
Saturday 29 October 2011

Christmas easel and a little bit sad

I am preparing this post Friday evening after a really rotten day, we lost Abbey the eldest family lab, so the whole household is pretty miserable as you can imagine. She's been poorly for a while with a tumour at the fore of her head, but jogging along with medications. But this morning she was very poorly and we knew the time had come. The vet was really lovely and came out within half an hour so she died in her own sitting room in familiar surroundings, but it's still so so hard to accept.

So I will tell you very quickly about this weeks theme at Allsorts, where my lovely teami Emma wants us to make a Christmas Easel card...............did she play into my hand or what. I thought the easel novelty might have worn off by now, but oh no, I am still totally addicted........does it show just a tad most weeks ?

I have used some of this scrummy 25th December DP from Kaiser and made the card shape using Grand Nesties 23. The image is Magenta 43032L which I stamped with versafine sepia, embossed with detail clear and coloured with Aquamarkers. The poinsettia is another appearance of my new Spellbinders Christmas die set.

Hope you have a good weekend and thanks for dropping by.


  1. I am really sorry that you lost your dog, great card! best wishes - M.

  2. Hi Brenda,
    I know exactly how you feel hun - I felt the same when I lost my GSD! It's been four years now but it still hurts just as much. Hope you're ok!
    Gorgeous card too hun, great layout and fab colours.
    Dawn xx

  3. Oh, poor Brenda, so sorry to hear about your dog. - yesterday was a hard day for us too as it was Mum's funeral. On a lighter note, your card is just gorgeous!! Hope you manage to enjoy the weekend.

  4. Я сожалею о вашей потере. Красивая открытка.

  5. Brenda so sorry to hear your sad news, I know only too well the sadness in losing our dear furry friends.

    Love the card, I have to have those nesties now!


  6. I am so sorry to hear this news Brenda....big hugs sent to you and your family.

    What a lovely Christmas card you have created. Love the little banner holding card open.

  7. hiya sweetie
    sorry to hear this bad news sweetie
    but at least she has no pain now
    a dog is lit your child, the lost most be horrible hunni, take a time to give it a good place in your heart sweetie
    your card is gorgeous hunni
    all the best to you and your family sweetie
    hugs angelique

  8. So so soory to hear about Abbey.It's true what they say about dogs becoming like one of the family.
    Your card is stunning!! All the elements and colours work so well together.
    Hope you manage to enjoy your day demoing..
    Ruth x

  9. I am so sorry to hear of your very sad loss, sending {{{{{hugs}}}}}
    Your card is absolutely gorgeous, great shape :o)
    Jackie xx

  10. Oh Brenda I am so sorry for your loss. It is like loosing a family member. Lots of hugs. Anesha

  11. I am so sorry for your loss Brenda . I know how you must be feeling.
    I apologise if i do not visit your blog much over the next few weeks.
    My life has been completely turned upside down and i dont feel much like crafting or blogging.
    LOve to you and your family at this time
    Take care
    Lisa x

  12. Brenda I am so sorry to hear about your loss and I know exactly how you are feeling people who dont have dogs just dont understand....
    YOur card is the shape and the image


  13. Sorry to hear of your loss and thinking of you all at this time.

    Card is fabby, Luv Sam x

  14. So sorry to hear that you lost your furry friend.
    I know how hard it is.

    Card is great!
    I love shape of it.

  15. Sorry to hear your news - but good that it could be taken care of so swiftly. I love the way you have used your poinsettia dies & how they echo the actual card shape - especially with your matting.
    Paula (PEP)

  16. Oh my so sorry to heaar about your news. That is so very sad. I have 2 pooches so i know how rough this is for you!!!!
    Your card is stunning and you did an excellent job on it!!!!!!

  17. Hi Brenda, so sorry to hear the sad news, I've no dogs only goldfish...but i hope you can rmemeber the good times you had with your labrador, I know people say they're the 'best companion', comforting hugs sent your way! Delightful card, gorgeous. Ruby x

  18. so sorry to hear about your lab.We do love our animals so very much don't we. Luckily they leave us with such wonderful memories. Love the card and the shape (one of my fave nestabilities) hugs to you all, Heidi x

  19. Oh Brenda, Im so so sorry to hear about your beloved dog Abbey. We get so attached to our pets and it is upsetting to lose one. I hope you are all ok. Your card is beautiful and I love the shape too. Lee x

  20. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear your sad news :-( I absolutely love your card, beautiful card design xxx

  21. My heart is with you in your loss. The feelings are stunning in their intensity when one of our beloved pets pass. Good bye dear Abby, love and hugs to you and all of your family. eileen

  22. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Brenda, our pets really are family members(though I think the look upon us as the pets)
    Your card is beautiful, I love the muted colours and the music strip stopper x

  23. Absolutely stunning Brenda.


  24. I am realy sorry to hear about your dog - they do become a part of the family. Nice card - with a realy nice poinsettia :)

  25. So sorry about your doggy! We don't know what we would do without our Shepard mix, Percy.
    Beautiful card!

  26. So sorry to hear this news Brenda, I know how you feel as we have lost two of our beautiful pets this year, I know Abbey would have had a wonderful life with you but I know its not easy, she was part of the family, try to remember the happy time you have had with her, my heart goes out to you my friend.
    Hugs Jacee

  27. Oh Brenda I'm so sad to hear about Abbey. I can hardly see my screen just now for tears. It's nearly a year since we lost Maddy but these 2 rascals we got after we lost her help a lot. I'm sure your other dogs will be feeling just as sad as you and your family. I know Maddy was sad when we lost Lucy a year and a half ago!

    On a brighter note your card is stunning. I haven't done an easel card for ages but your card makes me want to make one. I was inspired to buy the poinsettia die and I've cut one out but I've still to use it!

    Think of all the good times with Abbey, I'm sure like all Labs she was a lovely affectionate girl. Take care.

    Kat xx

  28. A stunning easel card. It was so lovely to see you today and give you a hug in person. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day. We saw a red kite on the journey home which finished off a fabulous day xxx

  29. Sorry for your loss, know what your going through. Your card is beautiful!!!

  30. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dog! They are such a big part of our families! I lost my Springer last Christmas and miss her everyday! Your card is just lovely and I can understand your addiction!
    Crafty Hugs,

  31. So sorry to hear about this sad news. I'm not sure if this can be said in English but I'll risk: incredibly beautiful card!

  32. Dear Brenda, I'm so sorry for your loss. Those darlings aren't just pets they are family members to the fullest.

    Your Christmas easel card is magnificent! I just love it.
    Hugs, Outi

  33. Am so sorry to hear about Abbey Brenda. It's so awful when they go. A friend of mine has just her cat who has been with her for 19 years, she is in pieces. Thinking of you.

    You card is just gorgeous.
    Pami x

  34. I'm really sorry to hear your news.
    Your card is gorgeous. I love the shape and the poinsettia is fabulous.
    Nikki x

  35. I am so sorry about Abby, Brenda. It is so hard to have to let them go but sometimes you just know it is better for them. My parents just had to put down their Minnie too (she was a dachsund). I hope you never grow out of easel cards because you do them so beautifully :)

  36. So sorry about the dog. We are down to only 1 dog, we lost the older one this winter. Its a hard thing.

    Your poinsettias are beautiful.

  37. So sorry about your loyal friend :( It's so hard to lose a pet, the only comfort is in knowing you gave them a wonderful home and happy life. Love your stunning card :)

  38. Oh that is sad news. I know how hard it is to lose one of your four footed babies. You're blessed, though, to have a Vet who makes house calls. How marvelous that she could go at home with her loved ones. Thinking of you,

  39. Sorry to hear that sad news.
    Your card is fabulous as always;-))m

  40. I'm so sorry to read your sad news, Brenda. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a furry friend, but you will have many wonderful memories to make you smile again.

    You card is stunning


  41. So sorry to hear your sad news Brenda it must be so difficult for you at the moment. It was lovely to see you over on my blog and I hope your eyes are behaving themselves.
    I love your card it's so classy.
    Hugs xxx

  42. Brenda, I am so sorry to hear about your dog. It's really hard to swallow because they are part of the family.

    Your easel card is beautiful. I'm addicted to them as well Lol

    hugs sally x

    (ps..I have candy up for grabs)

  43. Hi Brenda - so sorry to hear about Abbey, thinking of you all ! ...and what's with Royal Mail...your samples are beautiful, very disappointing they never made it for the show - let's hope they turn up soon, I purposefully didn't try any brayered cards with the trees as you are the brayering queen !! Take care, Esther xx

  44. This is a truly beautiful card. So sorry to read your sad news. thinking of you and your family at this sad time. x

  45. Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. We have Black Lab and I know they are just the sweetest most loving dogs. My heart broke for you when I read this post.

    On the bright side, your card is extraordinary!

    Amy E.

  46. so sad... :-( I'm so sorry... I know exactly what means to loose your best friend - my dog is still alive in my memories and sometimes I cant's belive he isn't wiht us for 6 years already :-(. Warm wishes and hugs for all your family.

  47. Hi What an awful sad time. It is so heartbreaking best to just remember the funny wee things about them when your feeling sad !! Wow I adore this shape and every little detail is so perfect ! Always inspired ! Kitty ;0)

  48. So very sorry to read about Abbey such a sad week-end for you all. You'll find the great store of memories you have will keep her with you.

    Your card is beautiful all that wonderful warm Christmas red love it. XOXO Zoe

  49. So sorry about your dog, always so sad when you lose a member of the family.

    Lovely card, thanks for the inspiration

    debs x

  50. Karteczka jest wspaniała i bardzo pięknie wykonana.

  51. I'm really sorry for this pain. I have a dog too and I just
    we know he has a tumor that can not be cured ... I can only imagine that
    evil is losing a pet.
    A hug and congratulations for this card is really beautiful.
    excuse my English is not perfect...

  52. Brenda I'm so sorry for your loss, it is so hard to bear. Our beautiful gentle greyhound had to be put down three weeks ago, he had a spinal cord infection that didn't respond to treatment. I still expect him to be lying in his usual place at the foot of the stairs. You know you did the right thing by Abbey but sometimes doing the right thing just sucks, doesn't it. you're in my thoughts

  53. So sorry for your loss, love the card, the papers you have chosen is fantastic and I love the design
    Lindsay xx

  54. hi brenda, i'm sorry to hear of the loss of your furry family member. i remember the sadness when we lost our 17 year old family dog. as always, your easel card is beautiful and i did get the poinsettia die after seeing your previous card. :)

  55. Your card is absolutely stunning! Love it! I've only made one easel card so far, but I know making one for the Allsorts challenge is going to be fun (time permitting). Sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Being a cat lover myself, I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a dear furry friend.

  56. Sorry to hear about your lost... :(

    Card is amazing!

  57. So sorry to hear about your loss ... Abbey was clearly a much loved pet that will be sorely missed. Elizabeth x
