
Saturday 18 February 2012

Crocuses in bloom

Hello all, it's Free and Easy week three at Allsorts and my lovely teamie Fleur is in charge this week.

Our sponsor is Ruth from A Passion for Stamps so it gives me the perfect opportunity to use her lovely new crocus image.

Crocuses along with snowdrops always herald the promise of Spring, although there's not a sight of them coming through here in the Fens yet, the snow probably sent them back underground, but hopefully soon they will soon be showing their pretty faces.

For the top card I printed on to Fabriano watercolour card and coloured in with my new Derwent watercolours. I masked a sun and lightly dusted Adirondack butterscotch using a Inkylicious ink duster...........I'm a newbie to these but think I am going to get a real liking for them and have more makes to share shortly............then sponged some rays of sun coming down onto the crocuses. The shapes were all created using the new Go Create die set that seemed to fall into my basket at Stamperama last week, I just love the shape and have been on the lookout for an arch for ages, so was one really happy bunny when I spied them on the rack.

For my second card using the same image I printed onto Copic cardstock and coloured with Copics. The background DP is Magnolia, some lace, a seam binding bow a button and bakers twine.................does anyone know why it's called that ?

Before I go I need to let you know who Mr Randon Org., picked our of the hat to win my little giveaway earlier this week and I am pleased to say it's Caroline.........................I'm not sure if we know each other Caroline and no idea where you are in the world, but it's always lovely to meet someone new, so please mail me with your full postal addy.

Thanks for popping by and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Hi dear
    beautiful cards... beutiful colors too, a bit of spring in these cold days!! =) I like both, but I really love the shaped one!!! so smart and original...
    warm hug

  2. Two fabulous cards the image and both beautifully coloured.
    Have a great week end


  3. Two gorgeous cards, it's amazing how different one image can look in different settings :o)
    Jackie xx

  4. really beautful cards..
    hugs kelly

  5. Your cards are stunning Brenda, the lavender/green palette is so warm, and the lace at the bottom is wonderful.

  6. Stunning cards Brenda, I really love the top one with the sun's rays, it's beautiful x

  7. Beautiful cards Brenda. I love the arch shape on the first. I've never seen a card like this, but I like it. It reminds me of a church steeple.

  8. Beautiful cards Brenda, just what you need to see on a dull, wet, dreary day in Yorkshire.
    Jo x

  9. oh wow Brenda these are just so so beautiful cards,the arch shape is so effective,love them to bits,bless you Hun for the lovely message you left on my blog really appreciated so much hugs Cherylxxxx

  10. Stunning card, Brenda! I love it.

  11. what beautiful cards Brenda, love them!
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amelia (mimi)

  12. Hi Brenda, hope you're keeping well, we already have the yellow ones in our garden and they look sooo pretty! Both your cards are very fresh, love them. Take care. Ruby x

  13. Oh I love the pretty arched window shape card! great flowers and love the sunrays!

    Loving the lacey purple and green too, lovely!

  14. Amazing creations, Brenda! I love the yellow crocuses card layout so much! Getting ready for spring! :)))

  15. oh wow these are both gorgeous Brenda - i love all spring flowers. I love how you did the sun rays in the top card
    Lisa x

  16. Stunning cards Brenda with stunning designs using Ruth's beautiful crocus image. If I ever get myself organised I would love to use one of Ruth's images again, but I keep forgetting which week is which!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  17. Gorgeous cards hun especially love the shape of the first one.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  18. Hi Brenda wow two fabulous cards I love the sun rays on the first and the colours of the second. Have a fab weekend
    Hugs Laurie x

  19. Beautiful colouring of the flowers. Its amazing how different the same image can appear by just changing the colouring and the card designs.

  20. Great cards Brenda, hope you are doing ok this week!! I went to Kew Gardens this morning and the snowdrops and crocuses are out and looking good - the daffodils are in leaf but nowhere near budding yet - so it's on the way!

  21. Beautiful and stunning cards Brenda. And congratulations to Caroline too. Lee x

  22. just hopped over from allsorts to say how much i love you cards. beautiful images and such clean designs. thanks for sharing. x

  23. Gorgeous cards, Brenda! Love how you have used the arches. Some slipped into my basket at Once upon a Stamp today - I went for the smaller ones. Your Dusting looks fabulous. Can't wait to see your next creations too.

  24. Wow, both cards are so pretty! Especially love the shape of the first one and the colors and image you used are great! Hugs, Hanneke

  25. Wow, these are some beautiful cards. TFS.

  26. Stunning cards! I love the sunshine effect. xx

  27. Simply stunning Brenda...!

    have a lovely weekend hun...big hugs Vicky xx

  28. O wow Brenda, these are stunning, so elegant, and that lace on the second card is really beautiful, love it xxx

  29. These are both gorgeous Brenda. Love crocuses. I don't think we have any in our garden yet but we have a few snowdrops. We don't seem to have the sort of garden that suits snowdrops. There are great clumps of them growing wild near us but in our garden they only grow in small amounts! Love that arch shape, makes a great Easter card with the crocuses.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  30. Just so very pretty B.
    BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

  31. Stunning cards Brenda, love them both.
    Wendy xx

  32. Beautiful card B
    Love the shape of the first one - perfect :o)
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend .
    Debs xx

  33. Love this cards Brenda! I planted crocusses in my garden yesterday. Love them very much :)

  34. Such beautiful creations Brenda - gorgeous! My crocuses are just showing their true beauty at the mo - love them!Cheers Claire x

  35. Both really gorgeous cards, I love the sun and the gingham ribbon on the first one and the colours on the second one are fab
    Lindsay xx

  36. Hi Brenda, I love crocus and I have some out at the moment they look so pretty in the dark earth. Stunning cards love. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  37. These are just gorgeous, being more of a lavender gal I prefer the second one.
    Lynn x

  38. beautiful cards...I just love crocus... the spring is on it's way *L*

  39. There's so much imagery for Easter in your first card & I love that layering of the ribbon & how it echoes the layering of the arches. As for the second - just glorious colours & such a lovely touch with the lace hanging down like a little curtain across the bottom third of a window like you sometimes see in the countryside (or I'm very old fashioned but it jogged some memories for me).
    I just love crocus images.
    Paula (PEP)

  40. Yor flower cards are beautiful! I miss the spring!

  41. Such a nice and lovely card! I really love the flowers ! ♥ Joined the challenge, good one DT!

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    Adly's Art

  42. Ah crocus, lovely sign of Spring, no sign of them here yet despite the mild winter. My Witch Hazel has been flowering for ages though. Really love that arch die.


  43. Lovely cards! I love the shape of the more unusual card! :D

    Have a great weekend!

  44. Two really pretty cards! You've done a fab job! xx
