
Monday 31 October 2011

Off to climb Everest

Well I'm not, but one of our Son's and his girlfriend are, so I thought I would make them a card to wish them good luck on their journey.

They are flying out to Delhi this week via Dubai, then moving on to Agra to see the wonderful Taj Mahal...........that's one still on my wish list and I have told them I want a text picture from that famous seat synonymous with the picture of Princess Diana. Then they fly up to Kathmandu and the trek to Everest Base Camp.

One of my friends asked why my kids don't do normal things like visiting the Lake District.........good question !

The  card above follows a very similar design to the Everest one and is one of my samples from the Demo day at Stampalot on Saturday which was a really fun day and as I suspected I met lots of new and familiar faces.......a big thank you to everyone who came and helped make it such a great day.

The stamp.....only the one repeat stamped, on the Everest card is Stampscapes and very simple brayering and sponging with Adirondack dye inks. The sentiment which is computer generated is a quote from Sir Edmund Hilary and I thought so apt as our son and his girlfriend are professional photographers..........they met at Uni doing the same course.

My second card uses Art Impression stamps, a hand drawn fence and again simple brayering. The sentiment is Penny Black 3227K Hope.

Thanks for stopping by, I really do appreciate all your visits and kind words.


  1. Wishing your son and his girlfriend a happy and safe & successful trip. Love the cards you made!

  2. I love the calm colours and feel of these cards. The one with the stag is exquisite and the personal background to the other makes it very special..they are both gorgeous!
    Glad you enjoyed your weekend.Hope the travelling pair have a great time! Ruth x

  3. Hi Wow what a beautiful idea for them. I think they are right to have wonderful adventures !! Beautiful work and amazing sentiment ! Kitty ;0)

  4. Two magnificent cards and beautiful words. Good luck to your son and his girlfriend :o)
    Jackie xx

  5. Just wonderful and I love the quote you used, so much attention to detail - fantastic.

  6. Wow what beautiful. So still, stylish and elegant, both of them.
    And what a trip will your son and his girlfriend make. I wish them a beautiful and savety trip.
    Lovely greet Marja

  7. Brilliant cards Brenda. I love the top one and the quotation made me laugh!
    Best wishes to your son and his girlfriend - what an amazing thing for them to do.
    Hugs, Clare xx

  8. Gorgeous cards B. Wow what an adventure for your sun and his girlfriend, I wish them every success & hope to see some pics.
    Lovely to see you on Sat.
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  9. loved both your cards,they are so apt for the occasion,hope your son and his girl friend have a safe trip :)

  10. Beautiful Brenda, I really love your snowy scene cards! Pami x

  11. Hi there B. a really lovely and thought provoking card - my wee blog is one year old tomorrow, thanks for your kindness in early days, Shaz. in oz.x

  12. Both brilliant cards wishing your son and girl friend a very safe trip Luv Sue x

  13. Two beautifully, gorgeous, unusual cards Brenda, bob on!!
    Hugs Jacee

  14. Stunning cards Brenda! It sounds like another successful day at Stampalot!

    Good luck to your son and his beau! Im sure they will have the time of their lives!
    Although I know you will worry somewhat about them - being a Mum who's just so relieved that her eldest is just home from a trip to the Borneo Jungle!!

    Keryn x

  15. its great that the kids can travel like that, wish them good luck!. The cards are really beautiful, love all the detail in them!!!

  16. Two fantastic card and beautiful words....I wish them all the luck travelling.


  17. Both are delightful & i particularly like your snowy backgrounds. The Everest is a lovely thoughtful card too.
    Paula (PEP)

  18. How exciting for your son Brenda and what a wonderful adventure.
    Gorgeous cards too, such lovely inking and brayering.
    I'm really sorry about Abbey too as I managed to miss your post about your sad loss.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx

  19. Two gorgeous cards, Brenda. I love them. I am hoping I will get the chance to get my brayer out again soon - work is such an interruption to my crafting!

  20. Love the card you have made for your son and his girlfriend. How wonderful to be taking a trip like this - I wish them a safe and pleasant journey - look forward to seeing some photos. It was lovely to see you on Saturday, I'll definitely have to get my brayer out! Take care, Linda x

  21. Gorgeous cards. will look forward to hearing about your son and girlfriends trip. Sounds very exciting. Envy those who got to take the class on Sat.

  22. Both are stunning Brenda. Oh how I would've love to see you crafting.

  23. Two perfectly beautiful card. What an amazing experience for them

  24. These are both absolutely stunning cards
    Lindsay xx

  25. Two stunning cards - love the cool blues. Climbing Mount Everest ... what a feat. I can empathise with the question ... my son flies microlights which are not much better than a go-cart with wings and doesn't seem to know the meaning of fear! Elizabeth, a proud but scared mother, x

  26. Two amazing cards. What an exciting holiday that will certainly be something to remember.

  27. Oh my this was to beautiful cards - I so love them!

    *Hugs, Inger*
