
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Recycling candy

Hello again peeps, I'm back as promised.

Now this is not strictly candy, more of a redistribution of an excess of crafty goodies. The benefits of working for different craft outlets/companies over many years is that you get an awful lot of products to work with, but when those companies cease trading or change direction and don't want the items back, you are left with more goodies than you could ever use. Then there are those items you just 'had' to buy but never use...........we are all guilty of that one I know.

So last weekend I had a long overdue clear out of my craft room and the spare bedrooms I was spilling into and decided I had be be firm with myself and put to one side all those items I knew I would not use and those of which I had duplicates.

The above picture represents just some of those items and I would love to give them away to anyone who does not mind receiving stamps that have been inked one or twice or part sets of stamps, part used reels of ribbon along with other items some of which may not be brand new. I realise some peeps won't like the idea of receiving 'second hand' goodies and I quite understand, but if you know of someone who would benefit, then please let them know.

I figure the fairest way to deal with this is to pick one recipient from each 100 entries as they come in and share the goodies between those names and announce all on 23rd October.......but please do not enter more than once just to up the numbers, only your first entry will count. Here's what you need to do.....................

1) Be a that stays, not just a candy hunter.

2) Post the above picture on your sidebar with a link back here to help spread the word.

3) Leave your name with Mr Linky below.

Closing time is midnight on 22nd October. Please note, although I will post anywhere, delivery to some parts of the world are subject to Customs regulations and local postal services over which I have no control.


  1. wow wow wow xxx would love a part of you stash to play with xxx

  2. How does the saying go!!! One man's trash, is another man's treasure!!!LOL!! Could never say no to crafty goodies whetehr they have been used or not!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!! Hugsxx

  3. Gorgeous candy! I don´t mind if the things are used. I´d love to win any of these craftsupplies! :)
    Have a great week!

  4. This looks awesome; I don't mind stamps are being used. Thank you for this chance!!
    xxx Marianne MW

  5. Wow, this candy is amazing.
    I've been a follower for a long time.

    Hugs, Durvina

  6. Hi Brenda, well done for sorting out your stash, I hate starting things like that as half way through you always wonder why on earth did I start!! This is very generous of you to give it away, I am sure it will make someone very happy! Pam x

  7. cool. For me beginning it is simple a treasure

  8. At me on October, 25th birthday. It will be possible my gift. I would be madly glad!!!!!!

  9. WOOOW!!! Beautiful candy! Thanks for the chance to win! Here in Hungary it is very hard and expensive to buy so beautiful things!!! Maybe, now it will be easier!!! :-)))

  10. Wow this items are so gorgeous..I would love to win some and I don't mind that the stamps are being used.

  11. Wowowowowow!what a candy! I clicked open the photo and ... OMG this is so exciting!
    THANK YOU for your kindness!
    Hugs Celia.

  12. Minha linda!!! E coo eu gostaria de ter as suas sobras, seriam bem vindas e muito usadas! Obrigada mais uma vez pela oportunidade!
    CaroL Moreno

  13. Morning Brenda,
    Trying to catch up whilst the time stealing imp is still pinching minutes if not hours! I've disembowelled a cupboard so my newly acquired Big Shot can have a dedicated space in my craft room! The local Charity Shop gained some stuffed toys etc..... which I really am too old for these days & the mountain of Dell scrap metal & paperwork I had has been relegated to the attic for my husband to take care of the next time he orders a skip.
    Take care & thanks again.
    Paula (PEP)

  14. More awesome candy!
    Thanks for your generous Brenda!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I can't beleive it is possible to win this amount of goodies! fantastic!

  16. I bet you found lots of goodies you forgot you had Brenda! I know I do when I have a cleanout! And what a lovely gesture to pass them onto someone else to enjoy :)

  17. Oh what a great candy... of course i don't mind if you use any of those goodies... and thanks for all your great creations that you are sharing them with us... greetings from Slovenia...bye bye

  18. i love recycling...i make most projects using upcycled material :)
    will love to win this candy of course

  19. Wow!! How generous of you! I wish i had so much excess crafting goodies lol Thanks for a chance to enter , I have added your fab candy to my sidebar :)
    Fiona L x

  20. Hi Brenda!

    Thank you so much for the chance to win such a great candy!


  21. UOOOH! Thats IS a candy! omg! I'm totally in favour of the redistribution of crafty goodies! :) Thank you so much for the chance to win!
    Greetings from Spain.

  22. Well what a lovely idea, and without in any way disparaging your gorgeous stash, the saying one man's trash is another one's treasure is so true. I have a roomful of lovely stash but when I visit crafty friends they always seem to have better/more desirable things lol! Thanks for choosing to do this generous candy

  23. Hi Brenda, I think it's a great idea to recycle stash you don't have a use for ... thought about doing something similar on occasions when the stash threatens to take over the craft space :) Brought up with a strong 'make do and mend' ethos I really enjoy recycling anyway so would love the opportunity to win your candy. Trust you are keeping well. Elizabeth x

  24. WOW... I really don´t mind to win used things :)
    Thanks for your generosity! I hope to win it!!!

    Your pic is my sidebar.

  25. Hi Brenda, well done for sorting out all your stash!!
    I would absolutely love to win this!!:) After having a flood and then fire (the electrics went on fire because the place was soaked!!) I have hardly any stash at my new house, so this would give my stash a much needed boost :)
    Thanks so much for the chance to win, you are so generous!
    Hope you are well.
    Hugs Lora xx

  26. Hi Brenda,
    That looks a very exciting gathering of goodies! Thank you for the chance to win some. I will put the details on my blog.
    Hugs, Clare x

  27. How kind of you to share your stash and thank you for the chance - looks amazing - you are a very lucky lady!
    Best wishes, Sharon

  28. Wow .. your stock is really great .. this is very good .. lol.
    Really do not often buy and use, follies of artisans.

    Thanks for the chance to win.


  29. Hi Brenda, look at all those fab goodies ready to go to good homes! I wouldn't mind any second hand craft stash...lucky lady to be given some by great companies. Thanks for a chance! Ruby x

  30. What a lovely idea, have posted a link in my sidebar to let everyone know about your lovely blog and your very generous candy!

    Sadie xx

  31. That looks so yummy, wow, who cares if it was inked-up, or a piece missing or whatever, lol, your excess will be my treasure!!!
    Thanks for being so generous, also , lol, for parting with some of the stuff.....hehehe, quite difficult, but just think of all the joy you will be bringing, ok, letme go and browse again, seen soooooooooooo many gorjuss goodies, argh, they all are!!
    Have one super day and lotsa luv

  32. Hello Brenda,
    I love recycling and second hand, I hope I´ll win ;-)
    Best wishes,

  33. Hi Brenda,
    Secondhand is GOOD - recycling for us fans even better :-)
    This is wonderful and anyone would be barmy not to want a share of this.
    Thank you for the chance


  34. I never mind second hand crafting thingies! Wish there was a library for borrowing it LOL

  35. Recycling is good, recycling crafty stuff is even better! :) Thanks for chance!

  36. Фантастическая конфетка !
    Это ж целое богатство!!!
    Бренда , вы очень щедрый человек , спасибо !
    С удовольствием испытаю судьбу , может повезет?!

  37. Oh, you are so lucky to get craft supplies from work... And so kind to share them with your followers :)) Thanks!

  38. Hi Brenda, Amazingly generous and clever idea. Hey crafty goodies are crafty goodies at the end of the day.Well done you for having a clear out - note to self (sort out crafty cupboard)...Thanks for the chance to win dearie.You are very good to us all.Love Debbie x

  39. What a candy, Brenda! Godd for you clearing your room out, someone(s) will be very happy to get any of this ,Ruth x

  40. Great Idea, would love to win. I am a follower.
    Eva :0)
    I have a giveaway on my blog

  41. Hi Brenda! thanks again for the opportunity to participate for such an important prize! It took the link to my blog!
    Have a nice week!

  42. This is very sweet of you to pass out candy or share the love.... are you going to break it up into pieces and groups and share or just one lucky winner???? Regardless I think it is amazing and I love following your blog. I find it hard to believe no one would want to stay a follower and follow your work!

  43. Thank you very much for your generosity every month. Would love to get my hands on some of the stuff I can see in your candy pic.

  44. wow such an amazing giveaway thank you for the chance to win...already a follower and i posted to my blog...good luck fingers are crossed


  45. I really like your Candys aand your blog, ofcourse. Greets :)

  46. What great candy!! I certainly don't mind used items. What a generous lady you are.

  47. cool idea! any crafting supplies are great! what one person can't use, the next one can...and your craft room get's cleaned in the process!!! :)
    thanks for the chance :)

  48. Hi Brenda! I'm in the process of having a clear out myself - and I challenged myself to actually USE my stash & not buy new stuff at the beginning of the year - I'm doing quite well with only a 'few' exceptions! ;) Hope you are keeping well. jenny x

  49. Wowww, what a beautiful recycling Candy. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

    Hugs Astrid.

  50. It's so big and fantastic suprise, thank you for a chance to win!!

  51. Wow! Thank you so much for this chance! I could only dream about some of this things)))

  52. Witaj , ale cudowne candy dziękuję za szansę wygrania:) Pozdrawiam z Polski Wanda

  53. przydałyby się nam takie pomoce...
    Pozdrawiamy :)

  54. I am speechless... I gave up on my chaces to win candies long time ago and don't participate any more. But I can't ignore this one. Thank you for such an awsome candy

  55. Oh,Brenda!
    I must say that here in my town is inpossible to buy some decent scrapbook esentials so I would be more then thankfull for any cind of scrapbook stash.
    Even if the stamps were used 100 times or ink is half dry or papers are half cutt out...
    And I'm sure that there are lot of girls out there having same problem as I do.
    So thank you for this amazing chance!
    Will keep my fingers crossed.

  56. how much stuff ... although I still believe that recycling is a good opportunity for people like me can not spend so much money in shopping.quindi thank you thank you very much for this opportunity

  57. I still :)))) dreaming !!!!!:))) xoxo Iza-belka PS I have never won a candy:((

  58. Aaaaa!!! I want!!!)))) Thank you so much for the chance to win such a great candy!

  59. Thanks for the generosity.

    Beccy x

  60. Aww B..your so generous..i could only dream of owning that much stuff!!..thanks for the chance to win :0)..hugs Debs x

  61. thanx a lot for this gorgeous candy!

    i just posted it on my blog in my candy-bar!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  62. There are soooooo many goodies!!!! Just the sight of them is awesome! :)

  63. I;ll be glad to follow this candy and this blog-page. Hope, you'll be my friend to ))

  64. Hi; I'm a long-term follower who gets inspiration here regularly. Yet I never won any candy so i keep trying from time to time!

    La Vikinga

  65. Hi Brenda
    Thanks for the opportunity!!
    Maria Luisa

  66. What a lot of lovely stuff you have acquired Brenda. Thanks so much for the chance to share it.
    Hugs Lisax

  67. Oi, sou seguidora já faz um tempo. Adoro seu blog.
    E os mimos estão lindos!

  68. wow brenda, thank you for your generosity. Any stash to play with is a bonus!! Congrats on being firm enough to part with it :0)

  69. I posted your treasures on my sidebar, Thanks for the chance!

  70. No problems here with recycling! Not only better for the plant, but also better for your budget! I must say the materials on the photo look great! Thanks for giving us a chance and kep up the nice inspiration you giv us! Greetz, Gerrina

  71. OH WOW; what amazing candy! I love to go in the hunt of used crafting goodies(because of the good deal). You are such a sweetie for offering this candy and a strong woman to be able to part with these goodies! Thanks for the chance to win:)


  72. OH MY GIDDY AUNT BRENDA!!!! Thats more stuff than I have in my whole room!!! My goodness. I couldnt believe when I opened up your page and saw that photo. I certainly have no problem with inked stamps or half rolls of ribbon. Thank you so much Brenda. It must have been a joy to work with so many craft and outlet companies. I could never imagine being given so many craft items. Good luck everyone. And thanks again Brenda, youre a star and a very generous lady as always. Lee xx

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. what a GREAT candy!!!
    I'm already a follower.

  75. Hi Brenda,
    I love recycling and second hand. Thank you for the new chance to win.


  76. What a lovely candy!! And this is so kind of you to give away your goodies!! I never mind about second hand scrap goodies coz I leave in small town and some items not sold here and I only dream about them :) Some times I buy some used scrap items on ebay even with so costly postage I'm glad I got them!
    Svetlana xx

  77. What a lovely candy!! And this is so kind of you to give away your goodies!! I never mind about second hand scrap goodies coz I leave in small town and some items not sold here and I only dream about them :) Some times I buy some used scrap items on ebay even with so costly postage I'm glad I got them!
    Svetlana xx

  78. Recycling is good :)
    Recycling crafty stuff is even better!

  79. WoW!
    That as a huge recycling candy!
    I saw so many things I'd love to own. And you are just giving it away to one of us.
    So generous!

  80. Beautiful candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. Thank you so much for the chance to win such a great candy!

  82. Thankyou so much for the chance to win some of your amazing stash! x

  83. What a great idea, all that stuff would be new to us :) I've been a follower for a while. I posted about your giveaway on my sidebar. thanks for the chance :)

  84. Thank you so much for the awesome chance! I certainly don't mind some new to me stamps, so sweet of you! I already follow you and added to my sidebar. :)

  85. awesome candy dear...i posted on my blog's side bar..thank for shearing.

  86. Hallo! Freut mich, Ihre Bekanntschaft zu machen, ziehen Sie ein paar Ideen, tun Sie nichts dagegen? Ein Bonbon-Traum für einen Anfänger wie mich:) Vielen Dank für Ihre Großzügigkeit und die Chance zu gewinnen!

  87. это настоящие богатства,мне такие и не снились.Спасибо за шанс

  88. Really generous candy offer and thanks so much for sharing it. I've been a follower for ages and will be pleased to add the pic to my sidebar.
    Lv JoZarty x

  89. On October 26 it will be the 17th year that me and my husband are in love!! This would be the perfect gift (for myself, yeah!).

    Thanks for the opportunity to win such beautiful things, I'd buy each, if I could!

  90. Hola: Quiero reciclar, fantastica me parecio su idea.
    Muchas gracias por la oportunidad.

  91. what's a good idea for us! THANKS a lot for a chance (more then one again). you are so kind for us, thanks again!

  92. Oh do I want to win??? Yes yes yes!!
    That would be like to be a kid on christmas.
    Thanks for for the opportunity.
    Hugs from Marina

  93. Wow what an amazing stash Brenda, thanks for the chance of winning this lovely candy xx

  94. WOW! would be happy and a small piece of the pie! It can really bring happiness to all! Thank you!

  95. So many goodies!!! I hope so much to be a winner!!! Thank you!!!

  96. What a gracious offering here! Previously loved and broken in is how most of my things are anyway, so why should craft supplies be any different? You are very generous! Thanks!

  97. Oh wow...what an amazing collection of goodies Brenda...thanks so much for the chance to win and try out something new.

  98. Omg, that is an amazing pile of goodies! I can't believe you're giving it all away, you are so kind. I really hope I am lucky enough to get a tiny piece of it all. Thank you for the opportunity!

  99. Wow! goodylicious. :D
    If you used them because you love them i love them too. Thank you for this chance.

  100. Hi What a super idea I love trying anything out as love crafting so much !! So many products to try out !! Thankyou for the opportunity !
    Kitty ;0)

  101. You are so super generous Brenda, what an awesome way to spread the craft love!

  102. That is quite the clean up!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  103. How could anyone object? It'll all be new to us! Besides it would be the perfect thing to take to my card sessions and let them loose! Thanks for the chance,

  104. All I can say is WOW!!!!! Unbelievable blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I have posted to my blog

  105. thanks for the chance to win!! im a follower.

  106. Hi Brenda!!
    Wow wow wow!! This is super nice of you to share these lovely goodies with us! Thanks for a chance :) I have been following work for longer than i remember and totally adore your every piece created!
    If i do win this candy and sure i can share it with at least 1 more crafty friend here in India :D It is huge!!


  107. been following you for a while now.... i would love recycled candy... thanks for a chance to win....

  108. Hi! Thanks for the chance. I don't mind, ;) It's great! Everything on there looks so amazing. X Anita

  109. How lovely of you and how exciting for us to have the opportunity - thank you x

  110. hiya sweetie
    what a gorgeous recycline candy
    i don't mind that's used sweetie
    we all have to do this sometime, i think
    thank you sweetie for the chance
    it's already linked hunni
    hugs angelique

  111. Hi, Brenda! That's a great idea! If I win a candy, I'd be extremely happy!
    Thanks for the chance

  112. Hola Brenda gracias por la oportunidad de ganar este caramelo, pero no puedo ponerme en la lista con el sr link, pues no me deja entrar, un saludo Magdalena

  113. What an amazing stash you must have if this is the extra!! WOW!! Thanks so much for the chance!! I posted your link and pic on the blog candy page of my blog.

    amyis300 AT hotmail DOT com

  114. It is a remarkable sweet. And it is unimportant what not new stamps. Many beginners need materials and they aren't excited that with a material not the new. I live I will be rather poor therefore is glad всему.thanks for chance!

  115. Amazing recycline candy. Great. Thank you to give a chance to win.

  116. This candy is amazing! Thank you for the chance to win this recycling candy. I think, it's a wonderful idea.

  117. Brenda, wow, what a gorgeous site you have. Have just discovered you having hopped onto my friend Loops site. I am loving your background. The chance to win candy is fab, as I am newbie to this (only started in May). I am off to have a look at the rest of your wonderful gallery. Hugs Lisa x

  118. My birthday is 25th October... Wow, It would be a great gift!!! :)

  119. Woow remarkable recycline candy!
    Thanks for the chance.

  120. Hello from Russia!
    Such a wonderful and generous candy.
    Beautiful blog.
    Thanks for a chance.

  121. Amazing candy. Thanks for another chance to win :) Hugs, Aluna

  122. Wow!!! Nice candy!!! Thank you for the new chance to win.

  123. Awsome candy and great idea, give away things that you don't use anymore and another person will absolutely love it, like me! =D
    Thank's for the chance to win. =)



  124. Hi,

    I add the URL wrong in Mr. Linky, I don't know how to change it because I put your blog instead of mine. =/
    My blog is:

  125. Thanks for the chance to win! My birthday is 23th October аnd my number in Mr Linky 230...I will trust in good luck!!!:))

  126. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

  127. This is absolutely gorgeous!!! 26 of October is a special day for me - My Mum's anniversary! This day is lucky for me, thank you for a stunning candy!

  128. WOW, that is so kool, totally love the recycling idea and don't mind at all getting used stuff... thank u so much for the chance to win. :)
    Claudai W.

  129. My goodness hun, you're a total sweethear for giving people the chance to win these goodies. Thank you! Hugs!

  130. Amazing candy....thanks for the chance...:)

  131. Oh, wow! Thanks for the chance to win those things. I really don't mind if they are used... I would certainly use them with pleasure!

  132. awesome giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!

  133. WOW what wonderfull goodies! thanks for the chance to win some of your lovely stash x

  134. Your candy is so amazing! There are no most of these goodies in my town, therefore thank you for a chance to receive such wonderful scrap-treasures.

  135. Oh how lovely, I don't mind pre-loved stash! I'm off to update your link on my sidebar.
    Donna :-)

  136. oh my... this is just awesome!!! I would die if I won some of these amazing goodies! ;)
    Thank you sooooo much for a chance to win!
    Hugs, Marit.

  137. Hi Brenda,
    Look at all that yummy scrap supplies you have to give away... U're super kind.
    Looks awesome!!!Especially for those who do not get to buy such stuff locally. I f I win it.. i can sure share with so many people here in India who drool/dream about these supplies (as they aint available in our country).

    thanks for the chance to win....

  138. We don't mind to have that out of a second, third or wathever number of hand as long as we can get our hands on that awesome staff, and we prefer things that have a story to tell!!! we really, really, really want to win! In Argentina we don't have that kind of staff!!!
    Thank you for the chance, we will be dreaming of winning till ends of october!!! (we hope you can understand our inglish)

  139. thanks for the chance!!! Amazing candy!

  140. Hi Brenda,
    What a great idea "recycling candy" love it, unfortunately i don't have a blog but just wanted to say good luck to everyone...
    Hugz Kath...xx...

  141. Вкусная ваша конфетка,Бренда, спасибо!

  142. Love this candy! Thank you.

  143. Бренда! это просто невероятно!! столько всего!! у вас настолько широкая душа!!! спасибо вам! у вас потрясающий сайт и удивительно красивые работы!!

  144. Thanks for the chance -- I have been a follower for quite some time. :)

    Happy creating,

  145. Wow!! I am not too proud for recycled!! I would be in scrapping heaven with that much loot! Thanks for the chance!

  146. Oh Brenda, that would be fantastic to win this stash of goodness. Thank you for the chance to win. Hugs Nataliya

  147. Wow!! I am not too proud for recycled goodies!!Could never say no to this lovely stash used or not!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!
    Blessings Bernie

  148. Wow! that reminds me of passing down clothes to my little sisters,,, :)I'm a new follower cause i loved your pretty unique cards. And also tanks for the chance to win! God Bless

  149. Wow! My scrapbook room says it would like these recycled goodies! I posted your candy on my sidebar. Thanks!

  150. Yessssssssssss... I'm here

  151. Delite please № 302. its misteks

  152. What a lovely thoughtful idea for candy. Thanks for the chance to won.
    I've visited your site severwl times but am now an official follower (thought i was before but pbviously the blogger gremlims were upmto no good!)

  153. Dear Brenda,

    I posted your great giveaways in my blogsite.
    You've got so much to give, and the items you're giving are hard to find here in Zamboanga City. I hope I'll win. Thanks for sharing.

    Venus Fortuna

  154. Здравствуйте,конфетка просто огромнейшая!!!

  155. What a lovely goodies! i hope i win some :)

  156. Cudowne, wspaniałe Candy !!!
    Pozdrawiam Kaśka

  157. Cudowne, wspaniałe Candy !!!
    Pozdrawiam Kaśka

  158. My goodness Brenda - this is quite a load of goodies! How sweet of you to offer all of us such yummy goodies! I for one love "leftovers" or hand-me-downs :) I am a already a follower of your sweet blog and try to visit as often as I can.

  159. this is dream!!! thanks for the chance to win this treasure

  160. this is dream!!! thanks for the chance to win this treasure

  161. I feel blessed for this chance. Used or new does not matter to me since I get so little supplies in India, and absolutely no stamps or inks or good glues, it only remains a dream to get stuff like this unless someone steps in with a candy so sweet :) Thanks for the hope to win and all the best to all!!

  162. awesome candy, thank you for the chance to win. Love the vintage feel of your blog.

  163. I don´t mind if the things are used...this is an amazing candy...thanks for this chance!!!

  164. What an amazing amount of candy you are giving away- it matters not that it is used or otherwise. I have just become a follower as I really enjoyed looking through your previous posts and look forward to what you have in store for the days ahead.
    Trish x

  165. Fantastyczne candy, ogromna ilość chętnych ale może się uda, warto próbować, pozdrawiam serdecznie:)

  166. hello friend
    I will follow Italy
    what a fine organization that you did for your beautiful blog candy!
    thanks for letting me participate

  167. Great idea Brenda, many many thanks :-)

  168. Hello dear! Lovely, lovely and lovely idea! Marvelous candy which could help so many people! I've posted this on my sidebar, by date. Thanks, dear, for your generous soul! God bless! :D Rachel

  169. what a wonderful candy! sure will take part!

  170. What a lovely candy!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  171. What a great way to renew your stock :)
    Thanks a lot :)

    Meital D
    (I can't reply with my own user, I don't know why..)

  172. Hello Brenda :))) I have been following you and almost missed this???? Sheesh am I happy to be here now!!! Recycling is such a great idea!!!! Thanks for the chance and off to add you to my candy bar :))


    PS* I have some candy up for grabs too at Creations LaDiva :) Hope to see you there !

  173. Brenda this is absolutely awesome candy - and VERY generous of you :) I'm keeping my fingers very tightly crossed ;)

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Carol x

  174. I'm seriously into recycling so this months prize is right up my street, lol!


  175. Hi!
    This is a wonderful candy! thanks so much!
    your blog is grate!
    esti.nikha (

  176. Wow you sure are a generous person!!!!!I will post this on my blog and I am already a follower!!!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win this!!!!!! Awesome candy!!!!!

  177. Hi there Brenda, Ooo, yummies again - thanks so much and pray you are both on mend over there - as usual I am late in finding your new candy your old one is still on my sidebar - off to change it! Shaz in oz.x

  178. Я не видела таких огромных конфет..облизываюсь...

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. Brenda, what a great idea - recycling and redistribution to what I'm sure will be loving homes!

    Hope you're feeling a bit better after your trip


  181. Just start scrapbooking, just found you blog and love you works with all my heart. Thanks for the chance.

  182. wow. thanks for chance to discover you blog.
    Your candy is huge! xD

  183. Wonderful Candy ^^!!! Thanks for the chance! :)

  184. Brenda what a very beautiful and great Candy, I love your creations and will thank you for this chance. I will put your picture in my sidebar.
    Lovely greet

  185. Wonderful Candy, thank you for chance to win it!

  186. Wonderful Candy, thank you for chance to win it!

  187. What a huge candy !!!! Thank you for a chance ! :)

  188. I love visiting your blog because it's so inspirational.Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy.

  189. Wow :) Thanks for the giveaway :) Hoping to win :)

  190. OMGosh wow!! What an amazing lot of stash!! Thanks so much for the chance to win some of it! lol!! Adding it to my blog now! :D

    xx Tracey xx

  191. I just did this same thing! This is amazing! Thank you for the chance to win! :)

  192. I'd be happy to work with these materials! Even if this is second hand!
