
Thursday 29 September 2011

A little bit Autumn

Good Morning peeps, a mega quick post before that thing called work takes hold of my day.

This week seems to be rolling by all too quickly and it does not seem possible that tomorrow is Freebie Friday again at Sir Stampalot. If you sign up to Smudges their newsletter, you will get advance notification what you can grab for free this week.

We have had a couple of days of beautiful weather and the colours of Autumn are appearing day by day and looking absolutely stunning against a backdrop of sunshine, so I thought a couple of shares taking on those rich colours.

The top one is using Penny Black 3817K Tigress, stamped onto a background created with acrylic paints and vaseline, if you've not used this technique it's brill. Paint on a darker colour first (you can dry with a heat gun), then dab the vaseline where you want to reveal that colour after painting on your lighter colours, when that's dry (don't use a heat gun here as it will melt the vaseline) then rub away the vaseline and it reveals the under colour paint. The DP is appropriately October Afternoon and the roses were made using a Marianne die.

My second share is this beautiful Stampendous stamp SSC1123 Fairy Queen, stamped onto a brayered background and coloured with Copics. The DP is as above.


  1. Love your autumnal coloured cards, Brenda! Have a good day.

  2. Hi, Brenda. You cards, as always, are amazing! My fav is the first one! LOve the colors on the second!
    Hugs, Natalie

  3. Бренда , в ваших работах чувствуется осеннее настроение ...немного грустное , но цвета теплые и радуют глаз.

  4. gorgeous cards!! Love the first one it is so elegant, I love the combo of the embossing and your fabulous spiral roses!! Hugs juls

  5. Hello Brenda. As always, you make the most wonderful cards. So beautiful and I love the fab colours you choose. Cant choose a favourite. Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xxx

  6. Fabulous cards Brenda!
    Hugs, Clare x

  7. I very much like cards. Beautiful self-made roses!

  8. These are stunning Brenda, i love these colours so much, our trees are looking similar now too, although there is still a lot of green in the back garden, so strange! hugs heidi x

  9. 2 gorgeous cards Brenda. I especially love the first one. I must try that technique
    hugs sarah x

  10. Magic cards! Roses are magnificent!

  11. Fantastic cards! Beautiful layout and beautiful colours.

  12. these are so beautiful i really love the 1st one xx

  13. Wow Brenda those cards are truly beautiful, love the layouts and fabulous colour choices. hugs Shirleyxxx

  14. Gorgeous Brenda, think I like the first one best, I love the flowers! Pami x

  15. I really like your cards! That first one would be my favorite...

  16. Your cards are both so pretty. Love the images and the embossed papers in the background. Your colouring is so nicely done.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  17. Hi Brenda, these are beautiful cards. Love the colours and the embossed papers. So pretty. I love the top one the most and the hand made flowers are divine. Hugs lisa x

  18. These are both beautiful - I love autumn tones, especially the first one with all the wonderful texture too :)

  19. wow gorgeous Autumnal cards- i love the flowers in that top one.. so pretty and what a fab nestie frame
    Lisa x

  20. Two totally stunning cards!!
    Denise xx

  21. The cards are really gorgeous!!!!

  22. I liked very much second card. Love the design and the stamp is so utterly gorgeous! and especially love the colour choice on this gorgeous creation! Absolutely superbly executed card!

  23. Two fabulous cards, love the colours;-))m

  24. Gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the flowers on both your cards. Really always. Lee x

  25. Loving your colours here Brenda. Thanks for sharing that technique, must try to remember it! The first card is my favourite, love that image and the flowers are beautiful too.

    We've had some lovely days here too but sometimes a definite chill in the air in the morning. I'm missing it all of course as I'm working all the time. Today was the worst because it's normally my day off and also the quietest day in the Post Office. So I've been pretty bored and my arm has been really sore. Dogs have Halti collars now but I think my left arm has been pulled once too often!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  26. Two real beauties, Brenda! Gorgeous colours!

  27. Oh, I love both of your cards!

  28. Stunning cards Brenda, love the colours and details x

  29. HI Brenda, wow hun these cards are just stunning .Love all the techniques you used!! Hugs, Frea

  30. Tigress is rather apt for the colours too - just love those deep rich browns with your coppers, golds & oranges plus white. amazing how the whites really make the whole really 'pop' & especially taht background.
    Your rolled flowers pick up the oranges & whites beautifully too.
    Your brayered background for the fiary is glorious & I love how this demonstrates the subtleness that ensues when using creams with oranges. Your 3 flowers really echo those around the base of her dress beautifully.
    Paula (PEP)

  31. Beautiful cards! Esp liked the first one!The tangerine and chocolate mix...

  32. Two super cards Brenda, love the colours in the first - vaseline - sounds like a technique for a blog girls class!
    Enjoy the weekend
    Hugs Laurie x

  33. Pretty, pretty, pretty! The colors are so gorgeous.

  34. Two gorgeous cards Brenda.

  35. Thanks for the reminder about that vaseline technique. I may just have to try that this weekend. So love those little roses you have created too Brenda. These are both wonderful cards.

  36. Beautiful cards Brenda, such fabulous work!
    Hugs Jacee

  37. what a great card
    wonderful colors

  38. Love these, the colours are so rich and warm, really beautiful and elegant xxx

  39. Dear Brenda,
    wau it became however wonderful. Your maps are always so beautiful. Where do you get your ideas from??? Miracle miracle beautifully. I wish you a beautiful weekend with dear humans. All dear Stella

  40. Ooh, they are both lovely! I especially love the flowers and leaves on the first card - are they homemade flowers?


  41. Gorgeous cards Brenda! They both take my breath away! I need to get some more stamps - these look like a good place to start :)

  42. Gorgeous colours, Brenda ... the October Afternoon DP is beautiful. I've tried the vaseline technique with terrific results, just need a reminder like this to do it again. I'm afraid any good weather there was never touched our part of the country ... apart from one exceptional Wednesday last week, we have had almost unremitting rain for days and our patio is flooded! Hope you are keeping well. Elizabeth x

  43. These 2 card are amazing!! I really love the embossing on the first one! Awesome job! :D

    xx Tracey xx

  44. Beautifully! Autumn colors!
