy!!!

  47. If I can :)
    Greetings from Poland

  48. Ooh,your dogs are adorable. I love dogs :) I have a Chow Chow and he is gcrazy for snow. He loves to look mice under the snow. Seems like he think that he is a Dachshund :) Thank you for chance to win you great candy. Hugs, Eret

  49. What gorgeous pictures of your dogs Brenda,very snowy. Sorry you've not been keeping so well.You take care and don't worry about using your chair - I know how it feels. It helps conserve my energy and to get me from a to b but it never stops getting frustrating from time to time.Thank you for the chance to win your fab papers and ribbons.Love Debbie x

  50. It looks like you had lots of fun in the snow.
    Thanks for a chance to win some candy.

  51. great pics,dogs and snow fabulous,no snow here ,getting a bit warmer good. takecare and thanks for sharing pics of your fur babies.janex

  52. Hi Brenda
    Great photo! Thanks for the candy.

  53. Wonderful, wonderful photo's Brenda! you definitely had more than we did, in fact it looks like double! It was lovely to talk to you earlier x

  54. Great photos. Looks like they all had a good time.

  55. Awwww Brenda what gorgeous pics. I love to watch dogs play in the snow, they have such fun don't they?
    Claire xx

  56. Very nice photos! Dogs look so happy!

  57. Wonderful pictures, they looked like they had fun.. Hugs Kelly

  58. Lovely pictures. Dogs really love the snow don't they. Thank you for the chance to enter the draw.

  59. Lovely pictures Brenda...l wish we still had our little dog as she loved the snow. Hope you are feeling better


  60. The pictures look wonderful Brenda, the dogs look like they were having a whale of a time. My dog used to love the snow (she used to eat it too!). You seem to have had all the snow, non here is West Yorkshire - but I'm not complaining!! Thanks also of the chance to enter the draw.
    Jo x

  61. Awwwww Bernie in the snow - what a gorgeous picture Brenda, Love it! Hugs to you all xx

  62. These photos really make me smile. Dogs just always appear happy, dont they? Gorgeous dogs Brenda, they must be spoilt rotten. Thank you for the chance to win too. Lee xx

  63. Fantastic pictures! I love the snow, our dog Benji loves catching snow balls :-)
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  64. Funny pictures! Hope, you had a good time!

  65. What beautiful dogs and great pictures. I love seeing George and Daisy with so much enthusiasm for the snow. Thanks for the chance to win great paper and ribbon. Happy crafting :)

  66. Hi ya
    aww now they look like they are having a fabulous time, lucky if we see an inch here! lol, sue,x

  67. aww lovely pics..great fun.. thanks for the chance xx

  68. Hello Brenda,

    I had the worst week ever with no internet!! Its back now 1 wk earlier than planned and its heaven so am trying to catch up with everyone.

    Ive had a wonderful mooch over your beautiful makes and your reminiscing too which was lovely to read. Super card of the snowy scene with the Daddy and his gun and I always was very intrigued to hear how you got on at the craft show in your chair as I know I need to use the electric ones if I ever venture to a show. Im glad there were some lovely people who treated you civilly when you were in it as I have had awful experiences in the past. I always thought us crafting gals would be super helpful but have to admit to being a little nervous about trying it out though!

    I love your Peace rose, it is simply stunning and I also enjoyed the trip to Loopy to view how she makes them. I look forward to having a play myself!

    Gorgeous makes as always Brenda!

    Keryn x

    ps oh how could I have forgotten, simply the most fabulous images of your 2 dogs having a play in the snow! Ball hanging one side of his mouth and tongue out of the other! lol! x

  69. Hi Brenda, those pictures are great, I live in a city where it hardly ever snows... Beautiful dogs by the way!
    Thanks for the chance to win
    Greetings from Spain

  70. Your dogs are GORGEOUS!! Looks like they had so much fun playing in the snow! We don't get snow very often here, but when we do, our dogs just love it too!!

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  71. What a wonderful time they are having. Its 32degrees here and I have only ever seen snow once....

  72. Your dogs are beautiful. My dog ​​also likes to play with snow.

  73. What a lovely giveaway and such cute dogs!


  74. Not here for the ribbon, I just wanted to say how beautiful your photographs are :o)
    Jackie xx

  75. AH.. love those photos. Snow can be a lot of funn :-)
    Hope you are feeling better, Brenda.

    What a lovely give away.

  76. oh Hun love those pictures of them having fun in the snow,wonderful give away Hun and would love to be in with chance to win that beautiful ribbon,hugs Cheryl xxxxx

  77. This photo's are just so adorable, love them. Thanks for giving us the chance to win
    Lindsay xx

  78. thanks for this chance to win.

  79. Fabulous photos. Our dogs love playing in the snow too except we have not had any to speak of this year so far!

    Janet xx

  80. Oh Brenda the dogs certainly look as if they enjoyed the snow, weve not had such deep snow here but Im sure Missy would enjoy it just as much, she loves eating it.
    Thank you for the chance of winning such gorgeous candy. hugs Shirleyxxx

  81. Fabulous pictures!
    You have guite as much snow as we here;-))m

  82. Brenda, your dogs are wonderful! I just adore huge dogs! )))
    But I'm tired of our Russian dark winter :((( and looking forward to spring!!!
    Thank you for the chance.

  83. Looks like the dogs were really enjoying themselves. Love the picture of your St Bernhard! He must really like it in the cold and the snow.
    Thanks for the chance to win those lovely soft-coloured papers and gorgeous ribbons.

  84. Oh my goodness, what brilliant doggy fun in the snow ... I love your pics and dogs. My little dog Jojo always ends up with little snowballs attached to his long fur bless him.
    Please add me for your gorgeous scrummy draw too.
    have a lovely day
    hugs June x

  85. Wonderful dogs! Thanks for the chance!

  86. i love your pics.... i live in north east of england and havents seen hardly any snow what so ever... and all 4 of my dogs love the snow.... they where so funny last year... but they missed out this year... would love a chance to win your goodies...

  87. Hi B. this is a really gorgeous post - love the ball pickie so cute they all are....
    And also love the card below and cannot imagine what it would be like to go shopping for such stash!! once about four years ago went to a craft show and was blown away with things there... they do happen here but too far mostly to travel for me - we are such a big country - you did very well being wheelchair bound to hinder you - how hard that must be for you..
    It is great you can still craft in a chair pray those fingers stay nimble for many a long year to give us much pleasure as well as your dear self. God bless, Shaz in Oz.x
    PS did get a lovely big order from Stampscapes - most have ever done and felt bad - but will enjoy them. Love yours below too...but not those ones yet .. maybe one day...

  88. wow B. I have just had a really weird thing happen when I tried to leave account above they said they needed to send a verification code to my mobile as unusual activity on my account - kind made me wonder as have thought have had an awful lot of page views on my account lately and dont count mine - a puzzle - anyway did not loose my comment and hope it stays that way) so that was a relief. My my friend backs up her blog in case it gets lost makes you wonder, God bless Shaz.xx

  89. aw your dogs are super adorable! Big luvvable goofballs they seem!

    And wow lots of snow for sure! Total opposite here, all hot and humid!

    Wanna play swapsies? hehehe

  90. Awww your dogs are so cute and they sure seem to be having a great time ha ha :) xx

  91. Would you believe you got more snow in one go in Cambridgeshire than we've had so far this winter in Michigan! Although that's about to change tonight! I didn't know you had a St Bernard or two, thought you had Goldens? I remember the puppies from a year or two back! I love to see the doggies play in the snow, such unabashed joy.


  92. I love your dogs! I have two Australian Shepherds who I love to pieces.

  93. I used to have a dog that loved snow... they are so cute playing with snow!!!! Great pics, thanks for the chance!

  94. Lovely dogs you have, Brenda! :)

