
Monday 9 January 2012

More samples, CHA & TV on the horizon

Good Morning peeps, I hope you had a good weekend. Nothing too exciting to report from this end, it was mainly crafting and cooking and all the usual mundane things we have to deal with. Hubby spent hours outside trying to mend the tractor that we use to pull the mucking out trailer, but so far not a single spark of life, so looks like a new one might be on the cards and they don't some cheap.

I know some of you have been asking and itching to know what I decided about the big CHA trade show. Well, much as I would love to go and it would be a real honour to demo there and I was of course thrilled to be invited, I figure a ten hour flight for someone who is terrified of flying and is supposed to be taking life calmly means it's not really an option. 

But there are still my local demos and workshops to keep my hand in, plus I have been asked if I would do some TV work, I'm still thinking on that one but will be sure to get back to you when I have made up my mind and let you know when and where !! I guess I sound a bit of a fussy mare, but none of these things come without some degree of stress and if I overdo things, it's my family who are left picking up the pieces......and me !

Well, enough gabble, time to share a few more samples I made for Stamp Addicts using their lovely new floral stamps, along with the new sentiments. Click on the link and then follow the button to the New section.

The top card has been made very simply with nesties, dies DP and one of the Birthday sentiments as the main image.

The second card has a background created by blobbing...............I did say the other day this was a very special technical term............Pearl Acrylic Dabber onto a piece of cardstock and when dry rubbing TH distress ink over, in this case I used tea dye and vintage photo. I then stamped the main flower image with archival black ink. The little disk is the same flower stamped onto a circle of shrink plastic.

Before I go, thank you to everyone who left their thoughts on my post yesterday, I will be contacting Royal Mail again this week and share any feedback I receive.


  1. love these cards Brenda, Lots of swirls and lovely flowers, like the mini version of the florals on the second card. hugs heidi x

  2. Lovely and beautiful Brenda. The first one have stolen my heart.
    Lovely greet

  3. Hi Brenda, beautiful cards once again. Look afterself, your health comes first...take care which evrer you decide! Ruby x

  4. Oh 2 lovely cards, very nice creations !

  5. Очень красивенько!!!

  6. 2 very gorgeous cards!! Loving the colour combo, particularly loving the first one, so very stylish! HUgs Juls

  7. Stunning! The colour combo on the top card is so striking!! Lucky you, having a choice of venues!! :). Hope Eddy gets that tractor moving! Ruth x

  8. Two wonderful cards. I love the elegance of the first one and the corner stamping is lovely. I love the distressing on the second and the music paper is great.
    Nikki x

  9. Hi Brenda
    Happy New Year to you. I'm back blogging, I have looked at your blog many times inbetween, lots of gorgeous makes,as ever.
    About the flights and tv stuff ,totally fab, but like you I really need a calm and stress free life or things go a bit wrong.

  10. Hi Brenda, stess is not a happy bed fellow with MS, and I can understand your reluctance to do TV work but you must decide for yourself and dont let us influence you, your work is stunning and these cards are simply gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxx

  11. This is a stunning and so elegant looking card. i love the colours
    x catherine

  12. Stunning cards Brenda, love the top one, it's perfect in every way. Sounds like you have had lots of exciting offers - CHA and TV work, lucky you, so lovely to be asked even if you decide it's not for you xxx

  13. Wow,Brenda,these cards are fabulous!The the flower and stamp in the corner on the first one!Lovely!
    The swirls look awsome on the second one!Great!
    Both cards is wonderful!
    Have a great evening!

    Hugs,Kari :)

  14. you're in good company here when it comes to the feeling about flying =).
    I think it's great that your work is properly appreciated, be proud whether you decide to do it or not. Hugs!

  15. These are so gorgeous and elegant! Love them!

  16. Love the colours of both these but the first is my favourite. Of first & foremost importance is that you keep as well as possible - stress is not good at all & tends to do things to our bodies we cannot anticipate. Just take care of yourself.
    Paula (PEP)

  17. Two lovely cards, but the first one is my fav, stunning!
    Lynn x

  18. Awesome cards, good luck in what you decide !!

  19. Stunning cards Brenda, looking forward to these being released.Congrats on being asked to CHA and possible TV work.I know exactly where you're coming from.The heart says yes but the body rebels.You do whatever feels right to you dearie.Love Debbie x

  20. Two beautiful cards Brenda,I love how elegant they are....I would love to see you on T.V,but as you say such a big decision...Thank you so much for your lovely comment,it means a lot...
    Mandy x

  21. oh wow Brenda - i love that top card - the colours are so striking
    Lisa x

  22. Hi Brenda, Beautiful cards! Wow congratulations on being asked to demo at the CHA and the possibility of some TV work ... you need to do what feels right for you but you must feel very proud to have been asked.

    Lisa x

  23. Wow, very stylish card! Love the rich cilors and that flower stamp is beautiful. Hugs, Hanneke

  24. Beautiful cards Brenda. I think the first one is my favourite, it's so elegant.

    What a shame your health won't allow you to take up the offer to demo at CHA, I'm sure the would love your work in the US. Would be great to see you on TV though. Failing that we're very lucky to be able to see your lovely work on your blog.

    Good luck with Royal Mail by the way,I think like all large companies they can be very slippery! Did you get my long waffly comment yesterday? It's not there now so I just wondered as the one that's there might not make sense to you without the original comment. When I had the carry on with Catriona's parcel that came back to me I mentioned it to one of our local posties and she said she had a carry on with a parcel one time and she couldn't get anywhere with them. And she worked for RM!!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  25. I visit your blog every other day or so and most of the time just enjoy looking at the beautiful cards you make. and be inspired.. But know I'm verry sorry to hear that you cann't follow up on such a splendid invitation... I live too far away of you to see you in action anywhere, but would look forward to watch you on Tv! (All if your health would give you the oppertunity ofcause) Greetings and keep yourself as healthy as you can! Gerrina

  26. I loveeeee both cards...
    Its a great feeling to be asked for these things. But you have to consider your health of course. I hope you have found the way for you to go about and be happy with what you do and choose for you.
    I always say be carefull with yourself, since there's only one of you!!!
    Love and kisses from Holland

  27. Two beautiful cards, Brenda! I love them both. That flower on the first one is gorgeous - please stop tempting me! I can totally understand your reasoning behind the American trip, Brenda, and I am sure you will decide what is best for you regarding the TV, although if you did do it, you know I would be leaping around the room shouting That's my friend Brenda! On the other hand, I am lucky enough to be able to come and see you at Sir stampalot x

  28. beaut cards ms Brenda, I love the rolled flower and the yellow and black!!!

  29. So pretty. I'd have to say that for someone who does not fly a 10 hr flight across the pond doesn't sound like a great idea. I've got an Aunt who is terrified to fly, she's in her late 80's and has flown 2 times in her life, both emergencies. I'm just happy that I can see your gorgeous work on your blog! Stay well,

  30. Beautiful creations. Loving the vintage feel to the easel creation.

  31. Gorgeous cards Brenda, my fave is the first one.

  32. Fabulous work, your attention to detail and composition is staggering am well and truly gobsmacked with your beautiful work !


  33. These cards are really beautiful Brenda. Lee x
